Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 530

Chapter 530

The crowd all looked at all this in amazement.

Especially the dozen or so big guys who stood up are like a joke at the moment!

They wanted to cheer up with Master Nanchan, so they stood up and offended Luo Chen, but it was such a result?

The big man surnamed Li regretted it to the extreme, but among the people present, there was one who regretted it more than him.

That is Ron Hara!

At the beginning, she was very close to Luo Chen, and the relationship was pretty good at the beginning.

But in the end, she completely walked to the opposite of Luo Chen.

"Rong Hara, you keep saying that Mr. Luo can't match Andre, and he doesn't even deserve to give Andre shoes. What do you think now?" Jin Soyan stood up and asked.

Rong Hara gave a wry smile, unable to answer the conversation.

She was wrong from the beginning, wrong!

If you had been firmly following Luo Chen at the beginning, how could things be like this today?

"You said I would regret it!"

"What about the facts?" Kim So Yeon glanced at Rong Hara coldly.

As for Fourth Master Rong, he was already kneeling on the ground, including Third Sister Rong.

Because a master of Nanchan can scare them into dismay, let alone master of Nanchan?

"Fourth, you mistaken me!" Third Sister Rong said with regret.

If Rong Siyi hadn't pulled her to stand on the opposite side of Luo Chen at the beginning, how could he make the situation like this?

In fact, Fourth Master Rong also regretted it. If he knew that Luo Chen was the master of Nanchan, would he dare to be half distracted?

"I said, I can settle accounts with you now!"

"I also said, why not give you a chance?"

"Why don't you wait for Nan Chan?"

"Now, I said that there are not a few qualified to be my opponents in this world, do you have any opinions?" Luo Chen said coldly.

"Mr. Luo, please also give us a chance. Didn't we mean to offend you just now?" The big men pleaded.

"Give you a chance?" Luo Chen looked at the big men who were kneeling on the ground.

"I think you made a mistake. Luo Wuji just doesn't bother with you ants, but it doesn't mean that Luo Wuji is soft-hearted!"

"Do you know that some people can't offend?" Luo Chen's words fell to the ground, and with a sudden wave, the corpses fell to the ground softly!

All the people kneeling on the ground were cracked, including the East Asian boxing god!

With the addition of a few members of the Rong family, more than twenty were killed instantly!

A chill rose from the chests of those present. They had seen killing people, but Luo Chen's method of killing people was too chilling.

Too random, as if killing a few ants.

The Master Nanchan and Kim Jae-chong, who were the only ones on the sidelines, didn't feel much about this. If they knew these thoughts, they would be scornful!

Is this scary?

If you look at the spectacular scene of Yijian Slaughter City, you won't be scared to pee your pants?

No one dared to speak, no one dared to speak.

Even if Luo Chen killed the Rong family, Rong Zaixu did not dare to be dissatisfied.

After killing these people, Luo Chen looked at Andre.

Andre flinched in fright, he was scared now.

"Have you eaten dog meat hot pot?" Luo Chen suddenly joked, but he frightened Andre's whole body shaking.

He has been to Huaxia and naturally knows what hot pot means.

But Luo Chen didn't really kill Andre, but let Master Nan Chan arrest Andre.

After the farce was over, Rong Zaixu changed a place to entertain everyone. Of course, this time the protagonist must be Luo Chen.

After three drinks, Rong Zaixu said solemnly.

"Mr. Luo, the day after tomorrow is almost the time for the crystal skull to appear."

"It's just that this time I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult!" Rong Zaixu explained.

He had already asked some things in advance.

Now the big names from various countries or some international giants and masters are here.

"How old is it?" Luo Chen asked.

"It may be more troublesome than I estimated before. We underestimate the appeal of horror games." Rong Zaixu smiled bitterly.

"What do you mean?" Luo Chen frowned.

"If I say, this time the world's masters are dispatched, Mr. Luo, do you still want to grab it?" Rong Zaixu smiled bitterly.

"Before we thought that there would be at most five or six masters, but this time, there are nearly a hundred masters, big and small!"

"Every one has a great background!"

"So much?" Luo Chen frowned.

"Are they all here?" Luo Chen asked again.

"Of course not, most people are waiting!"

With that said, Luo Chen also understood that truly smart people would not come here to grab the crystal skull.

Instead, he will wait for someone here to finish the grab, and finally get the crystal skull, then go and kill that person again!

After all, if you start to grab it directly, no one will end up in the end.

"So now the periphery of Korea is surrounded by experts from all over the world?" Luo Chen asked.

"Almost what it means!"

"So Mr. Luo, do you think we won't take action first, wait for the Crystal Skull to come out, and after the first **** is over, we will act again?"

"After all, if anyone gets the crystal skull now, then it will be the target of public criticism!" Rong Zaixu said.

The situation is actually very complicated now, and it really seems that the masters of the world have rushed over.

It's just that many people are outside of Goryeo and did not directly step into Goryeo, because everyone is waiting for the mantis that catches the cicada!

"Patriarch, it looks like someone is coming outside, look for Mr. Luo!" The two people were saying this when the butler suddenly ran in.

"Mr. Luo, see or not?"

"What does it look like?" Luo Chen said.

"Two Europeans and Americans, one man and one woman." The butler replied.


"Let them wait." Luo Chen waved his hand and said. In his impression, he didn't seem to know any Europeans and Americans, so Luo Chen didn't want to meet that much.

Outside the door, there was a man and a woman standing at the moment.

The man was extremely handsome and wore a neat suit.

The woman is in a black dress that is enchanting and tight, which looks extremely sexy.

"You said the master asked us to find that Luo Wuji, is he really good?" The man asked, his name is Pete, a fifth-level alien!

"Since the master wants to accept him as a guard, there must be something extraordinary. It is said that it seems to be very famous in China!"

"It's just that the master is worried, afraid that he will be arrogant and will not agree!"

"Hmph, I don't care if he is famous, it's his honor that the master wants to accept him as a guard!" Pete opened his mouth proudly.

"If he dares not to agree, we can teach him a lesson." Pete said.

"But it seems that the goddess of death is afraid of him!"

"Ruth, do you think this is okay?" "This is all nonsense!"