Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 619

Chapter 619

Chapter 619 Is this a white wolf with empty gloves?

At this moment, the box door was pushed open, and Chef Yan walked in with the carefully prepared dishes.

"Mr. Chen, distinguished guests, the dishes are here!"

Chen Jianghai knows that sometimes talking too much is not a good thing, and it is the best to point to it.

"Three, first taste the craftsmanship of our Royal Chef Yan!"

Chen Jianghai smiled and asked everyone to move the chopsticks first.

At this moment, apart from Smith having the mood to eat, Mark and Ran Shifei can be said to have no appetite at all.

Now Mark's mind is full of Chen Jianghai's words, and he can't eat it at all.

And Ren Shifei was also very puzzled, what did Chen Jianghai want to do?

You must know that lithography machine technology is not something to talk about with your mouth, it must have real materials.

However, what is the real material from Chen Jianghai?

"Chen, what you just said to reduce the length of the light wave, is there really such a way?"

Mark just raised his chopsticks and couldn't help but put it down and asked.

Chen Jianghai said without hesitation: "Mark, I can't lie to you with this.

However, we are still in the theoretical stage. After all, our domestic technology cannot reach your level. "

At this time, Mark already believed Chen Jianghai's words.

If Chen Jianghai said that they had found a specific operation method, Mark would still be somewhat skeptical.

But now that Chen Jianghai said that it is still in the theoretical stage, it is much more credible.

After all, China's technology in this area is far behind foreign countries.

But inspiration has nothing to do with backward technology, it mainly depends on people.

Maybe, Chen Jianghai really had a flash of inspiration and found a feasible solution.

When it comes to research, sometimes direction is more important than practice.

Because there may be thousands of trials, all of which have become useless because of the wrong direction.

"Chen, if we cooperate, what conditions do you want?"

After a moment of silence, Mark asked such a question.

Chen Jianghai did not answer, but said lightly: "Mark, can you decide this matter?

Why don't you ask your uncle? "

The meaning of this is very clear, Chen Jianghai wants to discuss cooperation with William in person.

"Chen, my uncle has already handed over this matter to me. We can talk about it first."

Mark was a little anxious.

Mark attaches great importance to the technical problems of the lithography machine.

At this time, Mark didn't even care about the food on the table.

Mark loves food, but he loves the lithography machine even more.

At this time, he heard Chen Jianghai say that there is an advanced technology, and he naturally wanted to have a sneak peek.

Chen Jianghai thought for a while, "Mark, I'm looking forward to working with you, but I have a request."

"you say."

"I want Osmer's shares."

Chen Jianghai stated his ultimate goal.

Having Aosmai shares means that Chen Jianghai has the right to speak in Aosmai.

Chen Jianghai knows what it means to have the right to speak to the future lithography machine overlord Osmai.

After listening to Chen Jianghai's words, Mark frowned and thought seriously.

When it comes to shares, Mark does not have the right to make his own decision.

"Chen, how do I know that the theory you're talking about works?"

Mark is not stupid, now Chen Jianghai is completely empty-handed and a white wolf.

What he said, no one can confirm that it really works.

"Mark, I can sign a gambling agreement with you."

Chen Jianghai put down his chopsticks, sat up straight, and looked at Mark with bright eyes.

Ma A raised his brows: "A gambling agreement?"

Chen Jianghai nodded and replied, "Yes, it's a gambling agreement!"

Now Chen Jianghai has only one card about the lithography machine: that is the immersive lithography proposed by Baojidian and Osmai in 2002.

Chen Jianghai saw this theory on the Internet in his previous life, so he knew the general direction.

Of course, to talk about how to do it specifically, it can only be done by the people of Osmer.

Even the current Warwick, I am afraid, can only go to fight Osmay.

So Chen Jianghai intends to spend half of the funds with the Osma family, all of which will be invested in this immersive lithography research.

If it is successful, Chen Jianghai hopes to get 20% of the shares of Osman.

As for why not take more, that is because half of Osman's own equity is actually in Philip.

If Chen Jianghai asked 30% to open his mouth, Osman would definitely not agree.

If this bet fails, Chen Jianghai needs to compensate Osman for all the funds invested.

Chen Jianghai is now a small and broad-minded person. Since Osman was able to develop this immersive lithography in his previous life, now he has his own suggestions, and it should be able to be developed more smoothly.

Even if it fails, it is nothing more than a loss of money for Chen Jianghai.

But once he succeeds, Chen Jianghai will be able to change the embarrassing situation of no cores available in his previous life.

At the same time, Huawei's research on chips can also make great progress.

So no matter which way you look at it, this is an absolute bargain.

"Chen, the research funding for lithography machines is in units of 100 million?

Did you really think about it? "

Mark couldn't help but reminded.

Chen Jianghai said calmly: "Mark, I have already thought about it, money is not a problem at all."

"Okay, I'll call right away and ask my uncle!"

After Mark finished speaking, he stood up and went outside.

Chen Jianghai quickly stopped him, "Mark, let's talk about this after dinner, don't worry about it."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Mark, who loves food, directly refused.

"Chen, this matter is very important to me and our company, please forgive my rudeness!"

After speaking, Mark left directly.

Smith was completely dumbfounded, didn't he say he came to eat?

How did it become like this?

"Chen, I'll take him back to the hotel first!"

Smith stood up and said.

Chen Jianghai patted Smith and said, "It's hard work, man."

"Chen, don't worry, I will notify you as soon as there is news."

After these two conversations, Smith also understood that Chen Jianghai definitely had a plan.

However, Smith does not intend to expose it, after all, the two are already in a cooperative relationship.

As long as Chen Jianghai thinks it is beneficial, he will definitely support it with both hands.

Ren Shifei didn't speak, he still couldn't understand why Chen Jianghai was so sure?

Could it be that he really has the technology of a lithography machine?

"Mr. Chen, I'm very confused right now, is what you said really true?"

After the two left, Ren Shifei couldn't help but say.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, "Mr. Ren, I'm telling the truth."

"Mr. Chen."

Ren Shifei said very seriously: "The thing about the wavelength of the lithography is also true?"

"Well, it's true, but it's just a theory. It takes time and money to realize it, and of course technical support."

Chen Jianghai did not hide from Ren Shifei.

Ran Shifei was even more curious, "Mr. Chen, how did your theory come about?"

"I thought about it myself."

Chen Jianghai looked at Ren Shifei and said with a half-smile, "Do you believe it?"

Ren Shifei naturally doesn't believe it, but he is really confused now, what is Chen Jianghai doing?