Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 805

Chapter 805

Chapter eight hundred and fifth created a miracle

Time passed by like a white horse, and in a blink of an eye, it was the end of November.

Qiuhai's celebration feast is about to begin.

This celebration banquet, Chen Jianghai invited all the friends he knew.

Ten billion, this is a milestone in the history of Qiuhai's development, and it is natural to publicize it well.

At the same time, this is also to tell Qiuhai's employees that Qiuhai's future is bright.

In addition, taking advantage of this celebration banquet, Chen Jianghai plans to distribute all the rewards that should have been issued before, so that employees can feel real joy.

Two days before the celebration feast, Chen Jianghai received a call from Li Tianwang.

"Mr. Chen, what you told me to do before has been done, and I will take them there in person."

As soon as the call was connected, Li Tianwang said with a smile.

Chen Jianghai joked: "I don't know the four kings, how many can you come?"

"Mr. Chen, it's impossible to get all of them, but I'm sure you won't be disappointed."

Li Tianwang deliberately sold out, but his tone was very confident.

Chen Jianghai laughed when he heard it: "Then I'll be waiting for your arrival."

Regarding the specific number of people, Chen Jianghai did not ask in detail.

No matter how many people you bring, Qiuhai can arrange it properly.

Besides, celebrities all have schedules, and it is a bit unrealistic to want to put too many celebrities' schedules in one day.

At least the current Qiuhai and himself do not have such amazing appeal.

That night, Yue Hongsheng arranged a rehearsal for the prepared program. Chen Jianghai went to watch it and felt good.

"Mr. Chen, do you want to add a show when you see it?

You go up and sing a song yourself? "

Yue Hongsheng suddenly proposed.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand: "No, I'm just playing tickets, there's no need."

"Mr. Chen, you are in a concert in Xiangjiang. Is this a ticket-playing nature?"

Yue Hongsheng couldn't help but exclaimed.

The matter of Chen Jianghai in Xiangjiang was published in the newspapers after he returned.

"Mysterious rich man in the mainland, shocked to see Li Tianwang's concert!

"Chen Jianghai, a singer who was delayed by business.

The headlines of these reports are very eye-catching.

Especially this matter is related to Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai himself did not expect that mainland reporters would go to Xiangjiang to dig news.

"Forget it, there's no need for that."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand, indicating that Yue Hongsheng didn't need to say any more.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Yue Hongsheng was somewhat disappointed.

If Chen Jianghai can sing a song in person, the atmosphere at the scene will definitely be very different.

More importantly, Chen Jianghai sings very well, and everyone will definitely like it.

Yue Hongsheng actually didn't understand why Chen Jianghai was always so low-key.

When he was in Linghai before, Qiuhai had to do something, and he would still show up anyway.

Since he arrived in Pingshan, no matter what he does, Chen Jianghai will basically not come forward in person, but will push forward their vice presidents and the like.

"Mr. Chen, is there anything else you need to pay attention to?"

Yue Hongsheng asked.

Chen Jianghai shook his head and said, "That's it! I can rest assured that you do things."

The news of Qiuhai's celebration banquet soon spread throughout Pingshan.

Chen Jianghai invited so many guests, it would be strange if the news didn't come out.

Regarding the theme of the Qiuhai Celebration Banquet, many people already know that the domestic sales of Qiuhai exceeded 10 billion.

After hearing this data, many people took a deep breath.

They didn't expect Qiuhai to have developed to this level, a height that no one could reach.

Previously, on TV and in the newspapers, they had seen Qiuhai's development, how far it had developed, and they had every accurate concept.

I know that Qiuhai is very good now, and it has become an existence that can compete with those big brands that have been famous for a long time.

And there are certain advantages.

Ten billion, this specific number makes people realize that Qiuhai is really rising.

This local enterprise in Xijiang has created a miracle.

For Qiuhai's competitors, they are very worried.

Qiuhai has developed so rapidly that it will definitely be a tough competitor in the future.

In less than two years, Qiuhai has grown from nothing to over 10 billion in sales.

This leap-forward development is truly unbelievable.

The key is that Qiuhai's business is booming at the moment, not only does not show any fatigue, but it is getting more and more rapid.

If you give Qiuhai a few more years, what will it develop into?

It's kind of unimaginable.

On November 31st, Qiuhai's celebration feast officially began.

The work of welcoming guests was handed over to Yue Hongsheng and a group of managers by Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai now just wants to hide behind the scenes and silently watch Qiuhai grow stronger step by step.

After a group of managers from Linghai arrived, Chen Jianghai asked Yue Hongsheng to take them to the reception room.

"I'm glad to see you all here."

This was the first sentence Chen Jianghai said to everyone.

When everyone heard it, they were excited and applauded.

The people in this conference room can be said to be the elders of Qiuhai.

Chen Jianghai went on to say: "You have all the credit for Qiuhai's success today. On behalf of all Qiuhai employees, I would like to thank you."

After speaking, Chen Jianghai directly bowed and expressed his gratitude.

Seeing this, Liang Haoyang quickly stepped forward and supported Chen Jianghai.

"Mr. Chen, see what you said?

We are already paid, and without your leadership, Qiuhai would not be where it is today, don't you think? "

Liang Haoyang turned his head and said.

Everyone present immediately agreed in unison: "That's right!"

When Chen Jianghai heard this, he was filled with emotion.

This is a group of honest and lovely people.

They trust themselves so much, and of course they will never let them down.

"Mr. Chen, Li Tianwang and the others have arrived."

At this time, Yue Hongsheng, who came in from the outside, looked a little weird.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and said, "Since you're here, why not invite him in?"

"Mr. Chen, there are a lot of them here."

Yue Hongsheng followed suit.

Seeing Yue Hongsheng's appearance, Chen Jianghai was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but ask, "How many people are here?"

Yue Hongsheng immediately replied: "Twenty or so."

Hearing this number, Chen Jianghai was also slightly taken aback.

Li Tianwang is really powerful, he actually found so many artists here.

Seeing this, Liang Haoyang immediately said: "Mr. Chen, you are busy with your work, we don't need you to accompany us. UU Reading"

"Okay, drink some tea and rest first!"

Chen Jianghai followed and said to Yue Hongsheng, "Go, go and see what's going on."

Later, Yue Hongsheng took Chen Jianghai to the back door of Qiuhai.

Today's celebration banquet was held inside Qiuhai.

Originally, Yue Hongsheng wanted to arrange to go to the restaurant, but Chen Jianghai rejected it.

Qiuhai's celebration banquet is naturally to be held in Qiuhai.

In this way, the employee's sense of belonging will be stronger.