Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 122

Chapter 122

The dagger stabbed over quickly and hard.

The people in the room are a group of people who are afraid of fighting. No one ever saw this scene of killing people directly with a knife, and they were shocked and screamed.

But Luo Chen thought it was a bit funny, don't look at Yang Ergou's dagger coming down very hard.

But in Luo Chen's eyes, it was an ant provoking himself.

This Yang Ergou was too far behind Hong Lao, compared to Wan Qianshan, and even compared to the group of mercenaries. It can even be said to be different.

Of course, Yang Ergou didn't think so, seeing Luo Chen not evasive, he felt awkward, and simply stabbed Luo Chen to death.

But just when the dagger was about to stab Luo Chen, Yang Ergou suddenly flashed a flower, and at the same time he felt that his face, no, to be precise, the head was hit hard, like a big rock flying over and hitting him. Up to oneself in general.

Luo Chen slapped his hand and directly flew Yang Ergou and hit a wall next to him.

"Bang!" Yang Ergou was knocked over at once, and when the whole person slipped down from the wall, it was like a puddle of mud.

Limping on the ground, Yang Ergou kept twitching all over.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Luo Chen sneered and walked to Fatty Yuan. Fatty Yuan was dumbfounded at the moment, his eyes filled with fear.

He didn't expect that he originally thought that desperadoes like Yang Ergou were ruthless enough, but compared to Luo Chen, they were nothing but a witch, and Luo Chen's skill was no ordinary person.

When Fatty Yuan was stunned, suddenly the same sharp pain came and brought him back to reality.

Luo Chen kicked on Fatty Yuan's knee and suddenly clicked. Fatty Yuan's knee, or the whole leg, was broken.

Flesh and blood, Bai Sensen's bones pierced out, even with some flesh and blood, which looked particularly oozing, and the group of people next to him were so scared that they dare not come out.

Luo Mingshu and Luo Dafu and his son obviously did not expect this result.

They originally thought that Yang Ergou could stab Luo Chen to death.

How can you think that this is actually the situation now?

In the dull atmosphere, Luo Mingshu finally couldn't hold back.

"It's murdered, call the police, call the police." After Luo Mingshu reminded him, Luo Dafu also reacted and took out his mobile phone.

But this is obviously unreasonable.

When Yang Ergou threatened Luo's father just now, Luo Dafu and the others did not call the police. Instead, Luo Dafu chose to call the police after Luo Chen injured a group of Yang Ergou.

Because this in itself is their collusion.

Moreover, Luo Dafu took out his cell phone to call 110, but his son Luo Yuanfei's call.

The call is connected.

"Hey, Yuanfei, where are you, come here quickly, Luo Chen killed someone." Luo Dafu said in an exaggerated manner.

Although Fatty Yuan and Yang Ergou were beaten badly by Luo Chen, they were still too early to die.

"I'm in the hospital." Luo Yuanfei's angry voice rang from the other end of the phone.

"You have something wrong?" Luo Dafu's heart tightened suddenly.

"I was beaten by Luo Chen." Luo Yuanfei said.

Now Luo Dafu was also dumbfounded.

Why did the police call his son?

This is planned in itself.

No other police can come, but his son, because Yang Ergou is a wanted murderer!

Wouldn't it be a bad thing if the police came?

But when his son is here, it's different. You can completely ignore this matter and point the finger at Luo Chen instead.

Originally, they thought that if something happened to Luo Chen's house, then Luo Yuanfei would come directly and get things done.

But now Luo Yuanfei was beaten into the hospital by Luo Chen and couldn't come.

With such a reminder, Luo's father also reacted and directly dialed 110 to report to the police.

Seeing that the police have already been called, how dare Luo Dafu and Luo Mingshu stay here?

When the other police came, they would definitely catch Yang Ergou back.

Moreover, Fatty Yuan and the murderer were mixed together, and the crime of sheltering must be indispensable.

If you can't do it well, you might be sentenced to robbery!

Don't involve them at that time.

Luo Dafu and Luo Mingshu looked at the form, and then thought that Luo Yuanfei was still in the hospital.

"You really taught a good son." Luo Dafu said this angrily, and left with someone. He was going to the hospital to see his son.

Obviously, Luo Chen could hardly bear Luo Yuanfei into the hospital.

Moreover, their last card was useless. Originally, they expected Luo Yuanfei to come out and clean up the mess.

It's fine now, Luo Yuanfei was lying in the hospital first.

Luo Chen didn't care.

Luo Chen turned his head and stepped on Yang Ergou's face with a smile.

"Now, can you talk about compensation?"

Luo Chen's smile was very relaxed, but at the moment he looked like a devil in his eyes.

"No, no money." Yang Ergou spit out these words vaguely for a long time.

"Oh? No money?" Luo Chen smiled again, the strength under his feet increased, and Yang Ergou's face heard a creaking sound, which was obviously the sound of broken bones.

"Ah~" There was another heart-piercing scream in the room.

"No money? So what are you doing alive?" Luo Chen's murderous aura leaked, and it only targeted Yang Ergou.

Yang Ergou is indeed a desperado, but it does not mean that he is not afraid of death.

Otherwise, if you killed someone, you wouldn't run away.

Feeling Luo Chen's murderous intent and the deep-seated pain on his face at this moment, Yang Ergou was immediately scared.

"At Fatty Yuan, he has money, he has money." Yang Ergou was terrified, he knew that the other party would really kill him.

Hearing this, Fatty Yuan's complexion suddenly changed, and he was in pain. He was about to speak when he stepped on his face with one foot.

At this time Fatty Yuan was very aware of current affairs and pleaded.

"I give it, I give it!" Luo Chen's methods obviously frightened him.

Although he was horizontal in the daytime, he met Luo Chen at the moment like a pinch-tailed dog.

Luo Chen took out an account and asked Fatty Yuan to transfer money immediately.

But Fatty Yuan couldn't spend so much money for a while, and in the end only transferred three million.

"Write an IOU. If you don't send the money within three days, you will be at your own risk." Luo Chen took his feet away from Fatty Yuan's face.

Fatty Yuan was terrified, and he would definitely write whatever he asked him to write now.

Luo Chen looked at Yang Ergou coldly.

Suddenly, Yang Ergou's souls were scared.

He fled for three years, but he has never expected the police to come as he does now.

Because he was afraid that the police would arrive late, he went to see Hades first.

He has killed people, so he is more afraid of death.

He had killed people, so he knew better that if Luo Chen wanted to kill him, he would really do it.

Soon people came from the police station.

It was supposed to do transcripts and other things, but Luo Chen called to Tongzhou.

After a short while, five or six policemen received the notice and left with people, and one of the policemen also said.

"Thank you, Mr. Luo, for helping to catch this wanted criminal. There will be a bonus in the future."

After finishing all this, Luo's father opened his mouth and wanted to ask Luo Chen.

After all, my son is so different now.

"Dad will explain to you later?" Luo Chen smiled.

"Okay, I'm going to pack the dishes." Father Luo walked in with a smile. After all, it was his son, although it is different now.

But it's not a bad thing.

Since you don't want to say it, then don't say it.

On the other side, Luo Dafu looked at Luo Yuanfei who was wrapped in gauze with a gloomy expression.

"Tomorrow, find someone to clean up the little bastard, fly far, find some relationship, and then forcibly requisition their land."

"Don't worry, Dad, even if you don't tell me, I will kill him. Tomorrow you see how I kill him." Luo Yuanfei clenched his fists tightly, accidentally affected the wound, and grinned with pain.

It was Luo Chen's house. Father Luo just went in and came out with his mobile phone.

It was Yang Minghui's mother who called.

Luo Chen answered the phone, and Yang Minghui's mother's anxious voice came from inside.

"Xiao Luo, after Minghui separated from you, do you know where he is going? He hasn't gone home yet, and his cell phone can't get through." Luo Chen sensed, suddenly his expression turned gloomy.