Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 856

Chapter 856

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: [Luoqiu Chinese] https://The fastest update! No ads!

In today's Qiuhai, work efficiency is very high.

The Legal Department is no exception.

Under the supervision of Yue Hongsheng, the legal department acted quickly that day.

They had already received the notice yesterday and had made relevant preparations in advance, and now they naturally acted accordingly.

On the third day, Qiuhai formally sued Ma Junwei.

When Ma Junwei received the flyer, he was stunned.

He really never imagined that Qiu Hai was not trying to imitate him at all.

Right now, Ma Junwei thinks he is a national hero with his own aura, and Qiu Hai absolutely dare not bring this matter to court.

It's a pity that what he didn't know was that Chen Jianghai was not the kind of person who didn't say anything at all.

His principle is that people respect me one foot, and I respect others ten feet.

But if you want to offend me, you will never be polite

Especially in the face of some principled issues, he, Chen Jianghai, is not so good at speaking.

More importantly, the Chinese turtle essence endorsed by Ma Junwei is indeed a fake that sells dog meat.

As for the health care effect advertised in the advertisement, it is nothing at all.

This situation, he himself is very clear.

After receiving the court leaflet, Ma Junwei couldn't sit still, and hurriedly called Yue Hongsheng.

It's not that he doesn't want to call Chen Jianghai, but he doesn't have Chen Jianghai's contact information at all, so he can only go to Yue Hongsheng.

"Mr. Yue, what do you mean?" Ma Junwei asked aggressively.

Yue Hongsheng did not expect that Ma Junwei would come to complain first.

"Coach Ma, I have informed you before. If you don't want to solve it, then I have to act according to the law. Anyway, the contract is clearly written, you don't remember it, right?"

Yue Hongsheng said neither humbly nor arrogantly.

Ma Junwei roared, "Mr. Yue, I'm a hero of the country! Have you considered the consequences when you treat me like this?"

"Coach Ma, the law is fair, let's talk about this in court!"

After Yue Hongsheng said this, he hung up the phone directly, not giving Ma Junwei a chance to speak again.

In the face of such a self-righteous and arrogant person, he really didn't want to say a word to him.

After putting down the phone, Yue Hongsheng immediately looked for Chen Jianghai.

In any case, what Ma Junwei said just now, he felt it was necessary to report to President Chen.

After Chen Jianghai heard the news, he smiled slightly and didn't take it to heart.

The reason why Ma Junwei did this was that he was in a hurry.

"Have you been to the Consumers Association?" Chen Jianghai asked.

Yue Hongsheng said calmly: "Mr. Chen, I have been there two days ago, and I have reported this problem to them. They said that they should investigate and investigate carefully."

Chen Jianghai nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, just wait for this matter, we are not in a hurry."

Yue Hongsheng nodded and said nothing.

Chen Jianghai then asked again: "By the way, how have the two vice president candidates been doing recently?"

"It's pretty good, and I'm very serious." Yue Hongsheng replied.

"Okay, if you have time, pay more attention."

"Mr. Chen, I know."

After all, Chen Jianghai asked about Kodak's progress by the way.

In general, the Kodak film has already started production.

At this point, Qiuhai has already started to remove the staff one after another.

According to the previous agreement, Qiuhai was only responsible for the land and the factory.

To produce and sell these things, Kodak's own people are responsible.

What Qiuhai can do is just an auxiliary role.

Chen Jianghai valued the camera lens business, and he had no interest in asking about film, something destined to be eliminated by the times.

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai said with a smile: "It seems that Xiaoqiu and the others are about to relax."

Yue Hongsheng smiled and nodded: "That's right, the film project will be handed over to Kodak, and the lens is a R&D center for the time being."

Chen Jianghai thought for a while, then raised his hand and said, "Then let's prepare new projects, we can't let them idle."

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

Yue Hongsheng was obviously stunned for a while, and when he saw Chen Jianghai's understatement, he was suddenly a little worried.

Chen Jianghai has always been the kind of person who can't sit still, especially in the business sector.

If other companies have so many popular products in their hands, they must be holding on tight.

Chen Jianghai is better. He seems to be afraid that the upgrading of products will not be fast enough, so he spends a lot of money on research and development.

More importantly, Qiuhai is still developing new products.

The refrigerator and color TV have just stabilized, and he is already thinking about new products.

"Washing machine, let's do this next, every household needs it."

In one sentence, Chen Jianghai set the direction of Qiuhai's new products.

Hearing the washing machine, Yue Hongsheng frowned slightly.

Yue Hongsheng has always been very concerned about the household appliance industry.

Yue Hongsheng still knows a lot about this washing machine.

Now the most famous local washing machine brand in China is Little Swan.

As for foreign capital, it is Sanyang of the island country.

The products of these two companies occupy almost half of the domestic market.

If Chen Jianghai wants to enter the washing machine industry, he must face these two companies.

But none of them are good persimmons

"Mr. Chen, our opponent is very strong."

Yue Hongsheng finally choked out such a sentence.

Although he knew that what Chen Jianghai decided was difficult to change, Yue Hongsheng couldn't help but want to remind him.

Chen Jianghai knew what Yue Hongsheng was worried about. Qiuhai had no technology and no equipment in terms of washing machines, so he really had no advantage at all.

"The opponent is too strong, will we never enter this industry?"

Chen Jianghai looked at Yue Hongsheng, and asked a question calmly.

Hearing this question, Yue Hongsheng didn't say anything.

If you want to enter an industry and face the original old-fashioned company, it is inevitable.

If your opponent is strong, you should enter the industry more proactively, understand the industry, and then surpass your opponent.

If you are always timid, you will never have a chance to surpass.

Yue Hongsheng felt a little tight in his heart. After all, he was still too conservative and didn't see Chen Zongyuan.

"Mr. Chen, I know what to do." Yue Hongsheng said in a deep voice.

Chen Jianghai nodded with satisfaction and ordered, "Let Xiaoqiu lead them to do this project!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, they can just exercise and train them again, which is also considered killing two birds with one stone.

Moreover, with his understanding of the development of washing machines, Chen Jianghai is confident to come up with a blockbuster product.

Soon Qiu Hai and Ma Junwei's lawsuit will be in the news.

Speaking of which, Qiuhai has been silent for a while, and the media all thought that Qiuhai would develop steadily in the future.

I didn't expect that Qiuhai would be the only one who didn't make a sound. After a blockbuster, there was such a big news.

Qiuhai can be said to be a representative of Huaxia national enterprises, which no one can deny.

And Ma Junwei, leading a group of long-distance runners to win the championship in the international arena, is somewhat like a national hero.

When these two parties come together, it is impossible for the topic to be too high.