Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 579

Chapter 579

Indeed, a man with long hair was already standing at the door.

The man was deaf and pulled his head, his hair covered his face, making it difficult to see.

Because of the rain, the man's hair was a little wet, and even his clothes were a little wet.

Yuan Na frowned and complained.

"Li Tao, why are you so frustrated?"

"Forget it, it's getting late, let's go." Yuan Na carefully picked up her LV limited edition bag and walked to the door with an unhappy expression.

The Starbucks waiter finally breathed a sigh of relief, because they had reminded each other several times that they were closed, but the customer with the LV bag just didn't leave.

There are only these two people in the entire Starbucks, and the consumption of most of the night here makes the Starbucks waiter agitated.

When Yuan Na and Ziyuan walked to the door, Yuan Na patted the dissatisfied shoulder of Li Tao and said.

"What are you doing here?"

"A stupid person like you still wants me to give you a chance?"

Ziyuan frowned secretly. This Li Tao was one of Yuan Na's suitors. Yuan Na could do anything but never agreed. When Li Tao was about to give up, Yuan Na hooked up with Li Tao. When Li Tao saw hope, Yuan Na was not cold. hot.

After going back and forth, Li Tao was eaten to death by Yuan Na.

As for Li Tao, she happened to be an honest person. She didn't know her duty, she had a spine, and she couldn't see clearly. Yuan Na actually enjoyed the feeling of being sought after and would never accept Li Tao.

"Don't bully him, let's go." Shion couldn't see it, so she urged.

It's just that she was a little puzzled. Although Li Tao was dull on weekdays, what happened today?

Didn't say a word?

It's just that Ziyuan didn't pay much attention, only that Li Tao estimated that he would come over in the middle of the night. He was in a bad mood, and Yuan Na and Ziyuan had already left the car.

They knew Li Tao's car, a small Buick with the license plate number of South A141414.

This license plate number is often laughed at.

It just so happened that the roadside didn't know who was burning the paper. After all, it was July and a half, and even the city management didn't have much to say, so no one came out to take care of it.

Just as this gust of wind blew, some paper ash was spilled on Yuan Na.

"It's really bad luck, my clothes belong to Chanel!" Yuan Na muttered dissatisfiedly.

And Li Tao opened the car door and walked in.

Yuan Na and Ziyuan were also preparing to open the car door, but when Ziyuan reached out to pull the car door, they suddenly held Shion with one hand.

"You can't ride in this car." Luo Chen smiled slightly and looked at Ziyuan, even the corners of his mouth slashed.

He didn't expect that Nanling Shangxian, who was unsmiling and stunned Da Luotian in the immortal realm with the name of killing, was actually as cute as a little girl at this time.

If Luo Chen knew too much about Nanling Shangxian in his previous life, it would be difficult to think of the immortal sacred land that was killed by one person in front of the Tianyahaige forbidden area with the sword of the year. together.

It seems that Xi Ziyuan has also experienced some catastrophes of life and death, and only then will it become a legendary prestige!

It was just that Luo Chen stopped, Ziyuan quickly withdrew his hand, and then stepped back to look at Luo Chen.

On the side, Yuan Na opened the mouth with some dissatisfaction.

"You know?"

Shion shook her head quickly. When she was in the bar box, because of the lights, she could not see the people sitting inside.

"She looks pretty handsome." Yuan Na gave Luo Chen a meow, but she couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable again.

This is the case every time, every time I go to hook up Ziyuan, she will always be the supporting role and the green leaf!

So Yuan Na opened her mouth with an unhappy expression.

"Your approach to talking is a bit outdated, right?"

"I'm not here to strike up a conversation, just to tell you that this car cannot be used." Luo Chen looked at Ziyuan's reaction and didn't feel surprised.

After all, he and Ziyuan didn't know each other at this time, and the sudden appearance in the middle of the night really made Ziyuan inevitably mistake him for a bad person.

"Ziyuan, don't talk to strangers in the evening, let's go." Yuan Na squinted at Luo Chen and couldn't help but contempt.

Just hit up a chat, don't you admit it?

Without paying attention to Luo Chen, Yuan Na directly got into the car first.

Ziyuan wanted to go in, but Luo Chen reached out and stopped again.

"Reason?" Ziyuan frowned and looked at Luo Chen. She didn't think Luo Chen was here to strike up a conversation.

"He is not a human!" Luo Chen pointed to Li Tao in the driving seat.

"Hmph, isn't he a man or a ghost?" Yuan Na sitting in the car snorted coldly.

"Ziyuan quickly get in the car, this person is drunk." Yuan Na urged angrily.

"Nana, why don't you stop taking this car?" Shiyuan suddenly changed her words.

"Shion, what are you going crazy with?"

"People like Li Tao are here, don't you want to sit down?"

"Nana, why don't you take his car back, if Uncle Yuan sees you, you will have to talk about you again." Shiyuan reminded.

"You wouldn't really stop sitting just because of his words?"

"Don't listen to him talking nonsense, if Li Tao is really not a human being, why didn't the amulet I bought over 10,000 respond?" Yuan Na directly took out a yellow amulet.

"This was requested from Tang Long, and it cost more than 10,000 yuan."

"Fake." Luo Chen didn't even look at the amulet.

"Nana, let Li Tao go back early. Look at how he is dying today. It will still rain in the middle of the night and it is not safe to drive. Let's take a taxi and go." Ziyuan frowned.

"No, this matter must be clarified today." Yuan Na's eldest lady had a temper.

Yuan Na directly took out her mobile phone.

Seeing Yuan Na taking out her mobile phone, Ziyuan quickly persuaded her.

"Nana, what are you doing?"

"Call someone."

"Hey, Tang Long, where are you?"

"I'm on the Starbucks side of the station."

"Yes, you are nearby?"

"That's OK, you come here quickly, something happened." Yuan Na snapped up the phone, then looked at Luo Chen. She is the daughter of the district mayor. She was spoiled and raised since she was a child. Everyone has to do what she wants. She doesn't believe it today. She can't teach Ziyuan a lesson. There is also the stranger. She wants to see and wait for Tang Long to come over. Now this person can

Can't get to the stage.

Ziyuan's brows were also frowned, because Tang Long's father was doing black and white things, and he was looking for Tang Long's father when he encountered something unclean and funeral at home.

He is a well-known Mr. Yin and Yang in Nanling City, and Tang Long has something to do with some social gangsters. If it does come, maybe what will happen today?

Ziyuan was about to remind Luo Chen, after all, she thought this little handsome guy should not be a bad person, but was interrupted by Yuan Na all at once.

"Are you saying something?"

"People say that you are a ghost, and they don't even say anything. It's really worthless!"

"Just like you want to chase me?"

But Li Tao did not speak as usual.

Within two minutes, a Passat drove over.

A man with glasses and a briefcase walked down, but his arms were all tattooed, very social.

He said arrogantly when he opened his mouth. "Who said my amulet is fake?"