Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 173

Chapter 173

Chapter 173 Seven Brothers and Sisters with Different Characteristics

A few people chatted all the way, and at noon they all took the dry food they brought with them from their bags to eat.

There is nothing on the train at this time. I bought cigarettes and melon seeds mineral water.

Three years, let alone, instant noodles have not been introduced into the country yet.

Jiang Xiaobai still brought the scallion pancakes, and as soon as he took it out, it attracted the attention of the whole carriage.

A few people even swallowed secretly. Jiang Xiaobai was not stingy either. The canteen brought a lot of scallion pancakes, and six people in the carriage gave a piece to each.

After eating, the noise in the carriage was reduced.

Jiang Xiaobai finally fell asleep on the bed. When Jiang Xiaobai woke up again, the train was about to enter Longcheng Station.

There are many times more people in Longcheng Railway Station than in Zhang Xuan County. Jiang Xiaobai tightened the bag in his hands.

The hundreds of dollars that brought were all in the inner pocket of the clothes, but some cloth tickets, food tickets, and meat tickets were all in the bag.

This is for the family to use for the New Year. If you lose yourself in the provincial capital, there is no place to change it.

There were no taxis at this time. Jiang Xiaobai could only walk towards the house in the direction he remembered.

"Ting bell, give way, give way." A man riding a self-confident car, his face was flushed with cold, but the expression on his face was very proud.

Half an hour later, Jiang Xiaobai walked into the alley in his memory.

"Ah, isn't this the youngest of the old Jiang family? Didn't you jump in the queue in the countryside? Why did you go home?"

"Jiang's youngest, Xiao Bai, is this kid back?"

Jiang Xiaobai was surrounded by people as soon as he walked into the alley. The folks in the village have been familiar with him for so many years, and everyone can no longer be familiar with it.

Jiang Xiaobai also greeted the neighbors with a smile.

"Uncle Zhang Er, your health is okay."

"Aunt Liu, work is going well recently, is my second brother working?"

"Uncle Wang, you..."

"Quickly, the youngest of the Jiang family is back, so quickly let the child go out and hide, the kid is back again."

"My girl hasn't got off work yet, I have to go to the factory to pick it up, don't let her block her."

Jiang Xiaobai, who was smiling and saying hello, turned dark under his feet.

What does mean? Is Lao Tzu a plague god? What about the love and affection between neighbors and neighbors? It is said that distant relatives are not as good as neighbors.

Is Lao Tzu's reputation so bad?

"Brother Jiang, your third child is back..." Someone began to shout loudly.

Jiang Xiaobai also stopped at his door.

Jiang Xiaobai's family does not live in the factory. It is a small courtyard uploaded by the ancestors. Of course, it is not the kind of courtyard house in Beijing.

is an ordinary yard, with two east and west rooms, one on the front.

"Parents, I'm back, big brother..." Jiang Xiaobai shouted and pushed the door open.

At a glance, she saw Mother Jiang, who was washing vegetables under the water pipe, looking at herself blankly.

"Mom," Jiang Xiaobai cried and walked towards Mother Jiang.

"Kangdang" Mother Jiang's vegetable bowl fell to the ground, and the water in the pipe rushed down and wet Jiang's upper.

"Son, you are back," Mother Jiang said as she walked a few steps quickly, she came to Jiang Xiaobai.

"Come, let mom take a good look at you, my son is thinner and darker..."

Mother Jiang's rough hands, gently stroking Jiang Xiaobai's cheeks, her eyes became red and moist involuntarily.

The mother is worried, the youngest son goes to the remote countryside to jump in the queue, and he doesn't know if he can eat.

In the days when Jiang Xiaobai left, Jiang's mother was always worried, saying that the youngest child was the heart of the parents.

This sentence is correct, regardless of how unlearned Jiang Xiaobai turned out to be, and fighting to cause trouble, but Jiang Xiaobai has always been Jiang's mother's most beloved youngest son.

"I'm fine, mom, I'm in good health, and I'm still fat." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Brother is back."

"Brother, why are you back?" Second sister Jiang Honglan and third sister Jiang Hongxiang saw Jiang Xiaobai when they heard voices coming out of the house.

The two spoke, the second sister Jiang Honglan looked at Jiang Xiaobai's voice not salty or weak, but the third sister Jiang Hongxiang was full of joy.

There are 7 children in Jiang's family, and the family is also very complicated.

The eldest sister is loyal and honest. She is married and treats the younger siblings in the family equally well.

Eldest brother Jiang Zijun looks like Jiang's father and son all day long, gesticulating everyone, like an eldest brother.

I particularly dislike Jiang Xiaobai's temperament, who fights all day long, and will talk about Jiang Xiaobai when he has the opportunity, so the relationship between the two brothers is not very good.

The second sister, Jiang Honglan, is high-spirited and has some self. Jiang's mother is especially uncomfortable with Jiang Xiaobai's preference for this young son.

The third sister, Jiang Hongxiang, has the best temper and has a good relationship with her sisters and brothers in the family.

Second brother Jiang Zijian is a nerd. He doesn't worry about anything except studying all day long, and he has a normal relationship with his brothers and sisters in the family.

And the younger sister Jiang Xiaomei is weird, but the brothers and sisters in the family love her very much.

"Well, second sister, third sister, I'm back." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Go, Xiaobai, follow me into the house, let mom take a good look, this is thinner, is it not enough to eat?"

Jiang's mother took Jiang Xiaobai's hand and said distressedly.

After two steps, he turned around and said.

"Second, you go to inform your eldest sister and eldest brother-in-law, that Xiaobai is back, and ask her to bring her children to dinner together at night, and your dad and your eldest brother, come back early after get off work,"

"Lao San, you go shopping for groceries, cut meat, take all the meat tickets at home, and pick the fattest meat..."

"Mom, that meat ticket is for the family to celebrate the New Year." Second sister Jiang Honglan reluctantly said.

In this era, materials are scarce, and there are some meat tickets and flour waiting to entertain relatives during the New Year.

"If you let you go, go and see how hungry your brother is in the country? Don't feel sorry for your brother. As for entertaining relatives, I will think of a way."

Mother Jiang stared and said, 95% of the Jiang family's affairs are in the hands of Mother Jiang, and Father Jiang will only speak unless it involves major events.

It is like asking Jiang Xiaobai to jump in the line. It was Jiang's father's decision. Jiang's mother couldn't stop him, but within the scope of her own words, Jiang's mother definitely loved the youngest son the most.

"Okay, let's go now." Third sister Jiang Hongxiang pulled her second sister's sleeve.

Honglan snorted, followed Hongxiang away, and did not resist anymore.

Because past experience told her that it was useless to resist. This kind of thing would have no result other than being scolded by Jiang's mother.

Even if the father knew about it, he wouldn't intervene. Father Jiang only took care of the major issues in the family. In such small matters, Father Jiang absolutely respected Mother Jiang's opinions.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at it with a smile and didn't say a word. Mother Jiang wanted to buy meat, so she should buy meat. Anyway, she brought a lot of meat tickets back.

(End of this chapter)