Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 172

Chapter 172

Chapter 172 Homecoming

In the afternoon, Song Weiguo returned with the train ticket for the sleeper carriage.

In the evening, Jiang Xiaobai called several deputy directors to his office.

"I will leave tomorrow. After I leave, Li Laosan is responsible for the daily work of the educated youth cannery, and Song Weiguo is responsible for the joint establishment of the factory..."

Jiang Xiaobai arranged one by one.

"We must hurry up on the joint establishment of factories, and strive to start production within three months to six months. This is another golden egg of ours. We must also hurry up on accounting matters. I don't care what you use. Find a way to find a professional talent as soon as possible..."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Okay," Song Weiguo nodded, he understood Jiang Xiaobai's worry.

"A year ago, we gave workers one catty of meat and two catties of flour for each of them." Jiang Xiaobai said, it is also proper to give workers some benefits during the New Year.

Anyway, the educated youth cannery has only more than 50 people, and it doesn't cost much to distribute welfare.

"Okay, I'll take it down." Li Lao San said. Although Wang Meng is in charge of logistics, but Wang Meng will go home in two days, so the payment of benefits is left to Li Lao San.

"There will be no dividends this year, and everyone knows how much money is on the account. If one person takes three hundred yuan during the Chinese New Year, it is even the half-year salary."

Jiang Xiaobai continued.

A few people nodded one after another, and they had no opinion. The educated youth cannery is not without money now, but the money has been invested. They are all shareholders, so they don't care about the two.

Early the next morning, Jiang Xiaobai packed up his things and set off in the delivery truck.

"Director, you are going home." This bus is just right for Zhang Fugui to drive the delivery. Although Zhang Fugui is the head of the transportation section.

But he is officially the only person under the section chief, and the others are weekend drivers, so he still needs to drive the delivery.

Song Weiguo took a lot of effort to dig this person from other factory directors.

"Well, go home. You run outside at work all day, and you don't have time to go back. Sister-in-law didn't behave me."

Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"No, no, she is too late to be grateful? If it weren't for the director of the factory, you let me come to work in the factory, I don't need to say driving now, I guess the family won't be able to open the pot."

Zhang Fugui repeatedly shook his head and said.

"Don't blame me. I'm wronged. Now that the factory manager is small, I can't hire a driver. You are no different from an ordinary employee. When the factory manager becomes bigger and stronger in two years, you will be in the factory. Li is responsible for the management, and it's enough to arrange the personnel to ship the goods, and there is no need to go out and deliver the goods by themselves."

Jiang Xiaobai said, Zhang Fugui's eyes were red.

"Director, don't say that. If you didn't praise me, I don't need to be a section chief. I can't even be a worker. I'm probably still farming at home. It's pretty good now. Let me manage it. I I can't do it..."

Some people are really born to be leaders. Jiang Xiaobai said in a few words that a big man like Zhang Fugui suddenly turned red, and he felt like a person died for a confidant.

The two chatted all the way to the county seat. Jiang Xiaobai got off the car and walked towards the train station with his bag.

At this time, the train has not increased speed. They are all green leather cars, and trains are also the main means of transportation for people to travel.

The sleeper ticket in Jiang Xiaobai's hand was obtained by Song Weiguo after looking for a relationship.

When checking the ticket, Jiang Xiaobai saw several people carrying large bags and small bags and passing the security check with platform tickets. It was obvious that they were planning to evade the ticket.

In order to save a dollar, fare evasion is nothing. Many people buy platform tickets and go through security checks, then get on the train and stop all the way to the terminal.

The entrance to the carriage couldn't go up at all. Jiang Xiaobai found his carriage, threw his bag in through the window, and then turned in through the window.

It was not only Jiang Xiaobai who turned the window and got into the car. Many of them threw their luggage through the window before climbing in.

Just as Jiang Xiaobai jumped into the car window, he hit the back of his head hard, and when he looked back, he saw a big bag hit his head.

"Get out of the way." A man who was full of breath looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said.

"Are you sick? You're blind, can't you see anyone?" Jiang Xiaobai was also irritated. You threw something and hit me without a word of apology.

Jiang Xiaobai picked up the bag and threw it out.

"Fuck, Nima..." The young man scolded, Jiang Xiaobai was not to be outdone, one of them was outside the car and the other was dry in the car through the window.

A large bag of luggage of the young man, just thrown in, Jiang Xiaobai threw it out again.

You come and I go back and forth a few times, surrounded by a bunch of people watching the excitement.

Young people have great mouths, and Jiang Xiaobai is not bad.

"Boom." The young man threw his luggage in again. Jiang Xiaobai didn't say anything, nor did he throw his luggage out.

The young man saw that Jiang Xiaobai did not move and stopped speaking, and continued to curse.

But at this moment, the young man felt something was wrong, and the train was slowly moving forward.

"Shabi." Jiang Xiaobai sneered.

"Wait, wait, I haven't got on the train yet, wait a minute, I'm in a hurry." The young man slapped the carriage, but the train still drove forward "besides, besides".

"My luggage, you are so capable of throwing it down for me, fucking..." The young man reacted, stimulating Jiang Xiaobai, and wanted Jiang Xiaobai to throw the luggage down for him.

Without a word, Jiang Xiaobai turned around and returned to his bed, and a young man's voice came from behind him.

"Please, help me quickly and throw my luggage down," the young man asked for help from the others.

It's just that no one took care of him. The other passengers were also clear about the cause and effect of this incident. The luggage was thrown on Jiang Xiaobai's head, and they were also in the compartment.

may also be thrown on other people's heads.

If we don't scold you, it's fine. We will help you again. What do you think?

The train drove out of the platform, and the young man's voice was no longer heard, and Jiang Xiaobai's mood was much better.

It takes 6 hours to get from Zhangxuan County to Longcheng, the provincial capital. Jiang Xiaobai wanted to sleep, but the carriage was really noisy.

"Young man, where are you going?" The middle-aged uncle sitting opposite asked.

"Back to Longcheng for the New Year, I am an educated youth home in Longcheng." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Educated youth, are they going to turn back to the countryside? It seems that they will be able to turn back to the countryside after the new year." The middle-aged man said.

"Yeah, time is almost up," Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

Millions of educated youths have spent so many years in the countryside.

The whole youth was delayed. Back in the city, if there is no work, it will disturb public order.

(End of this chapter)