Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 167

Chapter 167

Chapter 167 Ensure handing in

On December 26, Zhang Baofeng borrowed the ox cart from the production team, bought two piglets from the village and raised them in his own pigpen.

Before that, although Zhang Baofeng's pigpen also raised pigs, the pigs belonged to the production team, and he only raised pigs to earn work points.

Many villagers gathered around Zhang Baofeng's house on this day, looking at the two little piglets spreading around in the pigpen, and the people's faces were full of joy.

In this year, Huaxi Village has 1 million yuan in fixed assets and 1 million yuan in bank deposits.

This year, the Lu Guanqiu factory has more than 400 workers, and the annual output value has reached 3 million yuan.

This year the "Bankruptcy Reform Law" was promulgated on the far side of the ocean.

This year, the second anniversary of the founding of Microsoft, Bill, the world's richest man in the future, summoned his courage and gave himself an annual salary of $16,000.

The world's first mobile communication system was opened this year, but many people are not optimistic about this new technology.

And this year, the educated youth cannery is also half a year old. The turnover of that year reached 130,000 yuan and the net profit was 110,000 yuan.

There are 90,000 yuan of funds on the book, and of course there is a foreign debt of 60,000 yuan.

There are about 50 employees in total, and the machinery and equipment are the production lines of the two-day canning factory.

Some workers were recruited in December.

The maximum production volume per month reaches 90,000 bottles of cans.

1978 is over, and the new year has begun.

January 1, 1979, the third day of the twelfth lunar month. At this time, there is no saying that New Year's Day is celebrated in both rural and urban areas.

Jiang Xiaobai, however, specifically ordered Liu to make dumplings for lunch in the cafeteria the first day.

"Director Xiaobai." Li Laosan and Wang Meng knocked on the door and walked in. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's cleaned up and busy in the office, they were a little confused.

At this time, Director Xiaobai should still be asleep.

Why do you wake up so early in the winter?

"Come on, come here, how about this photo?" Jiang Xiaobai waved and said.

Li Laosan and Wang Meng came over and helped Jiang Xiaobai organize the photos together.

The borrowed camera, Jiang Xiaobai, of course, is not just about the land reform, the villagers and educated youth cannery, the workers of the cannery.

Every Jiang Xiaobai did not take less photos, so many photos were washed out.

After choosing the photos, the two people sat down on the sofa.

"On the first day of the new year, I asked the canteen to make dumplings at noon. Later, the third child would also call the children over. I ate it in the canteen at noon, stuffed with pork and green onions."

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you for the factory..." Li Laosan said, in normal times, except for the factory workers and their family members, the cafeteria does not serve meals.

Otherwise, the number of family members of 50 workers who eat can reach hundreds of people is considered to be few.

Lao San Li was interrupted by Jiang Xiaobai before he finished speaking. Although the factory has a system, it can be used flexibly.

Today is the first day of the new year. The situation of the third family of Li is quite special. When his wife passed away, the third child was dragged by him.

In addition, Li Laosan is also the deputy director, so it doesn't matter to make an exception.

"Director, the TV is back, it cost more than 3,000 yuan." Wang Meng said with a painful expression, more than 3,000 yuan.

And it's not just a matter of money. He also collected the industrial coupons used to buy the TV. It was because of favors and relationships. It was hard to get a TV set.

Moreover, this TV set has to be given to the agent. To be honest, Wang Meng feels distressed and don't want it.

"Okay, let's put it in your office first, so are the other bicycles and radios done?" Jiang Xiaobai nodded and asked.

"Well," Wang Meng nodded. These two things are relatively easy to handle. The purchase of bicycle parts directly allows Mr. Wang to save one. Although the radio is not cheap, it is much larger than the TV.

The three of them were talking, Song Weiguo knocked on the door and came in, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with excitement and said.

"The director, director Shi and Chief Liu of the garment factory are here."

"Quickly, please invite them in. They smell it, know that our cafeteria made dumplings today?" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, standing up to welcome him.

"We just came here by smelling it. The food provided by your educated youth cannery is much better than us."

Before Shi Sheng's voice fell, someone appeared at the door of Jiang Xiaobai's office.

After the conference is over, after the various conferences have been conveyed, everyone can understand the spirit of the above.

The leader of the prison system immediately remembered that the first prison had handed in some time ago that it wanted to jointly set up a factory with a township enterprise.

I didn't dare to do it because the attitude above was unclear and unclear. Where do they dare to mess around.

But now after the conference, there are voices of modernization all over the country, and rural industry, commerce, and family sideline businesses are also liberalized.

Moreover, the introduction of various foreign funds during this period requires joint ventures for foreign companies.

This kind of atmosphere can be felt by everyone, so the leaders of the prison system are of course tempted by the joint operation of factories.

And this is also a cooperative model, if it succeeds.

It is not only the clothing factory of the First Prison, but also factories in other prisons.

So immediately, the leaders of the prison system gave instructions on the application submitted by the First Prison Garment Factory. You can try it.

After finishing writing, he wrote eight characters, "Make sure to hand in, and you will be at your own risk." These eight characters were circled in red pen.

Shi Sheng looked at the approved documents and felt very complicated.

Especially when looking at the eight words circled in red pen, "Make sure to hand it in, and you are not responsible for it."

These eight words are also easy to understand, to ensure the normal delivery of the factory, other money earned is also yours, and debts are also yours.

But at this time, the state-owned enterprises can really do it at their arrogance?

"Sit, two brothers, I want to kill you." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and invited Shi Sheng and Liu Section Chief to sit down.

While making tea for the two of them by hand, if he didn't surprise him, it should have been news about the joint factory establishment that he mentioned earlier.

And it should be good news, otherwise, the two people will not come to the educated youth cannery again.

But as to the extent to which the upper authority has delegated power, it remains to be discussed.

(End of this chapter)