Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 924

Chapter 924

Chapter 924 Do you think highly of you?

Jackson asked the bodyguard to carry Giles into the car and said goodbye to Chen Jianghai himself.

"Chen, I'm really sorry!"

Jackson was talking about Giles being drunk, of course.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said indifferently, "It doesn't matter, after working for so long, it's okay to relax a little."

"Chen, I hope we will have the opportunity to meet in the United States in the future. I will invite you to dinner then."

Jackson made the invitation earnestly, extending his right hand at the same time.

Chen Jianghai stretched out his hand and shook Jackson: "Thank you for your invitation, there will definitely be this opportunity."

Jackson said earnestly: "I hope this day will come as soon as possible."

The center of Qiuhai is now moving overseas.

By then, Chen Jianghai will go abroad more and more times.

In this case, it is not difficult for the two sides to meet.

Thinking of this, Chen Jianghai suddenly felt the need to remind Jackson.

Jackson, in his previous life, died too suddenly.

Even more bizarre is that the cause of his death has always been a mystery.

After so many days of contact, Chen Jianghai knew that Jackson was a very friendly and good person, so he couldn't help but want to say a few more words.

"Smith, I have something to say to Jakes, you go back first!"

At this time, it is natural to support Smith.

After all, this is a relatively private matter, and it is not enough for outsiders.

Smith was naturally curious what Chen Jianghai would say to Jackson.

Curiosity is curiosity, and Smith knew that since Chen Jianghai deliberately left him, there was no need to be ignorant.

"Okay, Chen, then I'll go first.

Jackson, see you tomorrow. "

After Smith left, Jackson asked curiously, "Chen, what do you want to tell me?"

Chen Jianghai glanced at the bodyguard beside Jackson, but did not speak.

Seeing this, Jackson didn't know what Chen Jianghai meant.

After leaving the bodyguard, Jackson looked at Chen Jianghai, wondering what he would say next.

"Jackson, how long has Giles been your manager?"

Chen Jianghai asked with a smile.

Jackson was stunned. He didn't expect Chen Jianghai to ask such a question.

"It's been a long time, what's wrong?"

Jackson asked slightly surprised.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said meaningfully: "Jackson, if you stay in one position for too long, there may be problems."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Jackson didn't understand at all.

Chen Jianghai did not continue to speak, and some words were too clear to say.

"Chen, what do you mean..."

Jackson wanted to ask, but was interrupted by Chen Jianghai: "Jackson, I wish you a smooth journey in advance!"

Seeing that Chen Jianghai didn't want to say more on this issue, Jackson didn't ask any more.

However, he silently took down Chen Jianghai's suggestion.

He felt that Chen Jianghai must have discovered something, otherwise he would not have said such things to him.

"Chen, next time you come to the United States, I'll treat you to dinner."

Repeating the previous invitation again, Jackson got in the car and waved to Chen Jianghai, and left quickly.

In Changhong's general manager's office, Ning Ruifeng was sitting at the desk, silently listening to his subordinate's report, his face was very cold.

With the entry of many foreign-funded enterprises into the Huaxia market, many domestic color TV brands have become nervous.

Ning Ruifeng was now ready to start a price war.

It was the only best way he could think of so far.

Before that, what Ning Ruifeng needed to know was the attitudes and actions of other domestic businesses.

After some inquiries, other domestic manufacturers are also worried and look like a storm is coming.

Many manufacturers have made the same decision as Changhong and are already preparing to cut prices.

Even some radical manufacturers think that they have no advantage in the next competition, and they have already started to cut prices now.

However, for the time being, these manufacturers have not yet had the determination of the strong men to hold back, and the efforts are not too great.

There are also some that have not moved for the time being, such as Hisense.

At this time, Hisense, as if it didn't know about it, was still immersed in production.

Hisense is already an old rival to Ning Ruifeng.

There is a saying well.

It is often your enemy who knows you best.

Zhou Houjian, Ning Ruifeng has done a more in-depth understanding.

It seems that Zhou Houjian has already prepared measures to deal with this storm.

Otherwise, Hisense will not be silent at all.

It can only be said that Zhou Houjian's confidentiality work was too good, and Ning Ruifeng's did not inquire about any news at all.

The only thing Ning Ruifeng couldn't see through was Qiuhai.

According to the news that his subordinates inquired back, Qiuhai began to reduce the production volume.

Regarding this point, Ning Ruifeng really never thought of it.

You must know that Qiuhai color TV is now the best in the market.

Foreign-funded enterprises haven't come in yet, so Qiu Hai is cowardly?

Ning Ruifeng thought before that Qiu Hai would definitely make the same choice as him, that is to choose a price war.

If foreign-funded enterprises reduce their prices in China, their advantages are not great.

In this regard, domestic enterprises naturally have an absolute advantage.

Ning Ruifeng clearly knows that as long as they are willing to cut prices and dare to cut prices, foreign-funded enterprises should not try to easily occupy the domestic color TV market.

And before that, Lin Ruifeng had also seen Chen Jianghai's courage.

Once he wants to adopt a price reduction model, the magnitude must be quite terrifying.

This is also Lin Ruifeng's biggest concern.

To put it bluntly, in his heart he already regards Qiuhai, or Chen Jianghai, who is at the helm of Qiuhai, as his strongest competitor.

"Chen Jianghai, do you think highly of you?"

Ning Ruifeng was suddenly disappointed and couldn't help but muttered to himself.

Before that, Ning Ruifeng had always admired each other.

Starting from a poor and two white people, it has to be admired that it can develop to the point where it is today.

Especially those seemingly very risky and radical decisions Chen Jianghai made before really scared many people.

Most people think that Chen Jianghai's actions at that time were purely gambling.

And like a gambler with a red-eyed loss and a confused mind, he has no scruples.

But the result surprised everyone, Chen Jianghai not only won the bet, but also won so beautifully.

After Chen Jianghai put forward the slogan of revitalizing national enterprises, he has become a banner, and his reputation can be said to have reached its peak.

The leaders of many domestic enterprises have taken Chen Jianghai's words to heart.

How to revitalize national enterprises?

It will naturally occupy more market and create more value, instead of watching the market that originally belonged to itself be madly divided by other foreign companies.

At present, the color TV market is about to usher in the invasion of foreign capital. According to reason, Qiuhai should be the first to stand up.

Ning Ruifeng waited for the result, but Qiuhai began to reduce production.

Therefore, Ning Ruifeng would say such a sentence.