Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2106

Chapter 2106

Chapter 2106 Missed Opportunity

"Mr. Ye, it's done." Liu Guozheng gritted his teeth and said.

Ye Xiaowen showed a smile on his face. Liu Guozheng didn't look very good, but he was able to survive at the critical moment. As soon as I was about to say a few words of praise, I heard Liu Guozheng continue to say.

"You gamble, you will go bankrupt in a big deal, then you will lend me a sum of money, and I will make a comeback again."

"Puff." Ye Xiaowen just drank a sip of wine in his mouth, and it spewed out, this bastard.

"No, why should I lend you money? You took a risk and succeeded, would you give me some shares?" Ye Xiaowen said silently.

Liu Guozheng shook his head: Of course it's impossible. It's just that we are in this relationship. We are partners, friends and fellow villagers. My daughter and you are classmates.

"Stop, stop." Ye Xiaowen interrupted Liu Guozheng.

"Sihan and I are classmates. In this way, if the Broad Company is finished, I will lend Sihan a certain amount of money so that she can start her own business." Ye Xiaowen said.

"Mr. Ye, can't you be like this? Yuanda is dead. It was because you made a wrong decision. I ran with you. You can't..."

The two people were talking. Suddenly someone knocked on the door and came in. It was the company who called and said there was a sum of money to be paid. Ask Liu Guozheng.

As soon as I walked in, I heard Ye Xiaowen and Liu Guozheng saying that the company was going to die, and the young man's face paled in fright.

Ye Xiaowen was also a little speechless. After dismissing the young man, he watched Liu Guozheng's anger and said, "Look at you, it's so ridiculous. This company is going to expand. If it hasn't expanded yet, you will be said to be bankrupt. NS."

"I, I am not worried." Liu Guozheng was embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, go back to rest quickly, and see the house tomorrow." Ye Xiaowen also blasted Liu Guozheng away. However, in any case, Yuanda now has a unified mindset.

Wu Zuwang listened to him, and Liu Guozheng agreed. As for Shen Baolong, a small shareholder has no right to say, just listen to the decision. This is the case for small shareholders, without human rights.

Early the next morning, Ye Xiaowen started to encircle the capital in Beijing. The receptionist at the reception desk in Beijing was Zhao Guofeng. He received a call from the company in advance and asked him to circle the real estate in Beijing, of various grades. of.

He also worked hard in advance, but just the day before Jiang Xiaobai came, he knew that there was a real estate company under the name of the original boss.

Looking at Ye Xiaowen's young face, Zhao Guofeng really envied him. This big boss is different. It turned out that Ye Xiaowen made beverages, but it turned out that there was a real estate company.

This real estate company is like setting up a head, but this is a real estate company, and it is coming to the capital to enclose it.

This is the capital city. In the past two years, housing prices have risen sharply. A square meter is several thousand yuan, and a house now costs hundreds of thousands.

As a result, they are developing a community. Now he can't even buy a house. They are buying land.

When he was in college, the university also included assignments. As a result, he was not assigned after graduation. He was not in his turn for good jobs, and he didn't want to go to ordinary jobs.

Foreign companies cannot enter, state-owned enterprises are not profitable, and wages are low. Now there are only private enterprises.

He saw that Duoguoli Company recruited the Beijing Office here and applied. This Duoguoli Company is also well-known among private enterprises.

The key is that you are still in the capital, and the salary is not low, so let's do it first, and then change to a suitable job.

He didn't know that Ye Xiaowen also seemed to be young, and he was also a university graduate, so why did he make such a big achievement?

As for myself, my girlfriend said, if you have a house, you will get married, but if you are a foreigner, where do you have a house in the capital? If you count on your salary and wait, I just called home some time ago, and the family said to help and think about it. Method.

But there are hundreds of thousands of houses, and the family can't get it out. I don't know how much money I have to borrow.

But slowly earn it by yourself, let's talk about getting married first.

"This community is considered to be relatively high-end in the capital, Mr. Ye, please here, the house price here can reach more than four thousand yuan..."

"What are the advantages of geographical location? How about surrounding schools and hospitals? What is the transfer price of the floor price here, and how big is the land?" Ye Xiaowen asked as he walked.

Zhao Guofeng was stunned. He wanted to buy a house with his girlfriend, so he paid more attention to it, but he only cared about the price. How did he know other things.

Ye Xiaowen glanced at Zhao Guofeng, but didn't say anything. Originally, he was an office worker.

I also think that he is a college student and want to give him a chance, but since he didn't seize this opportunity, then forget it. This opportunity is reserved for those who are prepared.

If Zhao Guofeng can do these homework in advance, then he can also be cultivated in the future, but Zhao Guofeng does not understand, then there is nothing.

This is not the job of others.

Standing at the door of the real estate company, Ye Xiaowen looked at everyone and said, So let's find out separately, and don't let people doubt our purpose. of."

"Mr. Ye, what are we going to do when we come to Beijing to build and buy other real estate developers' houses? With this effort, let's just buy our own company in the future." Everyone said with a smile.

Ye Xiaowen also nodded, turned around and led Zhao Guofeng towards the inside. This time he came to spy on other people's homes.

Of course, a group of people can't go in.

Ye Xiaowen's clothes are still very good, and a college student Zhao Guofeng is clean and profitable, but when the salesperson sees that Ye Xiaowen and Zhao Guofeng are too young, they don't think they can afford it, so they give them two. The introduction is very perfunctory.

Until Ye Xiaowen took out his mobile phone from his bag and made a call, then put the car key on the table.

It's not that Ye Xiaowen wanted to pretend to be coerced. There was really no way he could do it. He was too young to be able to do it.

The salesperson looked at Ye Xiaowen's mobile phone and the car keys, and he immediately became concerned. Basically, Ye Xiaowen asked what he said.

However, they just know a rough figure. Sales at this time are not as high as those of later generations.

And it's rather chaotic. The salesmen don't pay attention to so much at all. They just talk about the house. As for other information, they don't have any sense of confidentiality, but the key is that they don't know, and there's no way to say it.

(End of this chapter)