Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 243

Chapter 243

"Vag... vomit..."

Early the next morning, Chen Jianghai was awakened by bursts of vomit.

When he came to the bathroom, Chen Jianghai asked with concern, "How is it, patriotism, are you all right?"

At this time, Fang Aiguo was slumped on the ground, as if he had used up all his strength just now.

He took a few breaths before saying, "Brother Hai, I met a client from Northeast yesterday. I drank with him all night, and finally got an order."

"It's hard work." Chen Jianghai pulled Fang Aiguo up and said.

Fang Aiguo smiled: "Brother Hai, look at what you said, I am marrying a wife for my own money!"

This is what he said, but Chen Jianghai knew that what he thought was far from these.

"Okay, you stay in the hotel today, have a good rest, and don't go anywhere." Chen Jianghai instructed.

"Brother Hai, I..."

"Okay, just listen to me!"

Chen Jianghai waved his hand, giving Fang Aiguo no room to refute at all.

Fang Aiguo had no choice but to nod his head: "Then... well, Brother Hai."

Two days later, Chen Jianghai received a notice from Zhuang He and came to CCTV.

The ad has already been shot.

"Xiao Chen, look at the effect of this advertisement."

In the office, while talking, Zhuang He turned on the TV, and an advertisement started to play.

Chen Jianghai took a look and found that the shots were very ordinary.

But his request was fulfilled.

After thinking about it, Chen Jianghai then mentioned a few points that need to be improved.

For example, the product is not placed in the center of the lens, the action of pouring water is not very beautiful, etc.

Zhuang He was taken aback by Chen Jianghai's remarks.

It sounds like Chen Jianghai is a professional advertising person.

Otherwise, how would ordinary people notice these details.

"By the way, Director Zhuang, finally I want to add a slogan." Chen Jianghai pointed to the TV.

"What slogan?" Zhuang He asked.

After some exchanges just now, he no longer dared to underestimate Chen Jianghai's mind.

"Qiuhai electric kettle, technology leads the times!"

Hearing Chen Jianghai's slogan, Zhuang He's eyes lit up.

This slogan seems simple, but it gives Qiuhai a definition, that is technology, which sounds quite stylish.

"Xiao Chen, I didn't see it. You are quite knowledgeable about advertising, right?" Zhuang He became more and more curious about Chen Jianghai.

"Director Zhuang is just thinking about it blindly." Chen Jianghai said modestly.

"Okay, no problem. Your request should be completed within a day. You can check it out tomorrow." Zhuang He nodded.

Chen Jianghai handed over again and again: "Director Zhuang has been bothered."

Since the money has been spent, Chen Jianghai naturally wants to maximize its effect.

Now this advertisement is not only for the electric kettle, but also for the Qiuhai factory in Linghai.

The same money can also enhance the reputation of the factory, which is naturally very cost-effective.

Three days later, Chen Jianghai took Fang Aiguo on the road back to Linghai.

The advertisement has been revised according to the requirements, and the broadcast time has been set, so he did not continue to stay in the capital.

At this stage, the focus of Chen Jianghai is still in Linghai.

But he knew very well in his heart that he would definitely come again in the future.

But at that time, it may be a springboard, an opportunity, or a battlefield.

No matter what kind of situation it is, Chen Jianghai will be ready.

After getting off the long-distance bus and returning to Linghai, where they had been away for a long time, Chen Jianghai and Fang Aiguo rushed home with large and small bags.

"Mom and Dad, Wan Qiu, I'm back!"

Before entering the door, Chen Jianghai shouted loudly.

Lin Wanqiu and the others knew for a long time that Chen Jianghai was at home when he came back today.

The first to come out was Lin Wanqiu with slightly red eyes.

"Jiang Hai, you are back."

Seeing Fang Aiguo next to Chen Jianghai, Lin Wanqiu wiped the corner of her eyes with embarrassment.

Fang Aiguo was also sensible, put down the things in his hand, and greeted: "Sister-in-law, I'm going home first."

"Love the country, let's go after dinner!" Lin Wanqiu insisted.

"No, no, the family is still waiting for me to go back and report safety!"

After speaking, Fang Aiguo trotted and disappeared.

Chen Liye and Wang Shufen also came out at this time.

During the time when Chen Jianghai went to the capital, the second old man was always worried.

After all, in the eyes of the old couple Lin Liye, this is Chen Jianghai's first time to go out, and they are naturally very worried as his parents.

Now that Chen Jianghai has returned safely, he is naturally relieved and happy.

"Xiao Chen, I heard that you went to the capital!"

"What's the capital like? Did you go to Tiananmen Square and climb the Great Wall?"

"I heard that the capital is very big! There are many treasures in the Forbidden City."

"Yes! I heard there are quite a few foreigners there, with blue eyes and blond hair."

Neighbors around him naturally heard about Chen Jianghai going to Beijing, and now seeing people come back, they all came out.

They surrounded Chen Jianghai and asked questions, their faces full of yearning.

Patiently chatted with these new neighbors outside for a while before Chen Jianghai entered the house.

"You're hungry, sit down and eat!" Wang Shufen greeted with a smile.

"Mom and Dad, Wan Qiu, hurry up and sit down." Chen Jianghai said quickly.

While eating, the TV that was turned on just started to play Qiuhai's advertisement.

Hearing the word "Qiu Hai" coming from the TV, Lin Wanqiu's face flashed a blush.

"Son, how much did it cost to advertise on CCTV this time?" Wang Shufen asked curiously.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and replied with a relaxed expression, "Mom, it's worth the cost."

One-time spending of 500,000 yuan, Chen Jianghai naturally dare not tell his parents about this.

If parents know about this, the two of them will probably not be able to eat and sleep for several days.

So it's better not to say it!

As the saying goes, a little is better than a newlywed.

Tonight's Lin Wanqiu was extraordinarily active and enthusiastic, which almost made Chen Jianghai a little bit overwhelmed.

Finally, the exhausted two embraced each other and fell asleep.

There was a happy smile on the corner of Lin Wanqiu's mouth.

The next day, Chen Jianghai pulled out his arm from under Lin Wanqiu's head and got up early.

After going out for so many days, naturally he had to go to the factory quickly, there are still many things waiting for him to deal with.

After washing his face with cold water, Chen Jianghai took a deep breath and went out the door in a good mood.

Riding on the 28 bars, he first went to the Qiuhai Electric Kettle Factory.

At the request of Chen Jianghai, the factory is now producing at full capacity, producing thousands of electric kettles and hundreds of water dispensers every day.

In Liang Haoyang's opinion, this production speed is really fast, and they are a little worried.

The market in Linghai is so big. Last week, the water dispenser sold out for a while, and now it has gradually returned to normal.

The result of the production speed is too fast is that the warehouse starts to have inventory.

This was the first thing Liang Haoyang reported to Chen Jianghai.

Having experienced the setbacks of the old factory, Liang Haoyang now has a heavy psychological shadow on the warehouse inventory.

Seeing that so many goods could not be sold in the warehouse, Liang Haoyang was really worried.

"Mr. Chen, the working capital in the factory is only about 100,000, and the production is at full capacity. The warehouse has accumulated a lot of goods, which is prone to problems!"

As soon as he came up, Liang Haoyang expressed his concerns.


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