Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1548

Chapter 1548

Chapter 1548

"Kak, click." The camera in the hands of the media kept flashing. Not only domestic reporters, but also local reporters from the north were also present.

The commander turned his head, looked at Jiang Xiaobai, Mou Qizhong and others, looked at the personnel at the launch site, looked at a group of media reporters, the excitement on his face was beyond words.

gave a light cough, and then said: "Every step of the rocket launch is extremely thrilling, and every launch failure is also worth remembering, and every success of the rocket launch is worthy of praise!

Thank you, this is the joint effort of everyone. "The commander said, bowing deeply.

There was warm applause on the scene, and then several representatives were selected to speak.

Jiang Xiaobai and Mou Qizhong have a quota, Jiang Xiaobai gave Mou Qizhong the opportunity.

He stood next to the main position from beginning to end, but as long as the camera angle was slightly off, it was impossible to tell whether Jiang Xiaobai was the protagonist or the commander was the protagonist.

And because the others were speaking up one by one, Jiang Xiaobai stood by and applauded, but Jiang Xiaobai looked a little like the protagonist.

The satellite has started to work officially, this time the rocket launch was also successful, and it ended successfully.

Jiang Xiaobai and Mou Qizhong brought domestic reporters back to their room.

After thanking, Jiang Xiaobai looked at several reporters and said, I have arranged the car. You can go to Moscoe tomorrow morning, and of course I will go back.

There are people from our company to accompany you over there. You can go shopping in Mosco, shopping, and then take a plane back to China directly from Mosco. "

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai said this, several reporters understood it. This is the welfare Jiang Xiaobai arranged for everyone.

Go to Mosco, accompanied by someone from the company, shopping, of course a few of them are willing.

On a business trip, it's not just work, but also enjoyment.

This Jiang Xiaobai is still quite good at doing things.

This is also normal. At this time, the reporter is the uncrowned king, and there will be no shortage of hospitality wherever he goes.

Otherwise, the two reporters from Longcheng Metropolis Daily would not be so arrogant in Jianhua Village.

And that incident also caused a lot of trouble to Jianhua Village.

"Thank you Jiang Dong, then."

"Thank you Jiang Dong." Several reporters were also very polite. After all, the one standing in front of them was not an ordinary private enterprise owner.

But the boss of a business who has successfully launched a satellite.

"No thanks. I want to say thank you. It should be thank you. You have come all the way to promote us. It's very hard." Jiang Xiaobai said politely.

"Unfortunately, it should be. This is our job. Besides, Huade Satellite Technology Co., Ltd. successfully launched satellite news such as this, so that the national pride and sense of honor are promoted. If we do not report it, it will be against our journalists. Professional ethics."

Jiang Xiaobai exchanged a few words with a few people, and then asked everyone to go back to rest.

After all, it's past 11 o'clock in the evening, and I have to leave for Moscoe tomorrow.

Waiting for the reporters to leave, Mou Qizhong looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked, "Are you leaving in such a hurry?"

He heard what Jiang Xiaobai just said, tomorrow morning he will accompany the reporters to Mosco.

"Well, it's over when it's over here. I'm just a born exhausted man. You can't compare with Lao Mou."

Jiang Xiaobai motioned Mou Qizhong to sit down, then made tea and sat down on the sofa.

In fact, Jiang Xiaobai is not going to return to Moskow, but is going to return home directly from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

I have already explained to Zhang Weiyi over there.

However, Zhang Weiyi called yesterday, saying that the successor to the automobile factory could not be finalized, and Liu Jian was unwilling to come.

Liu Xiaomei also hesitated, so Jiang Xiaobai decided to go back again and have a good chat with Zhang Weiyi.

"You are exhausted, you deserve it. You can't make enough money, but you can't bear to spend it." Mou Qizhong said.

He contracted two mountains in the outskirts of the capital, cultivated villas in the mountains, and paved the roads to the mountains.

Go to his boss, factory manager, leader, actors and other people, and they are all shocked.

Jiang Xiaobai also knows that place and has been there once. Now it is considered a suburb, but in a few years it will be a serious downtown.

But Jiang Xiaobai is still living in the company's family building.

Yes, what kind of house king is that, and it's still a duplex.

But for Jiang Xiaobai's worth, it seems very crude.

"I still can't bear to spend money. I spent 1.2 billion US dollars in one go. Have you spent so much money?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Mou Qizhong's face turned dark, and the tea cup in his hand was placed on the table, and then he was about to get up and walk.

"Ohhhhh, Lao Mou, just kidding, why don't you know how to tease." Jiang Xiaobai quickly got up and stopped. Why is this Lao Mou so temperamental? A joke will not work.

"I don't know how to tease, is there something like you, 1.2 billion dollars, it's endless? It's endless to say, stimulate me?" Mou Qizhong said angrily.

"But, you brought the money first." Jiang Xiaobai muttered in a low voice: "And my 1.2 billion US dollars is indeed a fact!"

"I...I...go away." Mou Qizhong couldn't understand the face of Jiang Xiaobai, a nouveau riche, and staying one more minute would be torment for himself.

In front of Jiang Xiaobai, he felt like a poor man, and obviously he was also very rich, OK?

"Don't don't don't, okay, no kidding, today is a day worth celebrating, let the cafeteria fry two dishes, let's have a drink." Jiang Xiaobai began to talk.

Called Li Xiaoliu and others. Soon Li Xiaoliu and Zhou Guomin came over, carrying two bottles of Fenjiu, canned luncheon meat, peanuts, ham...

"Jiang Dong, I ordered this. There is no food here, only this one." Li Xiaoliu said embarrassedly.

What's the matter with drinking? It's not about what food to eat or what wine to drink. The key is to see why you drink it and who you drink it with.

Liquor every confidant has less than a thousand glasses, and it's too much speculation. What's more, this is already pretty good, and there is Fenjiu.

When I first started a business, sweet potato burnt was only occasionally able to make a little drink. Now in a foreign country, this time, where is there so much attention..."

Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently, tidying up the coffee table, let Li Xiaoliu put things down.

Mou Qizhong also agreed and said: "Xiaobai said well, what wine is not important, and who drinks it is important.

I am happy today, so even though it is late, I still want to have two glasses. Let's chat and rest and celebrate. "

Li Xiaoliu and the others also sat down and drank while chatting.

(End of this chapter)