Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 244

Chapter 244

Liang Haoyang's concerns are not unreasonable.

However, Chen Jianghai knows that this problem will be solved as soon as the advertisement is broadcast.

"Lao Liang, don't worry about this, it will be fine in a few days." Chen Jianghai comforted with a relaxed expression.

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean in a few days?" Liang Haoyang frowned and was puzzled.

"You'll know when the time comes. You have to continue to pay attention to the production part, and you must not relax!"

Chen Jianghai patted Liang Haoyang on the shoulder and instructed.

Seeing that Chen Jianghai didn't say anything, Liang Haoyang had nothing to do.

But for the orders issued by President Chen, no matter how many doubts there are, he can only obey them unconditionally.

"I see." Liang Haoyang nodded.

"How is the situation on Jinxi's side now?" Chen Jianghai asked.

The name of the plastic factory had not been changed, so he thought about letting Qian Yuanchao take some time to change the name.

If you want to make a name for yourself in the market, the value of the brand is very important, and it is naturally necessary to unify.

Speaking of the plastic factory, Liang Haoyang also frowned: "Mr. Chen, Jinxi has now been fully put into production, and the warehouse has more goods than our warehouse..."

Chen Jianghai pondered for a while, and then said: "In this way, you can call Qian Yuanchao and Yin Chaoyang, and the three of you will study it carefully and see how to arrange the manpower reasonably to ensure stable production."


Just as Liang Haoyang was about to say something, Chen Jianghai waved his hand and interrupted: "Lao Liang, you have to remember one thing, what we need most now is the market! As long as the market is occupied, we will be in no position to benefit in the future! "

Liang Haoyang didn't quite understand these words.

However, he knew that now that such a situation had arrived, he could only trust Chen Jianghai unconditionally.

After all, he created a miracle, this time there should be a miracle, right?

After watching the factory, Chen Jianghai's next destination is Tangquan.

At the beginning, Xu Dong just built a simple shed as a water station at the entrance and exit.

During this time, seeing Xu Dong in good condition, he had already built a brick house with more than 100 square meters.

No, outside the water station, Chen Jianghai saw a long line.

It seems that there are still many people buying water.

There is a long table in front of the house, and several people are sitting and collecting money.

After receiving the money, the customer will be given a card, and the customer will use this card to get water inside, which is also orderly.

Looking at this lively scene, Chen Jianghai can already guess how beneficial it is, so he can't help but nodded secretly.

It seems that there is no problem in handing over this matter to Xu Dong to preside over.

At this time, Xu Dong was walking out of it with a smile.

Beside Xu Dong, there was a man in his forties, wearing a gray suit.

Seeing Chen Jianghai, Xu Dong's eyes were full of surprises. At the same time, he said to the man beside him with a smile on his face: "Boss, you can rest assured about the water, and I will definitely handle it for you."

The other party nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, then I'll go first."

"Okay, take it slow."

After sending the guest away, Xu Dong trotted to Chen Jianghai and said, "Jiang Hai, you are back!"

Chen Jianghai raised his brows, and said deliberately with a straight face: "What? Are you afraid of me running away?"

Xu Dong grinned: "Look at what you said, the business of delivering water is so good now, how could you run away?"

"Speaking of which, how is the income here now? I don't know yet." Chen Jianghai pointed around and asked.

"Come on, come in and talk!"

After speaking, Xu Dong pulled Chen Jianghai in with excitement on his face.

Came to a small room with a desk and a few chairs.

It seems that it should be the place where Xu Dong talks about things.

Xu Dong came to an iron cabinet in the corner, opened the lock, took out the ledger, and handed it over.

"Jiang Hai, the income and expenditure during this period are all here, take a good look."

Chen Jianghai took it, opened his eyes, and then turned directly to the last page.

Looking at the numbers on the last page, Chen Jianghai nodded slightly, his expression not fluctuating.

After taking the account book from Chen Jianghai, Xu Dong kept looking at him.

The business of delivering water is far more profitable than Xu Dong thought.

When he first saw this number, he was excited for a whole day.

It is because of this that Xu Dong wanted to know what kind of reaction Chen Jianghai would have when he saw this number.

It's a pity that Chen Jianghai didn't react at all.

It was as if all of this was within his expectations.

"Jiang Hai, have you seen how much you earned?"

Seeing Chen Jianghai closing the ledger, Xu Dong couldn't help but ask.

Chen Jianghai said lightly: "I see, the deposit plus water sales is less than 200,000 yuan, barely meeting the standard."

"This... is this called barely meeting the standard?"

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Xu Dong was stunned.

Chen Jianghai said very calmly: "Yes, I originally thought that there should be about 400,000 to 500,000, but now it's only half, which can only be considered reluctance."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Xu Dong was completely speechless.

Brother, do you know what the concept of half a million is?

Even if your electric kettle factory can make 500,000 yuan a week?

I thought so, but Xu Dong didn't dare to say it.

From Xu Dong's point of view, Chen Jianghai may be a little bloated.

However, he thought about it, this is also an inflated capital.

With an absolute fist product like an electric kettle in hand, you can basically not worry about it in the second half of your life.

Besides, he also has the bulk of the business of this water station.

What Xu Dong didn't know was that what Chen Jianghai wanted was far more than that.

"By the way, Jiang Hai, I have to tell you something." Xu Dong said sternly.

"What's the matter?" Chen Jianghai asked.

Xu Dong frowned and said, "Now there are other water stations on the market, which have robbed us of a lot of business."

Chen Jianghai had long expected such a situation, and smiled calmly: "Don't be afraid, the business of selling water is like this, the threshold is low, and anyone can do it."

He was not worried at all about this situation.

As long as Tangquan is still in their hands, they will not worry about not being able to sell it.

In this era, even if there are some business elites, they are probably not his opponents in terms of playing concepts and patterns.

And he still has a lot of backhands that he hasn't taken out yet.

If you have the opportunity, you can let these competitors have a good experience.

"There is another thing, the water dispenser is also a fake." Xu Dong said again.

Chen Jianghai nodded: "This is easy to solve. If it is not a Qiuhai brand water dispenser in the future, we will not deliver it to the door."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's suggestion, Xu Dong's eyes lit up.

Yes, why didn't he think of this method!

Xu Dong said eagerly: "Okay, Jiang Hai, just do as you said!"

In the following days, Qiuhai Electric's advertisements were broadcast on CCTV every and its popularity suddenly rose.

Ordinary people may not know the place of Linghai, but when it comes to electric kettles, they naturally think of the brand Qiuhai.

That thing, looks really convenient and easy to use!

Especially Qiuhai's workers, don't mention how high-spirited they are when they go out now.

Have you seen the Qiuhai electric kettle advertisement broadcast by CCTV?

That product is produced by our factory!

Qiuhai, who was already famous in Linghai, has become even more popular now.


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