Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2321

Chapter 2321

"Patriotism, how much have you invested in Ford?"

Chen Jianghai followed and asked.

The turmoil that swept the U.S. stock market will definitely have an impact on Ford. In the last life, Ford faced financial crises many times after acquiring Volvo, so it reluctantly sold Volvo in the later stage.

How much Ford lost from it, no one knows.

But now because of Chen Jianghai's intervention, Ford's funds are still abundant.

However, in the US stock market turmoil next year, Ford will definitely be in a passive situation.

"In the past two days, the total investment is relatively large, a total of 3.5 billion US dollars, and another 500 million funds have been invested today. Now Ford has issued new shares, and we control less than 2% of the shares. Ten, it will be diluted in the future."

Fang Aiguo reported nervously.

"That's okay, I suggest you switch to Microsoft now, buy on a small scale first, and don't cause too much turmoil."

Chen Jianghai said that next year's financial turmoil has a lot to do with the Internet, and Microsoft played a key role in it.

At present, Ford has switched to Microsoft. When March 9th arrives, everything will be back to normal.

Chen Jianghai was waiting for an opportunity to go short. It is September 1999, and in six months' time, the U.S. stock market will surely set off a turmoil.

"What about our investment at Ford?

Do you want to stop now? "

Fang Aiguo was ready to sell Ford shares at a loss. This time, he was a little more impulsive. If he had asked Chen Jianghai first, he might have been able to do better.

"No need, to continue to buy small shares, we must keep Ford vigilant and continue to issue new shares."

The corner of Chen Jianghai's mouth outlined, if Ford's nerves are always tense, then by next year, Ford's shares will be seriously diluted, and then faced with this financial turmoil, it may be an extreme loss.

If the Dragon Fund can cash out and leave the market at the highest point, the income it will earn at that time will probably be an extremely astonishing figure.

"Are we going to continue?

I'm afraid this is inappropriate..."

Fang Aiguo said with some surprise, he didn't expect Chen Jianghai to be so bold, he actually wanted to catch two fish at the same time.

Ford and Microsoft, both are behemoths.

No matter how rich the Dragon Fund is, it is impossible to eat these two big fish at the same time.

This kind of operation is too risky for even Butters, the stock god.

After all, No matter how far Butters has the vision, it is impossible to have the vision of Chen Jianghai that came from later generations. If Chen Jianghai can accurately reserve things until six months later, no matter how capable Butters is, no matter how much he can analyze, I am afraid he will not be able to. would have expected this.

Although Butters in his previous life expressed some concerns about the growth of the Nasdaq, he warned financial practitioners not to be too optimistic.

But in fact, his warning didn't have much effect, and even he himself didn't have a clear context in this turmoil, and ended up losing a lot.

But relatively speaking, his losses are negligible compared to others.

"Patriotism, courage, and long-term vision. If you do something with Ford, I guess many people in the US stock market have noticed you. Now Ford has issued new shares to deal with your attack. If you stop properly, it will make people I think you are not strong enough."

"Sell a flaw and wait for a suitable time."

Chen Jianghai's remarks surprised Fang Aiguo.

Chen Jianghai has always mentioned waiting for the opportunity, but when will this opportunity appear?

If Ford is allowed to operate, I am afraid that the money they invested will be lost in all likelihood, and the loss will be huge at that time.

"Jiang Hai, then I'll do as you said. At present, the Dragon Fund can still be maintained, but if we have to fight a long-term battle, I'm afraid it won't last long."

Fang Aiguo took a deep breath and said helplessly.

"It won't be long, six months at the most, and you just need to step up Ford's stock price step by step during this time."

"A small investment is also an investment, which makes them nervous, and we can just wait for it."

"I will also cooperate with you here. Biyati will hold a press conference soon, and there will be a storm in the automotive field. I believe that Ford will face multiple blows at the same time, and it will definitely tighten its nerves. , be extra careful."

Chen Jianghai glanced at Wang Yadi sitting on the sofa, and then said: "Of course, if you have financial needs, you can come to me. The greater the investment now, the greater our harvest will be next year."

A mysterious smile appeared on Chen Jianghai's face.

Naturally, he will not explain to Fang Aiguo the turmoil in the U.S. stock market next year. After all, this is a memory brought from later generations. If only a result is given and there is no deduction process, Fang Aiguo will probably not believe it.

"Okay, then I will continue to invest here."

Fang Aiguo nodded, then hung up the phone.

He was not idle, he immediately walked into an office and found the group of elites he brought.

This stock market battle in the United States is likely to continue for a long time.

Chen Jianghai hung up the phone and held a cup of tea in his hand, which he kept to his mouth for a long time without drinking it or putting it down.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yadi hurriedly sat at the desk. He heard Chen Jianghai talking about Ford on the phone just now. Now Wang Yadi has entered the automotive field anyway, and he is naturally very sensitive to these giants in the automotive field.

"Mr. Chen, what's the matter?

How come you mentioned Ford. "

Wang Yadi asked curiously.

"Pharaoh, you are going to enter the automotive field now, so you must know more about the situation in the automotive field in the future."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile, which made Wang Yadi deeply agree.

Biyati was originally engaged in the battery business, but because of Chen Jianghai's wild ideas, it even reached a direct cooperation with Volvo.

Now Biyati is also transforming towards the business of new energy It is also a good thing for Wang Yadi to learn more about the business of its peers.

"The matter of your cooperation with the Volvo Group is about to hold a press conference. It is estimated that Ford's sanctions on Volvo will also be given to you Biaty."

"If you can carry it through, then your Biyatie's auto business should be able to take off."

Chen Jianghai said lightly, and then put down the teacup in his hand.

"Mr. Chen, I have already discussed with President Xu. He will be in charge of the construction of the Biyati and Volvo factories. The press conference will be held in these two days, and Mr. Handy will also come."

Wang Yadi said with a smile.

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