Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2322

Chapter 2322

Since it is to invest and build a factory in Pingshan, Qiuhai Group is naturally responsible for the construction.

Chen Jianghai contacted Xu Guodong immediately, and he rushed to Pingshan with the best engineering team.

The two factories are currently under construction.

It's just that the cooperation between Biyati and Volvo Group definitely needs to hold a press conference.

The news of new energy vehicles has not caused much waves in the international arena.

Once Huaxia Biyatie releases this news, I am afraid it will be like a depth bomb, shocking all companies in the automotive field, and will also have a certain impact on the stock prices of major automotive companies.

At this time, Fang Aiguo has the best opportunity to operate.

This is the purpose of Chen Jianghai.

"Handy came just in time. I still have something to talk to him about."

Chen Jianghai nodded, Liang Jianjian from Sanhe was planning to meet Handy, the president of Volvo Group, which was a good opportunity.

"You can set a specific time, and I will also participate in the show at that time."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile, Wang Yadi was relieved when he heard Chen Jianghai's words.

As long as Chen Jianghai is present, it is simply a reassurance for him.

"Mr. Chen, someone is looking for you outside."

Luo Hao walked in. After the Disney delegation came over, Luo Hao's work has become more stable, and he is also clear about President Chen's expectations.

"Mr. Chen, I'll go first."

Wang Yadi got up quickly when he saw that Chen Jianghai had something to do.

At present, his main focus is also on the automobile factory in Pingshan, and there is also a special person in charge of the battery supply of Eastern Communication Company.

Chen Jianghai nodded and waved to let the people outside come in.

After a while, Liu Jianming walked into the office, with a hint of excitement on his face, and hurriedly walked to Chen Jianghai.

"Jianming, how is the company planning?"

Chen Jianghai said with a smile that after Liu Jianming won the game Legend of Korea AS, Chen Jianghai asked Liu Jianming to return to China to establish his own game company, and at the same time let him be in charge of online games.

"Mr. Chen, according to your instructions, I have started an online game company and are currently recruiting people."

Liu Jianming sat down and said, "However, our domestic Internet is still relatively backward, and it is difficult for online games to develop at present."

"In addition, our game needs a stable user base to explode, so I'm worried about this."

Hearing Liu Jianming's words, Chen Jianghai nodded with satisfaction.

Thinking of this, Liu Jianming has recognized one of the biggest features of online games.

Users are the foundation that supports the development of online games. If there are not enough users, no matter how fun the game is, it will be difficult for it to become a hit.

In retrospect, Chen Jianghai thought that the game Legend had a big hit on the Internet at the time, and it was actually inseparable from Shanda.

Shanda also made a game platform at the beginning, and the user base of that game platform was very large, which led to the explosion of the legendary game.

The ownership of the game Legend has been taken down by Liu Jianming, and all profits from this game in the future have nothing to do with Goryeo's as company.

As long as this game can be operated, the benefits brought by this game will be enormous.

Shanda also relied on this game to successfully make Chen Tianhao among the richest people in the country. Now that Chen Jianghai has mastered this game, I am afraid that he will also become a leader in Internet games.

"What do you think about this aspect of the user base?"

Chen Jianghai did not rush to say his own way, but looked at Liu Jianming with a little thought.

Liu Jianming now has a very high degree of professionalism in games. During this time, he has been wandering in the island country and Korea, and he has a good understanding of major game companies.

I must have learned something in it, and Chen Jianghai is now willing to test him.

"Mr. Chen, I still don't know enough about the Internet, but according to my initial thoughts, if we want to operate this game, we must first have a platform."

"This platform also needs to firmly grasp the current group of people surfing the Internet, and then we will promote the game of legend in order to effectively achieve the purpose of profit."

Liu Jianming is really brave, and he also intends to build a platform.

If Chen Jianghai didn't know Ma Huyue, he might agree to this plan. After all, creating his own game platform to attract game users is a very normal thing in itself.

According to Chen Jianghai's understanding, at present, in the domestic Internet, the sloppy oicq has been done.

The most important thing now is that Chen Jianghai doesn't know how many users Ma Huyue's software has attracted.

"Your idea is very good in this regard, but rebuilding a game platform is a waste of time. I have a ready-made candidate here to help you."

Chen Jianghai sat up straight, thinking of sloppy jumping in his mind.

"I had a conversation with a person in Shencheng before. They set up a company called Penguin. At present, their main business is a software called oicq. After a while, you and I will go to Shencheng together, and we will meet him. ."

Chen Jianghai thought for a while and said.

"Mr. Chen, what is this oicq?"

Liu Jianming asked curiously.

"To put it simply, it is an instant messaging software that uses the Internet. It uses the Internet to connect people face-to-face and use this software to communicate."

"In the beginning, they intended to develop this software as an internal office software, but I suggest that they invest in the Internet to attract people who surf the Internet."

Chen Jianghai said calmly.

According to his memory, the software immediately attracted 500,000 users, which was not a small number in 1999.

You must know that around the millennium, there are not many users surfing the Internet on the Internet itself.

The price of a computer in these days is very expensive, so very few people can buy it.

Of course, this has also contributed to the rise and explosion of the Internet cafe industry.

The game of legend will develop in the future, and more rely on Internet cafes.

"Yes, I can talk to them at that time, but I hope that their user base can be more, otherwise it will not help my game much."

Liu Jianming frowned and said that he had put a lot of effort into the game of Legend.

Therefore, he can't tolerate works with Chen Jianghai. Over time, Liu Jianming has also become a perfectionist, and he can't tolerate the slightest flaw in what he does.

"Well, in three days, we will set off for Shencheng together, and let him have a good talk with you."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile that in the game, he intends to delegate power to Liu Jianming and let him have a good chat with Penguin's sloppy behavior.

Penguin's sloppy leaps also started with agency games in later generations. Once their huge user base is realized, it will be an extremely large amount of money.

Once the game industry is formed, it will become the backbone of the future Internet industry.

It is impossible for Chen Jianghai to miss this opportunity.

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