Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2349

Chapter 2349

"Jiang Hai, I have arranged a hotel for you. We will go there now. Then Mr. Li, the person in charge of the Football Association, plans to meet with you and discuss this sponsorship."

Jin Changan is now the manager of Qiuhai Football Club anyway, but he is in charge of the entire Qiuhai Football Club.

In addition, Qiuhai Football Club has now rushed into the door of A, and the Football Association is very impressed with Qiuhai Football Club. It is still easy to arrange a meeting between Chen Jianghai and the leaders of the Football Association.

"Alright, we came here with a plan."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile that Luo Hao, as Chen Jianghai's secretary, also participated in this project.

Not to mention Yue Hongsheng, he is specifically responsible for this matter.

Originally, Chen Jianghai also planned to let Yue Hongsheng negotiate with those from the Football Association, but since they have called Chen Jianghai by name, then this face has to be given.

"By the way, Lao Jin, have you found the two people I asked you to find for me?"

Chen Jianghai raised his brows and asked.

There were always two people in his mind.

One is Liu Yang, the 100-meter hurdler, and the other is Yao Riyue, a star who will definitely enter the NBA in the future.

Both of them have great potential commercial value, and Chen Jianghai is planning to sign them when he comes to the capital.

Now it must be a long-term contract. After they become popular in the future, Chen Jianghai's Qiuhai will be truly earned today.

"I found it, but I only found one Yao Riyue so far. I really didn't find that Liu Yang."

"You said he was in the hurdles, I guess he was in the track and field team. In fact, the football team and the track and field team are a match made in heaven, but I really couldn't find it through my relationship."

Jin Changan said helplessly.

Chen Jianghai had already made arrangements before coming. Both of them have great potential value, and Chen Jianghai's investment in them must be extremely strong.

"Alright, I'll go meet this Yao Riyue sometime."

Chen Jianghai nodded and said.

"Don't look for time, just do it now, that kid just won a game and is now the champion of the Asian Men's Basketball Championship. Good guy, he is really tall, how did you know about him, Mr. Chen, this kid is fierce Very good!"

Jin Changan had seen Yao Riyue, so he had an impression. "I went to him yesterday. He said that he was free recently. If you want to meet Mr. Chen, I can arrange it now."

"Of course I know that I pay more attention to men's basketball than football."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile, but as soon as he said these words, Jin Changan's face became a little stiff.

What Chen Jianghai likes is basketball. If this happens, their Qiuhai Football Club will be embarrassed.

"Since it can be arranged, let's go see him first. I'm very interested in him."

At this moment, Chen Jianghai was a little excited. Anyway, this Yao Riyue is also a fierce general in the future, and he has made a name for himself even in the NBA.

At that time, the basketball circle in the United States described Yao Riyue as a giant of the East.

This word really doesn't fool people at all.

Soon, the car turned around and took Chen Jianghai and others directly to an older community.

The modernization of the Magic City is developing rapidly, and construction is being carried out everywhere.

But in the same way, those Shikumen alleys in Modu have not been demolished, and now we can see the final scene of these old buildings.

Not long after, Jin Changan, who was sitting in the car, called Yao Riyue, and after a few minutes of waiting, he saw a tall young man walking down from a small building.

"Damn it, it's so high!"

"As expected of playing basketball, this is too high."

"Mr. Chen, can I not get out of the car? I don't want to stand by this person."

Luo Hao said with a gloomy face, he watched Yao Riyue come down from the upstairs, that guy, that height is definitely a well-deserved giant.

"Let's get out of the car, he can't get in this car."

Jin Changan said helplessly, and soon Chen Jianghai opened the car door and walked out, just in time to meet Yao Riyue.

Yao Riyue has shown an unusual figure since he was a child, but this is also related to his family.

His parents were basketball players themselves, and their bodies were also very exaggerated. Yao Riyue's mother alone was 1.9 meters tall, which was much taller than ordinary men.

Under such a family, it seems logical to cultivate such a giant.

"Coach Jin, why are you here?"

Yao Riyue looked at Jin Changan strangely and said.

Everyone is from the sports world, and Jin Changan himself is the former coach of the Qiuhai Football Team and the current club manager, Yao Riyue, who met Jin Changan at an event, so the two still have some social connections.

"Haha, Xiao Yao, didn't you say that your Magic City basketball team has no sponsors? I'll bring you a sponsor this time."

Jin Changan said with a big smile.

Yao Riyue's eyes lit up, and then she looked at Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai is the most out-of-the-box among this group of people, with the temperament of a high-ranking person, although Yao Riyue is not an elite who has been struggling for many years in society, he can see some clues at a glance.

Coupled with some speculation, Yao Riyue can easily guess the identity of the person in front of him.

Jin Changan is the manager of Qiuhai Football Club, and the person standing behind him is naturally the behemoth Qiuhai Group.

This time, when Jin Changan said that he would sponsor him, he might be the big man in the Qiuhai Group.

Thinking of this, Yao Riyue suddenly became a little excited.

"Let me introduce, this is the chairman of Qiuhai Group, President Chen."

"Mr. Chen, this is the current captain of the Magic City basketball team, Yao Riyue."

After Jin Changan gave a brief introduction, Chen Jianghai took the initiative to walk over and extended his hand.

Yao Riyue was a little embarrassed, he also stretched out his hand, but his palm was really not small, Chen Jianghai couldn't help laughing when he saw his cramped appearance.

Yao Riyue was embarrassed to shake hands, after all, in front of him, Chen Jianghai also seemed a little... But Chen Jianghai didn't care at all.

"Xiao Yao, right? I'm a little older than you, so I rely on the old to sell the old."

Chen Jianghai said jokingly, Yao Riyue saw that Chen Jianghai was not as old-fashioned and serious as she imagined, and she also showed a happy expression at the moment.

"Mr. Chen, we just won the Asian Basketball Championship, and we are currently preparing for the National Olympics..."

Yao Riyue was relatively shy at this time, and he was not too open to let go, so he felt a little shy when speaking.

But this guy has a very clear goal, he just wants to talk about his advantages, and then tell Chen Jianghai to let Chen Jianghai sponsor them.

Yao Riyue's background determines that he will definitely take the road of sports in the future. In fact, according to his parents' arrangement, he does not need to care about these issues of sponsorship or not.

But he is stubborn and wants to rely on himself to break out of the world.