Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 123

Chapter 123

In fact, after Luo Chen left, Zhang Panpan frowned and considered it seriously.

Indeed, it is impossible for her and Yang Minghui!

Because they are not one world at all.

Although Luo Chen kept saying that he could help her settle.

But she didn't think Luo Chen had that strength, because the difficulties she encountered were beyond common people's perception.

How could ordinary people like Luo Chen help her settle it?

However, what Luo Chen said made Zhang Panpan aware of his problem with Yang Minghui.

Although the time hasn't arrived yet, she really should have a break with Yang Minghui.

So Zhang Panpan dialed Yang Minghui's number, and then called Yang Minghui back.

After a few words, Yang Minghui stood there with an expression of despair.

His face was full of frustration.

But Zhang Panpan called a taxi and left.

But Yang Minghui has been chasing Zhang Panpan for so many years. If this can dismiss Yang Minghui with a few words, then Yang Minghui will not chase her for so many years.

Not long after Zhang Panpan left, Yang Minghui secretly pursued him again.

But Zhang Panpan went home this time to pack some things, and left a note to his parents that he was going to travel, and then Zhang Panpan reluctantly left home.

Yang Minghui naturally followed up secretly.

On the other side, Luo Chen felt it carefully. In order to prevent accidents, he deliberately moved his hands and feet on Yang Minghui.

Therefore, Luo Chen could sense that Yang Minghui was roughly there now.

Just after sensing that place, Luo Chen couldn't help but frown.

In this place in Yongji County, there is a mountain. The mountain is not very high, but it can be regarded as a big mountain.

Few people go to the mountain during the day, not because there are poisonous insects and beasts in the mountain, but because everyone who grew up in Yongji County has heard some legends about the mountain from the older generation.

Obviously, these legends carry a layer of mystery and horror.

In the era of warlords' melee, a group of bandits with hundreds of people was chased to Yongji by warlords.

Bandits can have a hundred people. After all, the bandit leader in the northeast was so famous as the mountain eagle, according to the real record, there were only dozens of people.

Finally, in order to avoid chasing soldiers, the bandits entered the mountain.

At that time, the warlord also had a headache when chasing after him. After all, these bandits were all ferocious and old, and if they occupied the commanding heights in the mountains, it would be really difficult to attack.

But what is strange is that when the troops from the warlord's side came to the foot of the mountain, the troops of thousands of people escaped from Yongji overnight.

It is said that dozens of troops with thousands of people were scared to death on the spot.

As for the bandits of hundreds of people, they never appeared again.

After that was the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan. After the Japanese devils came to Yongji, they also wanted to build several forts on the mountain.

So dozens of people were sent to explore.

It is said that dozens of people were sent to explore first, but no one came back after waiting for three days.

Then, after the Japanese devils discovered something was wrong, they sent another army up, and the result was the same.

It was directly broken, and finally nothing came of it.

Both of these things are legends. Whether it is true or exaggerated is now unprovable.

However, the older generations of Yongji County are full of awe of the mountain, so it has been passed down word of mouth, and young people in Yongji County have also heard of it.

And it's said that someone had taken a fancy to it before and planned to build some manor houses there and get some farmhouses, but in the end it didn't know why there was no movement.

Some people say that when the construction started there, black blood was constantly leaking from the soil during the excavation, and the construction team was so scared that the construction team did not dare to stop.

Anyway, there are a lot of rumors about there, but usually some bold people go up and find nothing, or that nothing happens at all.

At this moment Zhang Panpan was heading towards that mountain.

Yang Minghui quietly followed behind.

After it got dark, Zhang Panpan had already gone up the mountain.

Yang Minghui followed behind and wondered, why did Zhang Panpan come here most of the night?

Through the dense leaves, Yang Minghui found Zhang Panpan came to a dry well.

Yang Minghui was secretly wondering how there was a dry well in this place, when he suddenly saw a scene that he will never forget.

I saw Zhang Panpan's hair did not know when it had grown to the feet, and then the hair fell down into the dry well, still growing crazily.

The black hair was as messy as straw at the moment, and then Zhang Panpan finally knelt by the mouth of the well, as if something kept pulling her down.

Or more like something crawling up Zhang Panpan's hair!

Seeing this scene, although Yang Minghui was frightened, he was still a little worried about Zhang Panpan. He really liked Zhang Panpan.

So Yang Minghui walked out with the courage.

Zhang Panpan also noticed someone behind him at this moment, and suddenly turned his head, Zhang Panpan's hair broke instantly.

And at this time, a group of people appeared behind Yang Minghui.

The head was an old man who appeared to be in his sixties. He was not tall and wore a black mourning suit, which made people unusually uncomfortable. There were four men in suits behind him.

The four men know that they are definitely not rich and expensive, and they are definitely not ordinary people.

Zhang Panpan was stunned when he saw Yang Minghui and the old man.

Even a trace of fear flashed across Zhang Panpan's face.

"Panpan?" Yang Minghui shouted with concern.

"Hey, I didn't expect someone to ruin Master Zhang's good deeds!" One of the men snorted coldly.

But Zhang Panpan's complexion changed suddenly.

"Master Zhang, he is my friend, maybe he is not careful"

"Shut up!" The man snorted coldly.

"Panpan, who are they? And you?" Yang Minghui was a little confused about these things for a while.

"Since you have found out, then you don't need to live." The man snorted coldly, his voice extremely cold.

The old man didn't speak the whole time, but looking at the attitudes of the men towards the old man, it was obvious that the status of the old man was extremely high, and even the four men still had a trace of fear for the old man.

"What are you doing?" Although Yang Minghui was a little surprised, he was still not very worried.

Now it is a legal society, killing?

That is going to jail.

And the most important point is that Yang Minghui learned boxing when he was a child, and usually three or five guys really don't look at it.

The man beside the old man sneered, moved his muscles and bones, and walked slowly towards Yang Minghui.

"Master Zhang, he is my friend, please"

"Enough, do you want to save him because you can't protect yourself?" The old man looked impatient.

"Panpan, don't be afraid, I don't care about them yet." Yang Minghui looked at the man approaching him, still calm.

But the next moment, Yang Minghui was stunned. Because a layer of frost suddenly appeared at the feet of the old man, spreading directly at a speed visible to the naked eye.