Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1350

Chapter 1350

Chapter 1350

Lao Zhang looked at the other callers around him, the expressions on his face were similar.

I should have not received the news, and I am a little confused, but it is also possible that he pretended to receive the news. This is also normal. Which businessman can't act.

Lao Zhang asked the bosses of other real estate companies he knew well, and the answers were the same.

In the auction venue, Wang Shi, Li Tong, Wang Meng and others all had familiar company bosses who came to ask if they had any news.

But needless to say, there is no internal information, even if there is internal information, Wang Shi, Li Tong and others would not say.

Insane, I'll tell you if the relationship is good, it's not a news, it's a mere genius.

But letting them go like this, even the auction committee is a bit daunted.

Have a development plan! Why don't we know that even the person in charge of the auction called the superior to inquire about it.

Except for being scolded, there is no first kind of result. Just kidding, if there is a development plan, can you not say it?

How much land price has to be raised!

A group of people looked at each other, wondering what the Changxingju Real Estate Company was going to do.

Is there really any supernatural power? I got some news.

Those who returned to the bidding site suddenly looked at the tender documents in their hands and were not in a hurry.

Why is it a hidden mark? Is it obvious that competition is not good? Out of the competition, they can properly offer a high price to test the attitude of Changxingju Real Estate on a few of them.

Look at what is going on, and see how much Wanke will spend to acquire land and how determined they are to acquire land.

But now it's a complete smear. I don't know the determination of Wanke, Stone, and Changxingju Real Estate Company to acquire land, and I don't know which land they value.

If by any chance it is really a blind bid and the price is high, the loss will be large.

And maybe, people came here to cheat people, this possibility is not without. In this case, it is dumb to eat coptis, and there is no way to tell.

A group of people were thinking about it, but when they filled out the bidding book, they didn't dare to fill in the price high.

Write down the price honestly and hand it in.

In fact, the price that Jiang Xiaobai and the others negotiated was not too high, just a little bit higher than the normal quotation.

After submitting the tender documents, the committee immediately opened the tender documents of the three companies of Wanke, Stone, and Changxingju Real Estate Company.

The level is not much higher than the normal bid level they expected, but it is a little higher, which is about 10%.

But there are two things that shock them.

One is a bidding lot. Each of the three companies bid for about five lots, which is considered to have participated in the bidding for all the lots in this auction.

The appetite is so big that they are very surprised.

Moreover, the three bidding documents submitted by them, they looked at it together, and none of the bidding lots was duplicated.

This shows that the three companies should at least pass the gas and cooperate.

Looking through the plan at the back, it became clear that the three companies jointly developed a commercial complex and built a pedestrian street inside.

What kind of anger is this? This is a huge plan.

The three bidding documents, including the development plan, but the most important one is mentioned, that is, if one piece of land fails to win the bid, all the others will be invalidated.

This means that if one of the three companies bids for a piece of land that does not win the bid, they will not want all of them.

There are some meanings of being bullied by customers...

After reading the bidding documents of Changxingju, Wanke, and Stone, then look at the bidding documents of other companies.

is very general, except for building a building, except for one or two pieces of land, the bidding price is a bit higher than the price of Changxingju.

But it doesn't go high, and it goes without saying that Changxingju, Wanke, and Stone Company's bidding documents have conditions.

Either all the bids are successful, or all such conditions are abandoned.

Because there is no such condition, they will not be willing to disrupt the plans of the three companies.

Because once such a large-scale development plan is successful, it will have a stimulating effect on the local economic development.

It is also a demonstration. If the construction of such a super large community is completed, then other places can be planned accordingly in the future.

Yes, "Super Large Community" is the name of the plan given by Jiang Xiaobai.

After some intense discussion, all the members of the auction committee agreed that the three real estate companies, Changxingju, Wanke, and Stone, should win the bid.

Even if some of the members of the self-interested committee agree, there is no way to disagree.

A person who disagrees with this kind of plan, apart from appearing that he is too selfish and accidental, even if other companies are involved, he won't get a share.

Because the last condition of the three companies has been made clear, either all of them won the bid, or a piece of land is not required.

There is no opportunity for other companies to fish in troubled waters at all.

Soon, someone from the committee came out to announce.

"The winning bidder for Land No. 1 is Changxingju Real Estate Company."

Everyone applauded. Although the peers are enemies and are in competition, the basic demeanor still needs to be maintained.

"For Land No. 2, the company that won the bid is Stone Real Estate."

"Papa." Everyone continued to applaud, thinking back to the information on Land No. 1 and Land No. 2. Is there anything special about the two land?

"At No. 3, the winning company is Wanke Real Estate Company."

"At No. 4, the winning company is Wanke Real Estate Company..."

"The winning bidder is Changxingju Real Estate Company..."

"At No. 6, the winning company is Stone Real Estate Company..."

As the winning company was announced one by one, some people started to discuss what happened to these three companies and what did they do with so much land?

Is it really inside news...

No. 7 ground, No. 8 ground... Slowly the applause in the venue lowered, at least they didn't want the richness.

It's been a long time since announced that all three real estate companies that have won the bid are Changxingju, Stone and Wanke.

Others didn't eat a piece of meat...

This is one-half. Although the place is a bit remote, many smaller real estate companies are still thinking about so many land auctions.

It turned out to be the meat in the mouth of the three families, which is strange to be happy.

"The winning bidder for the No. 9 plot is Changxingju Real Estate Company.

The winning bidding company for Lot 10 is Changxingju Real Estate Company...

The 13th plot won the bidding company...

The winning company for Lot 14 is..."

Every time a bid-winning company is announced for a plot, in the venue, except for the three companies such as Changxingju, the faces of other companies are ugly.

(End of this chapter)