Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2107

Chapter 2107

Chapter 2107 Dad is online

In fact, it is not only Hualian Computer, but also Jiahe Beverage Company is now integrating the market. Jian Libao has become their site. The domestic beverage market almost allows their family and company to directly control or indirectly control it. NS.

Now we are waiting for the integration of all the markets, and we can launch an attack against foreign beverage brands. At that time, we will not be able to drive out all these foreign beverages, but at least we must keep them in one place. Do whatever you want.

Rampant in the domestic market, they need to make them understand which country it is in, and the two cola flooded the Seven Armies.

Haha, this shame, the major brands in the domestic beverage market can be remembered for a lifetime, but now after the integration of home and beverages, they can counterattack in one fell swoop. At that time, the Chinese will only remember the name home and beverage.

Needless to say, Wang Chao of Huaqing Electrical Appliances. During this period of time, he took people to his home country without stopping, just for the Yaohan Shopping Mall. He wanted to bite off a piece of meat from the Yaohan Shopping Mall, and wanted to successfully sell Huaqing Electrical Appliances. His tentacles stretched out abroad.

Not to mention the Changxingju Real Estate Company. Not only a bunch of people gathered in the magic city to discuss the plan of No. 3 land, but also many people went to Xiangjiang to personally inspect the situation of this land, surrounding buildings and transportation, and supporting facilities. The facilities and the like.

The plan will not be able to be finalized until the return of these field visitors, whether it is for real estate development, commercial real estate or office building, or something else.

This all depends on the actual situation.

The entire Changxingju Real Estate Co., Ltd. is like a clockworked watch. The entire company was mobilized after receiving the news of No. 3 Land.

Huahai Automobile Factory is also constantly working hard to adjust the company's development strategy for sales. The current sales volume is not comparable to Santana, but the sales volume is constantly increasing when compared to other brands.

No one of the subsidiaries is idle, and the entire Huaqing Holding Group is in a positive atmosphere.

This is because Jiang Xiaobai didn't say that he lay on his merit book to sleep a long time. How could other people dared to sleep on the merit book.

Traveling outside is relatively hard, but Zhang Weiyi, who is guarded at the headquarters all day, is also not easy. There are a lot of things to deal with every day. In addition to various meetings, he also works late every day to be able to rest. When I get busy, there is no time.

It's not easy for anyone. The whole group is running like a horse-drawn carriage, and Jiang Xiaobai is the one who drives the car. Huaqing Holding Group was created by Jiang Xiaobai, as long as Jiang Xiaobai is still on the carriage. , As long as Jiang Xiaobai was still waving the reins.

Then nothing can stop the carriage of Huaqing Holding Group from advancing. Unless Jiang Xiaobai left one day, or Jiang Xiaobai took the initiative to stop, the carriage would stop.

Jiang Xiaobai This time is relatively easy, the company is developing in an orderly manner, and Zhang Weiyi handles daily affairs.

He was here in the magic city and only participated in some meetings and activities in the city. Basically, he withdrew early and just showed up, but he also helped Zhang Weiyi share a large part of the work.

After all, sometimes these meetings and the like. If Zhang Weiyi attends these meetings, a bunch of leaders, why would he be embarrassed to leave early, but Jiang Xiaobai is different, Jiang Xiaobai is famous, come to participate in various meetings, as long as he shows up. That's fine, I left halfway, no one would say anything, and no one thought Jiang Xiaobai had anything.

This is the function of fame. For Zhang Weiyi, a very troublesome job, Jiang Xiaobai is easier here.

Jiang Xiaobai basically went home to take the children halfway after he left. Sometimes on occasions that were not formal, Jiang Xiaobai took Jiang Xin directly.

Sometimes she even brought Tangtang, which was forced by Song Xin, saying that the two children happened to be playing together. Tangtang was lonely with the old man at home all day long. Besides, she was also making money for Jiang Xiaobai, so He didn't have time to take care of the children. Jiang Xiaobai had the mentality that one sheep is to keep two sheep and to rush, so he just took it with him.

Furthermore, these two children are indeed very close, and the little girl Tangtang is also relatively well-behaved.

Jiang Xiaobai has been in the magic city for half a month, and it is only this half a month that people will know that the little princess of the Huaqing Group.

People's impression of Jiang Xiaobai has always been words such as youth, courage, and decisiveness, but this time it allowed people to see another side of Jiang Xiaobai, the image of a daughter slave, which is incompatible with the impression Jiang Xiaobai had given people in the past. of.

However, there is a silent warmth in Jiang Xiaobai's many harsh adjectives, and this warmth makes Jiang Xiaobai's character more plump.

It turns out that the godfather of business is not just words such as cruel and ruthless, but also a warm side.

But for Jiang Xiaobai, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what adjectives are, whether it is cold, domineering, or loyal.

The size of the Huaqing Holding Group is here, and Jiang Xiaobai doesn't care about other people's eyes at all.

Jiang Xiaobai has been used to taking care of the children in the past two weeks, and has also learned. When it was dark at night, Jiang Xiaobai drove back to the community with his two children.

Song Xin was already waiting downstairs at this time. Although Jiang Xiaobai was not the kind of unreliable person, Jiang Xiaobai was a man after all, and she was still very worried when she went out with two children.

But watching the car stop steadily, after Jiang Xiaobai gently took Tangtang out of the car, Song Xin was relieved.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai's cautious look, Song Xin was very satisfied. You, a dad, should also do your duty. If you really want it, let Jiang Xiaobai take the child with you.

But think about it, this is basically impossible. Jiang Xiaobai is so busy all day that he has no chance to take care of Jiang Xin. How can he take care of Tangtang all day.

Song Xin took the girl from Jiang Xiaobai. She didn't even say any thanks. She just said goodbye and turned around and went home.

Jiang Xiaobai twitched the corners of his mouth. This is really impolite. Without even saying a thank you, Jiang Xiaobai turned to the car and drove home. When he reached the door of his apartment building, Jiang Xiaobai gently hugged the girl. Going upstairs, looking at the girl's sleeping Zhengxiang, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but get up to kiss her daughter.

(End of this chapter)