Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 580

Chapter 580

"He said that Li Tao is a ghost!" Yuan Na said, pointing to Luo Chen, and then showed an expression waiting to see the show. She not only wanted to embarrass Luo Chen, but also wanted to embarrass Ziyuan.

After all, Ziyuan had just listened to Luo Chen's words, and was unwilling to ride Li Tao's car with her.

Moreover, this Tang Long had real abilities, and was definitely not the kind of magic stick from Inoue in Jianghu City.

However, Tang Long turned his gaze to Luo Chen and looked up and down, revealing an extremely unfriendly look in his eyes.

"Brother, why do you say that my Tang family amulet is fake?"

"Why do you say that this good, big living person is a ghost?" Tang Long pointed to the silent Li Tao in the car.

Although Tang Long is not the real Mr. Yin Yang, he is just an employee of the same company as Yuan Na.

But his father is a Mr. Yin and Yang.

Since I was young, I have been fascinated by my eyes, and I have some ability in my hands.

Although Li Tao was sitting in the car, he could still see through the faint light that he was definitely a living person!

"It doesn't matter what, I say it is fake, it is fake."

"I said he is not a human, so he is not a human." Luo Chen didn't bother to explain.

If it weren't for Ziyuan's side, Luo Chen would not bother to talk to these two people.

"Huh, the son of Mr. Yin and Yang is here, so you still dare to be slanderous?" Yuan Na said more dissatisfied.

"I think you are talking nonsense. I am a member of Mr. Yin Yang's family. Will I not see whether this is a man or a ghost?"

"Don't say it's a ghost, even a little bit of yin can't escape my eyes."

"Ordinary people who haven't even opened the sky eye, what do you know?"

"This is obviously a big living person, how can the amulet react?" Tang Long also asked.

"Are you embarrassed now?" Yuan Na sneered.

"Don't we believe in people from Mr. Yin and Yang's family, but a letter from you who has an unknown source?"

"I'm afraid that only a fool will believe you?" Yuan Na said sarcastically. This sentence was actually a satire of Ziyuan, because Ziyuan had clearly believed Luo Chen's words just now.

She deliberately found Tang Long, wanting to slap Luo Chen and Ziyuan on the face.

"Young man, stop talking nonsense from now on, you know, you have to be responsible when you say something."

"You don't understand anything, and you dare to talk about ghosts and gods in my family of Mr. Yin and Yang?" Tang Long spoke with disdain, and the words were full of irony.

Just as soon as these words landed, there was a radio interruption from Tang Long's Passat.

"Now we will broadcast a message. An hour ago, there was a speeding accident on the southern section of Furong Avenue. A South A141414 Buick slipped on a curve because of speeding. A car accident occurred. A young man in the car died on the spot."

"Drivers, please drive cautiously on rainy days and don't speed too fast!"

A South A141414 Buick?

An hour ago?

Died on the spot?

Yuan Na was full of excitement, and the whole person buzzed in her head. After three seconds, she hurriedly crawled out of the car with her hands and feet. She died an hour ago. Then, should Li Tao in the car still talk about it?

Tang Long's expression also changed suddenly, and he looked at Li Tao in the car in amazement. He really didn't see that Li Tao had a problem.

How is this possible?

The street lights all around went black for an instant.

This was originally the Half-Ghost Festival in July, but today is a trip for thousands of ghosts.

"Go, follow me, why don't you get in the car?"

"Nana, come with me, time is up." Li Tao's voice came out, but it will definitely not be a human voice, like someone scratching the glass with nails that makes the scalp numb. sound.

Yuan Na screamed in fright, and she hurriedly hid behind Tang Long, but Tang Long himself turned pale with fright.

Only Shion could obviously feel her fear, but her look and actions were quite normal, and her face remained the same.

Luo Chen glanced at Ziyuan with admiration, and then looked at a place far away.

There was a huge black shadow there, in the eyes of everyone, a huge chain came across the air, and it immediately entangled Li Tao's car, and the people and the car were pulled into the darkness.

The light recovered in an instant, and the car and people were gone.

Under the street light, only Tang Long's Passat.

Luo Chen didn't speak any more, and didn't need to say anything at this moment.

Just looking at the chain that disappeared in the darkness with great interest, it seems that Nanling is very interesting, even though it is a ghost festival, the ghost dare to be so bold.

Yuan Na was already scared to death, while Tang Long's face was hot and her head lowered. After all, he is a bit ashamed of Mr. Yin Yang's family today.

A living ghost was in front of him, and he kept saying that it was a human being.

And as a member of Mr. Yin Yang's family, Tang Long's legs were trembling at this moment, and he was actually scared.

Not as good as a little girl like Shion, which is even more embarrassing.

In the end, Tang Long blushed and said nothing more, and greeted Yuan Na, who also followed Tang Long to get into the car.

"Nana, after all, they saved us. At least we have to thank you?" Ziyuan suddenly reminded.

It's okay not to mention it, Yuan Na felt like she was slapped in the face.

After all, she wanted to embarrass Luo Chen and Ziyuan, but she didn't expect that it was herself who embarrassed herself in the end.

Moreover, she is somewhat responsible for this matter. After all, she called Li Tao to come, and she kept urging Li Tao, but now Li Tao had an accident.

But Yuan Na suddenly thought that with her father's relationship, this matter should not affect her too much.

"Thank you!" Yuan Na gritted her teeth, but cast an eventful look at Ziyuan.

"Ziyuan, do you know each other?" Tang Long suddenly turned his head and asked unwillingly. After all, today is not just as simple as embarrassment.

The amulet of their house, but said that it can suppress evil spirits, was asked by Longhushan. As a result, sitting in the same car with a ghost did not react at all, which was a bit embarrassing.

Word-of-mouth and credibility are too important for Mr. Yinyang. Although Yuan Na didn't say anything at the moment, she would definitely say it when she returned home.

After all, buying more than 10,000 fakes will make anyone feel uncomfortable in their hearts, not to mention Yuan Na's family background is not simple.

After this matter, District Chief Yuan is definitely going to find trouble.

And if you come to the company tomorrow and say that the people in his dignified Mr. Yin and Yang's family can't even see a ghost, you will be really embarrassed.

The most important thing is that Tang Long has been secretly in love with Ziyuan. He originally wanted to show off some things from his family of Mr. Yin and Yang in front of Ziyuan today.

In the end, he lost a big face in front of Shion.

But he blamed all this on Luo Chen, and made up his mind that if he and Ziyuan knew each other, he would find a chance to clean up Luo Chen when he turned around.

"do not know."

"Thank you, by the way, my name is Shion, what is your name?" Shion generously stretched out his hand, showing sincere gratitude.

"Luo Chen." Luo Chen replied briefly, and shook hands with Ziyuan.

"The last name is Luo?"

"It's the same name as Luo Wuji." Ziyuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I am." Luo Chen smiled.

But suddenly a voice of dissatisfaction came again. "How dare you say that Luo Wuji's name would you dare to impersonate?"