Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 857

Chapter 857

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: [Luoqiu Chinese] https://The fastest update! No ads!

After seeing the news, Ma Junwei really panicked, he didn't expect Qiu Hai to come for real.

This matter has been published in the newspapers, and now I want to calm down, but it is not so easy.

After seeing the news, many people started to stand in line.

Most of them are on Ma Junwei's side.

Sympathy for the weak has always been something Chinese people like to do.

Even if the weak is wrong, the people of the country hope that the strong can let the weak go.

There are many people who value the fact that Ma Junwei has won many international championships with his athletes.

With China's current situation, it must have made a great contribution to get so many honors in the international arena.

After Ma Junwei knew that most people supported him, he was also secretly relieved.

At this time, he became more and more confident, and with the support of so many people, Qiu Hai would definitely not dare to continue to sue him against the world.

With this idea in mind, Ma Junwei called Yue Hongsheng again. Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw. com

Yue Hongsheng is very curious, this coach Ma is calling now, and he wants to say something to himself.

What Yue Hongsheng didn't expect was that Ma Junwei's call came to Qiuhai with conditions.

Ma Junwei, full of confidence, asked Qiuhai to withdraw the lawsuit immediately.

For this, Yue Hongsheng can at least understand.

No one wants to be in a lawsuit, right?

But Ma Junwei's next request made Yue Hongsheng feel ridiculous.

Ma Junwei said that Qiuhai's actions seriously violated his reputation and asked Qiuhai to compensate him for his losses.

When he heard this request, Yue Hongsheng felt that Ma Junwei was really focused on making money.

It was not bad that Qiuhai didn't ask him for compensation, but he was still thinking about hitting back and asking Qiuhai to compensate him. It was just a dream!

At the beginning, if Ma Junwei and Chen Jianghai were soft and admit his mistake, this matter must have passed.

Relying on his special identity, Ma Junwei has come this far with Qiuhai, and Chen Jianghai will definitely not let it go easily.

Now Ma Junwei thinks that with so many people supporting him, Chen Jianghai will be a big mistake.

Yue Hongsheng has been with Chen Jianghai for so long, and he knows the character of this big boss.

Chen Jianghai is a master who blows soft but not hard. Ma Junwei's actions are equivalent to touching Chen Jianghai's bottom line, and there is no way to reconcile at this time.

Yue Hongsheng knew that Chen Jianghai had only one request for this matter, and that was to win the lawsuit and teach Ma Junwei a profound lesson.

You know, in the United States, Chen Jianghai has already dropped millions of dollars for a lawsuit.

Moreover, in the face of such a big company, and even the US Ministry of Commerce is standing behind it, the pressure is not small.

Now, in the face of Ma Junwei, who has forgotten his original intentions and is all about making money, Chen Jianghai will naturally not compromise.

Yue Hongsheng knew that it would be a waste of time to continue talking, so he didn't want to continue talking nonsense with Ma Junwei.

"Coach Ma, see you in court!"

Leaving this sentence, Yue Hongsheng hung up the phone directly.

Ma Junwei listened to the busy tone from the phone, his face was ashen, and finally he threw the phone in his hand to the ground.

After this phone call, Ma Junwei also knew that Qiu Hai was not going to talk to him anymore.

Qiu Hai's current attitude is very obvious, and he will not give up easily.

In this case, Ma Junwei didn't dare to entrust the university, and quickly entrusted the relationship to find a lawyer.

According to the time on the flyer, the court will start in two days.

If he is not prepared at all, he will definitely lose the case.

This was even more of a heavy blow to him, and he couldn't even accept it.

Chen Jianghai did not express any opinion after knowing this.

Ma Junwei is crazy about money now and completely forgets the word integrity.

In this case, I really have to teach him a good lesson and let him know that some ignorant money cannot be earned.

The lawsuit between Qiu Hai and Ma Junwei is also getting bigger and bigger, and many people in China are paying attention to this matter.

Many people feel that Qiu Hai has done a bit too much, and is completely unforgiving and too harsh.

But what everyone didn't expect was that before the lawsuit started, the Chinese turtle essence had a problem first.

Before Qiuhai decided to appeal, Chen Jianghai asked Yue Hongsheng to do one thing first.

This matter is to go to the Consumers Association and report the quality problems of this Chinese turtle essence health product.

After receiving the complaint, the Consumers Association did not delay and went directly to the door to check.

After coming to the factory of Chinese turtle essence, they found a shocking situation.

This health product, called Chinese Turtle Essence, knows from the name that it should be related to turtles.

However, the inspectors searched in and out of the factory area, and finally found only a turtle basking in the sun in the landscape pond.

Seeing this situation, the staff of the Consumers Association were bizarrely angry.

For a product called Chinese turtle essence, only one turtle was found in the entire factory?

This kind of thing is really outrageous.

Soon, the news was published in the newspapers, and the common people knew about it.

Suddenly there was an uproar across the country.

Everyone really can't imagine that the product endorsed by Ma Junwei is so shameless.

For this matter, the newspaper used a sentence to sum it up, that is, "a scumbag feeds a factory."

At this time, everyone also understood.

This product endorsed by Ma Junwei is simply deceiving.

In addition, Ma Junwei is in a lawsuit with Qiuhai, and everyone's trust in him has plummeted.

Even if Ma Junwei is a national hero, if he loses his integrity, he is still a rat crossing the street and everyone shouts and beats him.

For a while, public opinion showed a one-sided trend, all of which favored Qiuhai.

The day after the news was reported, the Chinese turtle essence was completely removed from the shelves.

Many stores selling this product were directly closed down by the Consumers Association.

This is good, the lawsuit has not started, and Ma Junwei has lost half of it.

Ma Junwei originally wanted to rely on the hot sales of Chinese soft-shelled turtle essence to promote it well. While making a lot of money, he also consolidated his image by the way.

He now realizes that his fame can bring him a lot of money.

To further consolidate the image is also to prepare for making more money in the future.

Unfortunately, it seems that is a joke at all.

Ma Junwei, who has lost popular support, panicked completely.

He knew that this lawsuit was definitely unwinnable, and he had to think of other ways.

As the saying goes, you still need to be a bell person. If you want to resolve the crisis, you must still find Chen Jianghai, so he called Yue Hongsheng again.

Yue Hongsheng did not expect that Ma Junwei would be so thick-skinned that he called again at this time.

This time, Ma Junwei's attitude has changed drastically from the previous two times.