Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 618

Chapter 618

Chapter 618 These words, even a savvy person will not believe it

Ran Shifei was slightly taken aback, "Yes, this is our business."

"Speaking of which, we are half peers."

Mark said with a smile.

Ran Shifei nodded: "Mr. Mark, as far as I know, your main business is lithography machines. Are you not a peer with us?"

"President Ren, my uncle said that the relationship between communication and chips will definitely be closely linked in the future, and we are naturally half peers."

When Chen Jianghai next to him heard this, he also admired William Maris in his heart.

Unexpectedly, in this era, William Maris has been able to see so far.

However, he didn't see it clearly enough. The relationship between communication and chips is not as closely connected as he said.

In the field of communication in later generations, it can be said that chips are already inseparable.

Once the smartphone communication loses the support of the chip, it is simply a disaster.

This is the best example of Huawei being suppressed by foreign countries.

The interruption of chip supply has caused great losses to Huawei's mobile phone industry.

If Huawei has always insisted on its own technology research and development, and has an advantage in operator business and enterprise business, maybe after a round of suppression, Huawei's history will be rewritten.

For Mark's words, Ren Shifei also pondered for a long time, and felt that what he said was very reasonable.

After all, Ren Shifei is not a pedantic person, he is also a person who can accept new things.

In the field of communication, it is indeed impossible to do without chips.

Chen Jianghai followed up: "Mr. Ren, I remember that our company also has a special department that studies chips and lithography machines, right?"

Hearing Chen Jianghai's words, the three people present had different expressions.

Smith was completely surprised. He didn't even know that Chen Jianghai still had such a company.

Mark was surprised, he didn't expect to meet a real counterpart here.

At this time, Ren Shifei kept a smile on his face, and his heart was already turbulent.

To say that Huawei is engaged in chip research, it can be said in the past.

After all, the circuit research department of Huawei is barely involved in chip research.

But when it comes to lithography machines, this is a bit of a fantasy, and now Huawei does not have the ability and foundation to engage in lithography machine research.

But now that Chen Jianghai has said it out, Ren Shi can't demolish his platform.

If this is demolished, Chen Jianghai's goal today will definitely not be achieved.

Ran Shifei could only show a smile, nodding to acknowledge Chen Jianghai's statement.

Mark asked curiously: "Chen, President Ren, your company is also researching lithography machines?"


Chen Jianghai admitted without hesitation.

Speaking of which, Mark has two hobbies, one is food, and the other is lithography machine.

If it weren't for Mark's love of lithography machines and his talent for lithography machines, William would not have let him accept such an important task at such a young age.

"Mr. Chen, have you studied to that extent?"

Mark followed up.

Chen Jianghai raised his hand and said, "Mark, as far as I know, the wavelength limit of the current lithography light source is 193 nanometers, right?"

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said in detail, Mark suddenly became interested.

"Chen, you are right, this is the current limit."

Chen Jianghai followed up: "And Kony is working hard to move towards 157 nanometers. It is currently the most likely company to break through, isn't it?"

Having said that, Mark's face became a little ugly.

In today's lithography machine industry, Konny is a big mountain pressing on all lithography machine companies.

To put it in a bad way, Osman wouldn't have a good life with Connie around.

"Chen, Connie is really too powerful."

Mark sighed and said calmly: "So this time I went to Treasure Island to seek cooperation, hoping to challenge Connie's position."

Mark used a challenge, indicating that he was not very optimistic about the result of this trip.

Chen Jianghai laughed, "Mark, in fact, we can cooperate, why do you want to be far away?

Abandon the small and abandon the big? "

For Chen Jianghai's proposal, Ren Shifei was not surprised at all.

From the moment Chen Jianghai brought him here, Ren Shifei knew what Chen Jianghai wanted to do.

However, can Osmer's people agree?

Most importantly, where did Huawei get its lithography machine technology?

Once this lie is exposed, it will have a big impact on Chen Jianghai and Qiuhai.

If this was someone else, Ren Shifei would have turned his face by now.

However, for Chen Jianghai, Ren Shifei still holds some hope in his heart.

In Ren Shifei's view, Chen Jianghai must have his reasons for doing so.

After listening to Chen Jianghai's suggestion, Mark couldn't help but ask, "Chen, do you know Baojie's position in foundry?"

Status represents the technical content.

Of course, Baoji's technology is not comparable to Konny.

But compared with a little-known Huawei, Baojidian's status is still beyond doubt.

"Of course I know."

Chen Jianghai said calmly, "Baoji's position in wafer foundry is like Konny's position in lithography machines."

After listening to Chen Jianghai's words, Mark nodded and said, "Chen, you are right. Since you know this, do you want to take back what you just said?"

"No, of course I won't take it back."

Chen Jianghai shook his head.

Mark looked curious, what does Chen Jianghai mean?

"Chen, what do you mean?"

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, pointed to Ren Shifei and said, "Actually, we have found a new path, a path that can challenge Connie's dominance."

Hearing this, Mark was not shocked for the first time, but wanted to laugh.

"Chen, if this is a joke, it's really funny."

Mark couldn't help joking.

Facing Mark's ridicule, Chen Jianghai said in a deep voice, "Mark, I'm not joking."

Seeing that Chen Jianghai was so serious, Mark also became serious.

"Chen, do you know what you're talking about?"

Mark looked at Chen Jianghai and asked word by word.

Mark's question was exactly what Ran Shifei wanted to ask.

In Ren Shifei's view, Chen Jianghai's words are more and more outrageous.

In any case, one thing must be acknowledged in the field of lithography machines, that is, the domestic technology has derailed from the international one.

Catching up with this gap will require a significant investment of time, manpower and capital.

But Chen Jianghai now says that he has found a way to compete with Connie?

Those who know how to do it will not believe it.

Even if Ren Shifei believes Chen Jianghai very, Ren Shifei still can't believe Chen Jianghai's words.

"Because I found a way to reduce the wavelength of the light source from 193 to 134."

Chen Jianghai looked at Mark and said slowly.

Hearing this number, Mark immediately stood up excitedly, waved his hands and said, "Chen, are you serious?"

"Seriously, of course."

Chen Jianghai nodded and said, "However, Huawei's technology cannot meet this requirement, so we need to cooperate."

This is the purpose of Chen Jianghai, relying on immersive lithography technology, to get the shares of Osman.