Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 806

Chapter 806

Chapter 806 The tone of the celebration

Behind the office building, four or five old bullet commercial vehicles were parked.

As soon as Chen Jianghai arrived, the car door opened, and Li Tianwang got out of the car first.

Afterwards, a group of star artists that Chen Jianghai could directly name came down one after another.

Wang Jingwen, Lin Yilian, Zhong Meihong, Zhou Huimin, Li Lixin...

Looking at these beauties with different characteristics in front of him, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but raise his brows.

Good guy, Li Tianwang invited all the beauties of Xiangjiang over here, right?

The people in front of them are all the most famous actresses in Hong Kong in the 1990s.

If they can be present, the limelight of this Qiuhai Celebration Banquet is absolutely unstoppable.

Seeing so many stars today, Yue Hongsheng has always been calm, but he was dumbfounded.

Afterwards, he couldn't help but glance at Chen Jianghai, and sighed secretly: Mr. Chen is still awesome!

Chen Jianghai reached out and greeted: "Welcome, everyone came from afar, hard work!"

Li Tianwang said a little proudly: "Mr. Chen, the guests I invited to you did not disappoint you!"

"Of course I won't be disappointed, it's just perfect!"

Hearing Chen Jianghai's words, everyone present laughed, and the atmosphere became more harmonious.

The goodwill of several beautiful beauties for Chen Jianghai also rose steadily.

So much gold and young boss, definitely the best lover.

Chen Jianghai greeted him: "Everyone, please come in with me!"

When a group of people walked into the venue, there was a sudden uproar.

Looking at the beauties around Chen Jianghai, Qiuhai's staff immediately became excited.

Especially those young employees stood up directly and shouted frantically.

The ones who shouted the loudest were naturally men.

These actresses who came today can be said to be the dream lovers of many people.

They didn't expect to see their dream lover at today's celebration banquet.

Seeing the enthusiasm of Qiuhai employees, Li Tianwang and others also smiled and waved.

Of course, shouting, shouting, shouting, no one jumped up.

It can be seen from this point that the overall quality of Qiuhai employees is absolutely acceptable.

After bringing Li Tianwang and the others into their positions, Yue Hongsheng hurried to the backstage.

As the commander-in-chief of this celebration banquet, he still has a lot of things to do.

Chen Jianghai talked very happily with the guests from all over the world.

Soon, two hosts, a man and a woman, came to the stage.

After some words of celebration, Qiuhai's celebration feast officially began.

Chen Jianghai's speech, as the opening of this celebration banquet, is more suitable.

As soon as he came to the stage, Chen Jianghai bowed deeply thinking about everyone in the audience.

Seeing this, everyone in the audience was stunned.

what's going on?

After a while, Chen Jianghai straightened up.

He only heard him say loudly: "Dear colleagues, it took Qiuhai less than a year, and the sales exceeded 10 billion. This is inseparable from everyone's hard work, thank you."

As soon as he came up, Chen Jianghai set the tone for this celebration.

Qiuhai's success is inseparable from this group of people in the audience.

The audience suddenly burst into warm applause.

They never thought that Chen Jianghai would say this at the beginning.

Li Tianwang also applauded.

He still admires Chen Jianghai's character.

The actresses who followed Li Tianwang became more and more curious about Chen Jianghai.

"In addition, I would like to tell you good news. This time the sales exceeded 10 billion, which refers to the domestic market, not including the foreign market."

Only at this time did the employees in the audience know that the tens of billions of sales did not include overseas markets.

Many people know that Qiuhai has sold a large number of products abroad since last year.

Nearly a year, foreign sales will certainly not be less there.

According to this calculation, by the end of the year, Qiuhai's overall sales will exceed 20 billion.

Thinking of this, the employees in the audience were all excited.

They are really proud of being Qiuhai people.

"I believe that as long as we work together and forge ahead, Qiuhai's tomorrow will be even more brilliant. Now, the celebration banquet officially begins!"

After speaking concisely, Chen Jianghai stepped down from the stage, and the celebration banquet officially began.

Chen Jianghai came to Liang Haoyang's table with a wine glass.

This is Chen Jianghai's first glass of wine, and he wants to pay tribute to these old Qiuhai employees.

They can be said to be the first batch of employees of Qiuhai, and their status is quite special in Qiuhai.

Seeing Chen Jianghai coming with wine, Liang Haoyang and the others quickly stood up with wine.

"Lao Liang, did you ever think that Qiuhai would have such a day?"

Chen Jianghai patted Liang Haoyang on the shoulder and asked with a smile.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's words, everyone at the table smiled and shook their heads.

Liang Haoyang said with emotion: "Mr. Chen, no one here would think about it, nor would he dare to think that Qiuhai would have such an achievement today.

If it weren't for you, the original small kettle factory would have closed down long ago. "

Hearing Liang Haoyang say this, the whole group at the table was filled with emotion.

Chen always really has the ability to make a factory that is on the verge of bankruptcy to such a large scale.

If you say it, no one will believe it!

Anyway, if they didn't experience it themselves, it would be hard for them to believe it.

"The development of Qiuhai will get better and better in the future. I hope you can accompany Qiuhai all the time."

After that, Chen Jianghai raised the wine glass in his hand: "This glass, to celebrate Qiuhai's new milestone!"

Liang Haoyang and the others hurriedly raised their glasses and clinked with Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai drank it directly.

"Everyone, sit down, eat and drink well."

After finishing speaking, Chen Jianghai went to the next table accompanied by a group of vice presidents.

Liang Haoyang looked at the back of Chen Jianghai leaving and sighed slightly.

"Old Liang, what's wrong with you?

sighed. "

Yin Chaoyang next to him couldn't help but ask.

"I'm sighing, I'm sighing!"

Liang Haoyang said.

Yin Chaoyang smiled slightly: "I know what you want to say, I feel that Mr. Chen has the ability, you admire him, right?"

"Ha ha!"

Liang Haoran nodded: "You're right, Chen is always the person I admire the most."

Yin Chaoyang raised his hand and gestured: "Old Liang, then ask the people present, which one doesn't admire President Chen?"

Everyone hurriedly said yes.

Qiuhai can have today, they can have today, it is all thanks to Chen Jianghai.

"Yes, if there is no President Chen, I think most of the people here would have been laid off!"

"You're If Mr. Chen bought our factory, we still don't know why!"

Speaking of this, the people at the table suddenly remembered their situation at the time, and then thought of their life today, and they were really emotional.

It is no exaggeration to say that the appearance of Chen Jianghai changed their fate.

The tables in front of the venue were all high-level executives from Qiuhai. Chen Jianghai went over to drink with them one by one with wine glasses.

Then Chen Jianghai explained to everyone: "Okay, don't sit still, exchange feelings with the employees below, and have a drink."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, everyone got up and filled up the wine, and then walked down.