Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 529

Chapter 529

"These people are over!" Jin Zaizhong, who had been standing far away without speaking, shook his head mockingly.

Those who have stood up are afraid that it will be difficult to be kind today.

"Anything else?" Luo Chen's icy voice echoed around. After a long time, no one spoke again, and no one came out.

But a dozen or so Korean leaders have already stepped forward.

In their view, today the Luo and Rong family are afraid that they will be expelled.

So at this time, simply stand up to the team and fall to Nanchan Master's side, then maybe you can still make friends with such gods as Shang Nanchan Master!

Maybe even because of his statement at this moment, he will receive some care from Master Nanchan in the future!

In fact, there are still some people in the crowd who have this idea, but they have not come forward.

"Listen to what you mean, are you still planning to settle the account with me?" Fourth Master Rong sneered.

Luo Chen said this as if he wanted to find these people to settle accounts afterwards.

"You think too much of yourself, you can say these things after today's level!"

"After Autumn?" Luo Chen snorted coldly.

"No, I can settle accounts with you on the spot!" Luo Chen looked at those who stood up with a cold face.

"Hmph, my master has already come, do you dare to speak so arrogantly?" Dongya Fist God accused, looking confident and confident.

However, Luo Chen walked towards the East Asian Fist God under the gaze of all eyes, and then stepped on the face of the East Asian Fist God with one foot.

This action stunned everyone.

But the most surprising and unbelievable thing was that Master Nan Chan didn't move at all, standing still watching this scene, as if he hadn't seen it, or as if Luo Chen was not stepping on his apprentice.

"Master, Master, Master!" The East Asian Boxing God roared three times in a row, but Master Nanchan never moved.

This made everyone instantly confused what was going on.

The East Asian Boxing God showed an incredible look on his whole body. He is his master's most beloved disciple!

Moreover, his master is extremely protective of his shortcomings. Normally, don't say that he is trampled on his face like this, just a word of curse, his master can kill for him.

But today?

"Master, I'm being beaten, you?" East Asian Boxing God continued to say in amazement, he wondered if his Master hadn't seen it?

"Master, that's your apprentice." Sister Rong reminded.

"Master?" The East Asian Fist God screamed again, because Luo Chen broke one of his legs just now.

"Master, why?"

"Master, are you talking?"

The scene was silent, even weird to the extreme.

Master Nan Chan just watched his apprentice being stepped on by Luo Chen and kept screaming, but he never spoke.

Not only the East Asian boxing **** felt that something was wrong at the moment, but also the people present felt that something was wrong.

Why didn't Master Nanchan take action against Luo Chen?

Don't even say a word?

"Want to know why?" Luo Chen chuckled.

Everyone looked at Luo Chen again!

"Because I didn't let him speak, so he dare not speak!" Luo Chen looked at those who stood up!

"how is this possible?"

"You talk nonsense!"


"Master, he is offending you, Master, you should cut this kind of rants and damage your reputation!"

"Do you dare to say such things, or do you say it in front of the Master?"

"The surname Luo, your arrogance is really rare in the world!" A lot of people accused one after another.

"Huh, arrogant?" Luo Chen smiled contemptuously.

"Nan Chan, what are you telling them the truth?"

"The truth is that Luoshen is right!" Master Nan Chan bowed his head and bowed to Luo Chen.

"Nan Chan has seen the master!" Nan Chan said again.

Nan Chan has seen the master?

The East Asian boxing god's brain thundered and exploded. The whole person was blank in an instant.

The jaws of the others were almost falling, and the mouths of the people all over the room opened wide at the moment, even Andre stared at Luo Chen incredulously.

"the host?"

Fourth Master Rong turned his head hard, looked at Master Nan Chan, and then looked at Luo Chen again, his mind roared instantly.

And the two of Rong Sanjie and Rong Hara were dark in front of them, and they almost fell to the ground.

The reason why they sentenced them to the Rong family and always targeted Luo Chen was because they were afraid of Master Nan Chan?

But now, the biggest threat to the Rong family is actually Luo Chen's servant?

This fact is too unacceptable!

And if this is true, then everything they do is not a joke from beginning to end?

Don't talk about them, even those big guys who haven't expressed their opinions, but are onlookers, can't believe and accept them.

The famous Asian international giant Nanchan Master, known as the **** of or, is such a prominent figure to the extreme, actually a servant of Luo Chen?

Rong Zaixu looked at Luo Chen in amazement, with the same incredible expression!

"Master, isn't all of this true?" East Asian Fist God spoke in amazement again.

"Master, do you want to kill him?" Master Nan Chan ignored the words of the East Asian Boxing God, but in order to please Luo Chen, he said this directly.

"Master, I'm your own apprentice!" The East Asian Boxing God was completely stunned. His master wanted to kill himself?

"From the moment you offended Luoshen, I no longer have a disciple like you!" Master Nan Chan said coldly.

When he reached his state, he had already lost all the worldly feelings in his heart.

"Don't say you are my apprentice, but you are my own son. If you dare to offend my master today, I will kill you!" Master Nan Chan said harshly.

As soon as these words were uttered, the members of the Rong family, and the dozen or so big men who stood up, panicked instantly.

It's over, it's all over now.

Endless regrets struck in an instant, especially Li and others.

These things had nothing to do with them, but they actually stood up to accuse Luo Chen in order to favor Nanchan Master.

In the end, who could have thought that Master Nan Chan was just a servant of Luo Chen?

They are completely irrelevant people!

"Rong Si, tell me, what is going on all this?" Sister Rong said with difficulty.

Master of Nanchan, why should Luo Chen's strength and identity question anything?

But Rong Si has been slandering Luo Chen, and Sister Rong doesn't really know that Rong Si does not believe.

Four Master Rong did not answer, because at this moment, he was also in extreme regret.

"Big brother, I was wrong, big brother, can you give me a chance?" Sister Rong knelt on the ground and wailed.

She regretted it and regretted it to the extreme.

"Don't ask me, please ask Mr. Luo, alas." Rong Zaixu sighed. He never thought that Luo Chen would actually be the master of Nanchan! "I have reminded you a long time ago, Mr. Luo is not an ordinary person, but you just don't listen!"