Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1549

Chapter 1549

Chapter 1549 How to make money

"Come, let's go one."

Mou Qizhong was holding the wine glass, while snarling it, he asked casually: "By the way, Xiaobai, when will you return to China?"

"Soon, you can turn around in Moss and you will return home immediately. Zhang Weiyi is in the north for things, and I don't need me." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"The most important thing is the relocation of domestic companies. It is already in October. If you don't pay attention, I don't know when it will be delayed."

"Dong Jiang, do you really want to relocate?" Li Xiaoliu asked.

"Hmm." Jiang Xiaobai nodded affirmatively, looked at Li Xiaoliu and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"I don't, I agree. I also know a little bit about the previous things, although my cousin has problems.

But the mistake is not too big, mainly because the environment is not good..." Li Xiaoliu agreed with the company's relocation. Anyway, after Huaqing Holdings moved from Jianhua Village, it moved away.

The same is true in Longcheng, and the same is true when relocating to other cities.

"Yeah." Jiang Xiaobai nodded. In fact, he understands the thoughts of the company's senior management.

Basically no one will object, because most of them are not in Dragon City.

The relocation of the headquarters does not affect them too much. There is only one home and one beverage factory in Longcheng, but Sun Jianyun, the deputy director of the work, basically has no ability to object.

Whether it is seniority, ability, status, etc., he is much worse.

"Let's talk about it when you return to China." Jiang Xiaobai is reluctant to mention the relocation at this time, and the relocation cannot be said clearly in one sentence or two.

"Now that the satellite launch is successful, what shall we do next?" Mou Qizhong asked when he looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

According to his original character, he doesn't want this. If the satellite is successfully launched, his work will be completed.

As for how to recover the cost of launching this satellite, he will not care.

He is only responsible for doing big things, and the remaining cost recovery or even profitability, then let it go.

However, in the past two days, I was stimulated by Jiang Xiaobai, a nouveau riche. He was stimulated in advance from time to time, which made him somewhat affected and wanted to make money.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Mou Qizhong in surprise, but he didn't expect to hear such words from Mou Qizhong's mouth one day.

"Look at what I am doing, I just ask." Mou Qizhong looked at Jiang Xiaobai's surprised eyes, his old face blushed and said: "After all, this investment is out, and I always have to find a way to make a profit. I want reputation, but I also want money. ."

"Hehe, I didn't say anything." Jiang Xiaobai said narrowly.

"No, do you have any plans in your heart?" Mou Qizhong asked with some irritation.

"Of course there is." Jiang Xiaobai stopped irritating Mou Qizhong and said: "This is not anxious. After the news of our company's successful satellite launch, I believe that customers will come to us if necessary.

After all, our products are satellites, not the daily necessities on the street. The scarcity is the most expensive, and there is no way to sell this kind of business. "

Jiang Xiaobai said, Mou Qizhong nodded, he admitted that Jiang Xiaobai's words were reasonable.

This regards satellites as products and considers profitability. Maybe they are also the first in the world.

There is no way to refer to this kind of business, nor can it be handled in accordance with conventional products.

"What if no one comes to the door?" Mou Qizhong asked.

"No one comes to the door, then we will need to find customers on our own. After all, this satellite has a service life.

It is impossible to wait forever, otherwise, when the satellite's life span is reached, it will all lose money. "Jiang Xiaobai said.

"If you still can't find it, you can only buy a TV station yourself, set up an entertainment company, and operate this satellite by yourself..."

Mou Qizhong didn't want to listen to Jiang Xiaobai's words before he finished speaking, and he directly ignored the last method.

Launched a satellite, this kind of thing is worth doing, but he is not interested in doing entertainment companies for profit.

Don't like to do such troublesome things.

So the best thing is to find a buyer, or resell the satellite, or lease it out.

This kind of quick money is what Mou Qizhong is willing to earn.

"Okay, I see, let's wait until the news goes out." Mou Qizhong said.

A few people didn't drink and chat too much, after all, it was late, and Jiang Xiaobai would go to Moscoe tomorrow.

But before leaving, Mou Qizhong offered to let Jiang Xiaobai return to the capital to stay in the capital for two days and jointly hold a press conference for Huade Satellite Technology Co., Ltd., announcing the successful launch of this satellite.

Jiang Xiaobai has no reason not to agree, because he also needs fame now and needs to show his face in public.

After all, this time is special, he needs to prepare for the relocation of Huaqing Holding Company.

Just when Jiang Xiaobai returned to the house to rest, the lights in Liu Xiaomei's office of Mosco Huahai Automobile Holding Company were still on.

Vaguely speaking, there were still voices in the room, but Liu Xiaomei was the only one in the room, she was not talking to herself.

Instead, he was calling Wang Chao in China to discuss his own fate.

"Super son, Jiang Dong will be back tomorrow, he will definitely talk to me, now I must decide whether to go or stay." Liu Xiaomei said to the phone.

"What is settled? It has been settled long ago. It must be returning to China. Now the child is still young at home.

If you stay abroad, you don't know how long it will take to come back. What should you do at home?

After staying for several years, it is estimated that when you come back, the children will not know you anymore. "

Wang Chao used a trick as soon as he opened his mouth, his words were very poisonous, and his words were pierced into people's hearts.

"When you come back, the children won't know you anymore." This sentence can no longer be cruel to a mother.

Just like a steel knife directly inserted into Liu Xiaomei's heart, Liu Xiaomei shook her body.

If the mother is talking to the father, it is estimated that the father will only chuck, and then indifferently say, "The big man is in every direction."

But it's different for mothers.

Wang Chao knew that the daughter-in-law Liu Xiaomei wanted to stay. If Liu Xiaomei didn't want to stay, she probably refused without saying a word.

Since he hesitated, it means that the willingness to stay is relatively strong.

So he must say something cruel to stimulate his wife.

has been discussing for several days, but his attitude has always been very firm, disagreeing with his wife staying abroad.

even called Zhang Weiyi to ask Zhang Weiyi what's going on, don't you know what's going on at home? What an Ann's heart, she even allowed her daughter-in-law to stay abroad and refused to come back.

(End of this chapter)