Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1351

Chapter 1351

Chapter 1351 Domineering of eating alone

The host on the stage swallowed. It was the first time he hosted such an auction. It was weird.

One by one, all of them are owned by these three companies. When you open a winning bid, it is one of the three companies.

Opened a winning bid, which is one of the three companies.

There is no passion at all, no freshness at all.

Until the announcement of the last piece of land, the winning bidder for land number 15 was still Stone Company among the three companies including Changxingju.

Since then, a total of fifteen pieces of land have been auctioned this time, all of which have fallen into the hands of three real estate companies, Changxingju, Stone and Wanke.

In fact, when the name of the first piece of land was announced, Jiang Xiaobai and the others knew the result.

Because there is the most important one in their bidding book, that is, either all of them or none of them.

So since it was announced that the first piece of land belongs to them, then they understand that this other land is also theirs.

Except for Jiang Xiaobai and others in the venue, everyone else had a gloomy face, without a trace of smile, and they did not eat so much when they ate alone.

actually took them all down.

As for applause, as early as when the winner was announced on the twelfth plot, the applause in the venue had disappeared cleanly.

Applause, gentleman manner, what kind of gentleman manner, what is that thing, and the other party does not talk about gentleman manner first, and you can't blame them.

There is no such thing as eating alone.

The person in front turned his head and stared fiercely at the people in their three companies.

When King , Li Tong and the others were a little embarrassed. They were also a little embarrassed to do this kind of thing for the first time.

Not only the people in front look over, they can also feel the scorching gaze behind them.

Before they thought, Changxingju Real Estate Company ate alone and took six plots of land at once, and they did not feel any embarrassment or pressure on Changxingju Real Estate.

But now it's their turn. The three companies eat alone instead of one company alone.

But that's it, they all felt a lot of pressure.

The whole venue was quiet and very quiet. No, it was quiet to be precise.

The atmosphere was very depressing, and it was depressed to the extreme. After all, there were so many people in the venue, which represented the strength of the real estate industry in Pengcheng.

But at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai stood up directly.

"Papa." He clapped himself, and Wang Meng also stood up.

"Okay, thank you everyone." Jiang Xiaobai applauded himself while applauding, and at the same time he looked at the people who turned back in front of him.

His gaze swept over everyone, no matter how fierce everyone's gaze was, Jiang Xiaobai had a smile in his eyes.

After watching the people in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai looked back at the people who were staring straight at the back.

The indifferent and arrogant attitude made everyone more dissatisfied.

Wang Shi and Li Tong looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and Wang Meng stood up. There was no alternative but to stand up and applaud.

The three big companies are all very arrogant. After eating alone, they dare to stand up and disdain the arrogance, but their arrogance is somewhat suppressed.

Some small real estate company owners dare not look at it.

did not dare to look at Jiang Xiaobai and the others.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, Mr. Li, let's go."

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, and took the lead and walked out of the venue.

Wang Meng, Li Tong, and Wang Shi followed Jiang Xiaobai.

Unconsciously, they lag behind Jiang Xiaobai by half a step. It's not that they are more than assets or company size, but they consciously feel that Jiang Xiaobai is a lot worse in terms of momentum.

Eating alone, no wonder people can eat alone, that's why they have this courage.

Watching Jiang Xiaobai and the others leave dashingly, there was a lot of discussion in the venue.

"What is it? It makes sense to eat alone?"

"That's too unreasonable. With so many plots, the remoteness is a little remote, but Changxingju Real Estate Co., Ltd., Wanke, and Stone are also too much.

They ate meat and they didn't even keep the soup for us. What is this? "

Before, when Jiang Xiaobai and the others were there, no one dared to speak, but as soon as Jiang Xiaobai and the others left, everyone began to speak in indignation.

"This Changxingju Real Estate Company had an example of eating alone before. The Sanshan Wuyue Community of Changxingju Real Estate Company had six plots of land before. When Changxingju Real Estate Company first came to Pengcheng, it ate a single meal package at an auction. Understand"

"It turned out that Wanke and Stone are not the same. As a result, they are now mixed with Changxingju Real Estate Co., and they have become a food alone..."

"But these three companies are mixed together, what are they going to do?"

People talked a lot. Some analyzed the purpose of the three companies, Changxingju, Wanke, and Stone. Some were directly cursing, and others were sour.

But no matter what, everyone is not getting good.

And at this time, Huaqing Holding Company's acquisition of Wanke's shares officially reached 5% of the shares.

"Formally issue a document in the name of the company to notify the listed company, the stock exchange and the securities regulatory agency..."

Jiang Xiaobai called in the car and said that the acquisition of Wanke's shares was Huaqing Holdings, not the subsidiary Changxingju Real Estate Co., Ltd.'s acquisition of Wanke's shares.

"Okay, I understand, I will post an official document right away." Shi Sheng said on the phone.

Now it has acquired 15% of Wanke's shares, but only 5% of the shares are acquired from the stock market. The rest is an over-the-counter agreement that does not need to be exposed.

Maybe it will come in handy in the future.

"The land auction here has also been completely taken down. I will wait here after the press conference is over. I will probably go back to Longcheng after seeing the situation..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"The feelings are good, the land is auctioned off, and then Changxingju Real Estate Company has another big deal to do.

In the past two years, Changxingju Real Estate Company has been thriving. The projects have been one after another, and each is bigger than one... Congratulations to Wang Meng for me. "Shi Sheng said with a smile.

"It's not just Changxing's residence. Old history. The situation after the beginning of the year is very good for the whole country. If you are like this, let's talk about it in detail when I go back."

Jiang Xiaobai said, there are all kinds of rumors in society nowadays, and many people don't understand.

But Jiang Xiaobai knew that the situation would soon become clearer.

As soon as I hung up the phone, the phone rang again.


"Xiao Bai, it's me, Lao Mou." Mou Qizhong's voice rang from the phone.

During the New Year, Jiang Xiaobai did not contact Mou Qizhong, and the people of Mou Qizhong have always been abroad.

(End of this chapter)