Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 217

Chapter 217

In the evening, when Chen Jianghai brought his wife and parents to the Fuchun Hotel, Jin Changan and Li Detian were already waiting at the door.

Chen Jianghai quickly stepped forward and greeted with a smile: "Two brothers, why are you standing at the gate?"

"We are waiting for uncles and aunts here!" Jin Changan said first.

Li Detian looked at Chen Liye and Wang Shufen, smiled and complimented: "These two are right? They look so young!"

I have to say that Jin Changan and Li Detian are not bad people, and they are beautiful.

Chen Liye and Wang Shufen saw that the clothes in front of them were not simple, and they didn't seem to be much younger than them, so they quickly said with a smile: "Hello, how are you."

"Uncle and auntie, let's go, let's go in and talk!" Li Detian said with a smile.

The group entered the hotel.

In the box, both Jin Changan and Li Detian's wives were there.

Seeing Chen Jianghai and the others coming in, the two also stood up immediately and greeted Chen Liye and Wang Shufen respectively.

"Aunt and uncle, please take your seats." Jin Changan smiled and opened the seats for the two of them.

When did Chen Liye and Wang Shufen enjoy this kind of treatment, and they looked at Chen Jianghai a little embarrassedly.

"Mom and dad, you can sit down at ease!" Chen Jianghai nodded and said.

If it was against him, maybe he would have declined.

But now they are his parents, and naturally do their part.

I think that Jin Changan and Li Detian also have such thoughts, so they specially arranged today's dinner.

Hearing that Chen Jianghai said so, Chen Liye and Wang Shufen just took their seats and sat down on the main seat.

"Sister Wanqiu, don't stand still, sit down quickly!" Ren Qing grabbed Lin Wanqiu's arm and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Miss Qing."

Lin Wanqiu was more suitable for this situation than Chen Liye and Wang Shufen, smiled and nodded, then sat down beside Wang Shufen.

"Uncle and aunt, you have to talk about Jiang Hai well. You didn't even tell us anything about such a big thing."

As soon as he came up, Jin Changan put on a guilt gesture.

Of course, Chen Liye didn't know that Jin Changan was joking, and quickly explained: "Jiang Hai said that you are all very busy, and we are just here to stay for a while, there is really no need for this."

Jin Changan waved his hand and said, "Uncle, what you said is wrong, we and Jiang Hai are brothers!"

Li Detian also nodded: "That's right, your elders are here, how can we not welcome you!"

Chen Liye didn't know how to answer the question now, Chen Jianghai took it with a smile, and said with a smile: "Okay, two brothers, don't scare my dad, hurry up and order food!"

During this meal, Chen Liye and Wang Shufen were a little nervous, but they were sure of one thing.

That is Chen Jianghai's money, which is earned by his real skills, not some crooked way.

Otherwise, why do people value him so much?

Why rush to treat yourself to dinner?

Especially at the dinner table, the attitude of the two towards Chen Jianghai was definitely not pretentious.

From Chen Liye's point of view, the two of them vaguely wanted to curry favor with their son.

From the chat just now, Chen Liye also knew the identity of the two in front of him.

One is the owner of the gold shop, and the other is the charterer, both of whom are not short of money.

But now, the two of them are respectful to their husband and wife, calling each other uncle and aunt, and the attitude is like treating their parents.

Only at this time did Chen Liye know that his youngest son, who once made them feel hopeless, was really a prodigal son who had turned his head in Linghai.

Thinking of this, Chen Liye felt extremely relieved.

The son can have such an achievement, he is naturally very happy when he is a father.

Happy, Chen Liye drank too much.

Looking at the red-faced, drunken-eyed old father, Chen Jianghai couldn't help shaking his head.

He also didn't think that, although he usually had two sips, how could his father, who is very light in alcohol, drink so much wine today?

"Two brothers, I have to send my dad back first!"

It was getting late, Chen Jianghai got up and said.

"Yes, let me help you call a car!"

After Jin Changan finished speaking, he went out and called for a car.

"Brother Li, I'm sorry today." After Jin Changan went out, Chen Jianghai greeted Li Detian again.

Li Detian laughed: "It's okay, I didn't expect my uncle to be a gentleman! Let's drink again when we have a chance."

Chen Liye's drunkenness brought this harmonious gathering to an end.

After Chen Jianghai left with his family, Jin Changan and Li Detian were not in a hurry to leave.

Chen Jianghai's departure did not prevent them from continuing.

They have known each other for much longer than they have known Chen Jianghai. They are true confidants and have deep feelings for each other.

"Haha! I didn't expect Jiang Hai's father to be greedy for such a mouthful!" Jin Changan picked up the wine glass and touched Li Detian, and said with a smile.

Li Detian took a sip and said, "Let's buy some good bars for the old man later!"

Jin Changan quickly responded: "This can be done!"

Ren Qing, who was on the side, interjected: "I really didn't expect that Chen Jianghai would be able to get this far."

"Haha, sister-in-law, you're surprised too, aren't you?"

Jin Changan was a little drunk, and he also sighed with emotion, "I and Lao Li didn't expect it, this world is really crazy!"

Ren Qing pursed his lips and said, "Huh, what's so arrogant, if it wasn't for your investment, would he be today?"

Hearing Ren Qing say this, Jin Changan immediately turned to look at Li Detian.

Li Detian's face became a little ugly after hearing Ren Qing's words.

Jin Changan coughed lightly and asked in a deep voice, "Old Li, is this what your sister-in-law meant, or what you meant?"

Before Li Detian could speak, Ren Qing was the first to speak: "No matter who it is, I feel uncomfortable when I see him, a hairy boy, crawling on both of you now!"

Jin Changan was a little embarrassed, and he really didn't know how to answer Ren Qing's words.

"Old Li, I'll go first if I have something to do."

On this occasion, Jin Changan knew that if he stayed any longer, it would only become more and more embarrassing.

But he also took Ren Qing's attitude in his heart.

Li Detian quickly stood up and explained, "Lao Jin, my mother-in-law is ignorant, don't take it to heart."

Jin Changan shook his head: "Old Li, I have so many old friends with you, so naturally I won't have any opinion."

Hearing Jin Changan say Li Detian's face was relieved.

But what the other party said next made Li Detian's face change drastically.

"But Lao Li, you have to remember that Chen Jianghai is a good brother who values friendship. If it makes him feel cold, it will be difficult to get closer in the future!"

After speaking, Jin Changan patted Li Detian on the shoulder, sighed slightly, and left without looking back with Lin Meifeng's head.

In the private room, Li Detian's face was a little ugly.

He didn't expect Ren Qing to suddenly say such a thing.


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