Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 168

Chapter 168

Chapter 168 New Year Gifts

Several people did it in Jiang Xiaobai's office.

"Brother, is there any good news?" Jiang Xiaobai asked directly.

"You can't hide anything, brother, yes, the above has an answer to your educated youth cannery and our No. 1 Prison Garment Factory jointly running a factory."

Shi Sheng said, looking at Jiang Xiaobai a little envious, although both of them were factory directors.

Moreover, the First Prison Garment Factory is larger than the educated youth cannery.

But the rights of the two in the factory are completely different.

Since the last time I visited by myself suddenly and proposed a joint venture, it can be seen that Jiang Xiaobai had no preparations at all.

But after Jiang Xiaobai made a deep voice, he proposed the joint establishment of a factory.

And after they left, Li Laosan, Song Weiguo and others visited again and again, and they have been running the joint factory.

I have done a lot of work for the First Prison Garment Factory, not to mention, several deputy factory directors now agree with both hands.

There is no resistance at all to the joint establishment of a factory with an educated youth cannery.

He really saw many things different from the same state-owned factory from the educated youth cannery.

Whether it is the vitality of the workers, or the efficiency and execution of the educated youth cannery.

In just a few minutes, Jiang Xiaobai made a decision, and then the entire educated youth cannery was able to unify opinions and start implementation.

To be honest, this model makes him a little scared, but perhaps it is precisely because of this that the benefit of the educated youth cannery can be so good.

But compare himself, although he is nominally the director of the First Prison Garment Factory, there are still several deputy directors in the factory.

There are also directly under the leadership, but whenever there is something in the factory, it is a meeting, a meeting, and then a meeting.

If you don't have a few meetings for one thing, you can't decide at all.

And it's settled, and it's a good thing to implement. Needless to say, it's not efficient. It's pretty good if you don't pull your hind legs.

Also, for anything that is slightly larger, you need to report for approval.

means to renovate the toilet in the factory. He, the director of the factory, has the right to sign, and all other things need to be reported for decision.

"Haha, on the first day of the new year, my brother is here to give me a gift." Jiang Xiaobai burst into laughter when he heard Shi Sheng confirm his guess.

"Yes, the first day of the new year, a good sign." Shi Sheng shook his head, sending out the useless thoughts in his mind.

No matter what, at least the first step has been taken.

"The above replied that you can try," Shi Sheng continued.

"Really." Jiang Xiaobai slapped the armrest and stood up excitedly. He thought that what was approved above could be discussed.

If the approval can be discussed, then the follow-up cooperation between the two factories, the specific capital contribution and share sharing, still need to be reported above for approval.

Once there is a problem in a certain link, it may be stopped.

However, if the approval is to try, it means that the first prison garment factory and the educated youth cannery can discuss cooperation on their own.

"However, the leader approved eight words to ensure that it is handed in. It is conceited that it is due." Shi Sheng said with a smile

"No problem, don't worry, we jointly set up factories, it is just a matter of how much profit, how can you lose money."

Jiang Xiaobai patted his chest and said nonchalantly, what era is this, the era of planned economy, people's clothes styles are just those.

As long as you make a little improvement, the proper one will be welcomed by the public.

Losing money, if it doesn't exist, state-owned garment factories won't compete with you. If the state allows you to produce as much as possible, the plan will be completed when the country produces it.

Of course, the department store salesperson who sells the goods will not specifically promote the clothes of anyone else. Everyone earns a salary.

What does it have to do with the salesperson if it is sold out, but not sold.

The current domestic market can be said to be completely blank.

As long as your head is a little bit longer, you can make some money by doing everything. It is not just talk about the golden age.

"Well, of course we believe in my brother, otherwise we won't apply for a joint factory." Shi Sheng said with a smile.

He really did not feel that Jiang Xiaobai was talking big, the strength of the educated youth cannery lies here.

"Okay, then, on the first day of the new year today, we are making dumplings in our cafeteria. At noon we will eat and chat, and order a rough frame first."

Jiang Xiaobai said, he did not plan to organize a special negotiation team.

Because of this era, there is no need to be so formal in following. Everyone is used to eating, drinking, and talking together.

"Okay, let's order a rough framework, and then we will have a meeting to study when we go back." Shi Sheng nodded and said.

At noon, in the small private room of the educated youth canteen, there are a few plates of dumplings on the table, and the fragrance is constantly blowing out.

"Dumplings are delicious but not fun, but fun..." Jiang Xiaobai stopped talking. In 1979, it was not suitable to talk about pornography.

"Dumplings are wine, the more you eat, the more you get." Jiang Xiaobai changed his mouth while holding the wine glass.

"Okay, it's done." Everyone toasted.

After three rounds of drinking, Jiang Xiaobai started talking about the joint factory.

"You need to provide the site, raw materials, and manpower. We provide sales, capital, and part of the technology..."

The matter of the venue, due to the particularity of the First Prison Garment Factory, must be next to the First Prison.

The raw materials for clothes, that is, fabrics, also need to be purchased in the name of the First Prison Garment Factory.

"No problem, there is an open space next to the first prison. The workers who build the factory can also use the prisoners. They only need to ask for the guidance of two construction teams..."

Shi Sheng has no objection to these matters, which is also the basis for cooperation between the two parties.

"Well, so we provide 30,000 yuan as the start-up capital of the factory, and we each hold 50% of the shares. We are responsible for the daily management of the factory."

Jiang Xiaobai continued to say that obtaining the management right of the factory is Jiang Xiaobai's bottom line. If he can't get the management right of the factory, then everything is meaningless.

"Thirty thousand yuan, factory management right."

Shi Sheng muttered, although 30,000 yuan is a little bit less, he can accept it.

It's just that the management rights of the factory and the distribution of shares are problematic.

"I can't decide on this, so let's sit down and talk about it in three days."

Shi Sheng thought for a while and said that he also needs to go back to the meeting to unify his thoughts on the clothing factory.

Then talk to Jiang Xiaobai, otherwise, some things will be agreed here, and it will be embarrassing to go back to the factory if there is no way to pass it.

"One day, on January 3, we talked about the New Year. We had an agent conference a year ago, and there was not so much time."

Jiang Xiaobai put up a finger and said that he doesn't have so much time and ink from the clothing factory.

(End of this chapter)