Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2350

Chapter 2350

As the captain of the basketball team, Yao Riyue has actually started to manage the team. Although he is currently only the captain of the Magic City basketball team, he also holds several titles.

Magic City Basketball doesn't actually have any sponsorship. Although they have won a lot of awards, because they belong to the sports department, their treatment is not very good.

Even their coaches' current salary is very low, not as good as the development of football next door.

Yao Riyue is just not convinced, why can't they get sponsorship, they can go higher and farther in the future, when those sponsors don't invest in them, they will regret it!

Chen Jianghai looked at Yao Riyue carefully, he was young, vigorous, and his face was full of vigor.

Such young people are the future of China.

"Let's find a place to sit down and talk, what's the point of standing here all the time."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile, they just got off the plane, and now they should find a place to sit down and have a meal.

Jin Changan immediately arranged, Yao Riyue greeted his family, and then set off with Chen Jianghai and the others.

However, it was really difficult for Yao Riyue's figure to squeeze into the car. Jin Changan rearranged a commercial car, and then brought people on board.

Sometimes, being too tall doesn't seem like a good thing...

Jin Changan has been in the magic capital for a long time, so he is very familiar with the magic capital.

Jin Changan basically knew about the well-known restaurants in Modu. He originally planned to arrange for Chen Jianghai to go to the Peace Hotel for a meal, but Chen Jianghai proposed to go to the famous local restaurant in Modu, so they were very straightforward. I found a small restaurant and sat down.

Chen Jianghai's down-to-earth spirit made Yao Riyue a little impressed.

In his eyes, shouldn't these big bosses be in suits and shoes, and often go to high-end places?

But now it seems that Chen Jianghai is more like an ordinary person.

"Xiao Yao, tell me about your Magic City basketball team."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile, he sat in this small restaurant and felt the homely meal that the people of Magic City would eat every day, which was a different taste.

"Mr. Chen, do you want to invest in our team?"

Yao Riyue did not rush to introduce herself, but instead asked Chen Jianghai this question.

"Look at this kid, it must be that you introduced yourself first, and then Mr. Chen considered whether to invest or not."

Jin Changan said angrily.

No one came up with such a strong purpose.

But Yao Riyue is such a person, his purpose is very strong, just as he will enter the NBA in the future, he will also have a very strong purpose.

His goal, from the very beginning, will not slacken.

That's why he asked this question.

If Chen Jianghai didn't plan to sponsor, I'm afraid Yao Riyue would just turn around and leave.

"Lao Jin, don't scare him."

Chen Jianghai smiled and waved his hand, signaling Jin Changan not to be so harsh.

"I do have the idea of sponsoring you, but what can you give me?"

Chen Jianghai said indifferently, Yao Riyue was a little dazed after hearing this, what can he give to Chen Jianghai, this is the most important!

It is extremely important to ensure the interests of the sponsor itself.

"We won the Asian Men's Basketball Championship, Mr. Chen, isn't that enough?"

Yao Riyue asked with some doubts.

The Magic City basketball team is actually not weak, and they have just won the Asian Men's Basketball Championship. In a sense, this team has great potential.

Yao Riyue and the others are very confident to win every game and play basketball in the magic capital. In fact, the people from the Sports Bureau are still quite supportive, and many resources are willing to tilt.

However, because some people are more bureaucratic, Yao Riyue has a more aggressive temper and offends people.

As a result, their Magic City basketball team was not sponsored, and even the subsidies issued to them were pitiful.

This is why Yao Riyue wants to come out and seek sponsorship.

Chen Jianghai remembered that Yao Riyue's parents and grandfather should have come forward, and this was reluctantly settled.

At the same time, he also confirmed his parents' plan to send Yao Riyue abroad.

If Chen Jianghai's sponsorship can be sent to the Magic City basketball team logically, it may change things a little.

However, there will also be resistance.

"Not enough. Personally, I prefer to sponsor the Olympic team. I hope you can win glory for the country in the Olympics. As for your team, obviously only you have the hope of being selected for the Olympic team. I prefer to sponsor you personally."

Chen Jianghai said calmly.

"Mr. Chen, you can't just sponsor me, I don't need sponsorship personally, we are the team that needs sponsorship..."

Yao Riyue said with a frown.

He's not short of money, he just loves basketball immensely.

The coach salary in his team is pitifully low, and their team has not had new recruits for a long time, and now they need sponsorship to help them out of the predicament.

"Jiang Hai, according to the rules, if you want to sponsor, you should really sponsor their team..."

Jin Changan quietly approached Chen Jianghai and whispered.

Of course Chen Jianghai understands, but he is really not optimistic about the domestic men's basketball team.

Men's basketball, like football, is actually controlled by some people in the CBA and the Football Association using bureaucracy. Chen Jianghai is really not optimistic about these leagues.

He wants to send Yao Riyue to the NBA ahead of time through his own relationship.

Why was Yao Riyue in his previous life sent to the NBA? On the one hand, it is for his own development, and on the other hand, it is also his parents' disappointment with the Magic City Men's Basketball Team.

It's not that Chen Jianghai doesn't want to reverse these things, but it's very troublesome, and he doesn't have the time and energy at all.

Instead, just sponsor individuals.

If Yao Riyue can enter the Olympic team, then Chen Jianghai will sponsor the Olympic team.

If not, then you should look in a longer-term direction.

For example, sponsoring Yao Riyue to develop on the NBA arena.

Perhaps in the future, Chen Jianghai's Qiuhai Group, because Yao Riyue can also enter the United States logically, and promote his own brand in the United States, this is the long-term vision.

This is much more useful than sponsoring a few games in After all, Qiuhai Group is in China and doesn't need much publicity anymore.

"Mr. Chen, if you can't sponsor our team, then I don't think I need to sponsor either."

Yao Riyue frowned, but he still arrogantly rejected Chen Jianghai.

His parents are basketball players. He has been well trained since he was a child. At the same time, he is not short of money and does not need any sponsorship from others. Even his parents can pave the way for him and let him go further.

Therefore, Chen Jianghai was rejected.

Yao Riyue came to see Chen Jianghai just because he had the money to sponsor their team and make his players and coaches better off.

But now it seems that Chen Jianghai does not mean this.

Yao Riyue got up and wanted to leave. This guy was young and energetic, and his temper was still very hot.