Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 216

Chapter 216

Market feedback, Chen Jianghai's choice is right, and the sales of new and upgraded models are the best proof.

After knowing the result, Chen Jianghai didn't care anymore.

Things have come to this point, if the people under him still can't do it well, they can just kill them with a piece of tofu.

And he also needs to remove these people who are not working in their positions and replace them with other people.

At this time, Chen Jianghai was holding the drawn drawings and found the decoration master Ma.

"Boss Chen, do you really want to decorate according to your drawings?"

After reading the blueprint in Chen Jianghai's hand, Master Ma asked with a surprised expression.

Chen Jianghai smiled and nodded: "Yes, just follow me."

Seeing that Chen Jianghai was so serious, Master Ma had no choice but to nod: "Well, in terms of materials..."

Chen Jianghai said without hesitation: "Choose me with good quality, money is not a problem."

Chen Jianghai, who has a full purse, speaks so hard.

"Master Ma, how long does it take to recover?"

"If you call a few more people, it will definitely be better within a month."

Master Ma calculated in his heart, and then came to a conclusion.

Chen Jianghai nodded: "Okay, wages are not a problem, it will be done as soon as possible. If it can be done ahead of time, I will send a red envelope."

Master Ma smiled: "Boss Chen, if you say that, then I'll have to work overtime."

"Thanks for your hard work."

You must know that the current decoration cannot be compared with later generations, and this is still the renovation of an old house.

Chen Jianghai just asked Master Ma to knock down a few non-load-bearing walls and change the spatial structure of the house.

Putty powder is also used for wall painting. There is no toxic gas such as formaldehyde. It only needs to disperse the smell a little.

However, the ground has to be done, and the kitchen and bathroom are naturally essential.

After explaining to Master Ma, Chen Jianghai went straight home.

He has been busy these days. Parents have been here for so long, and they have no time to take them to play.

Taking advantage of the time today, Chen Jianghai decided to take them out for a walk.

There are no tourist attractions in Linghai, and the only place to visit is Zhongbaiyi Store.

After the new house is renovated, it is definitely necessary to buy a batch of electrical appliances, so I just took this opportunity to take a look.

When they came to Zhongbaiyi Store, Chen Liye and Wang Shufen were filled with emotion.

After all, they haven't been here for a long time, and the changes have been quite big.

Chen Jianghai led the three of them to the color TV monopoly area.

There are already a lot of people around here. Of course, it is impossible for so many people to buy it. Most of them are actually here to watch the fun.

"Tsk tsk, this color is so pretty!"

"This TV is so big!"

Such exclamations filled the entire color TV area.

"Mom and dad, what brand do you think is good?" Chen Jianghai pointed to the shelf and asked.

After all, in addition to domestic brands such as Changhong, Panda and Konka, there are also foreign brands such as Panasonic and Hitachi.

Chen Liye and Wang Shufen glanced at each other and said casually, "The Changhong you bought before is not bad!"

After all, the two have no research on color TV, and they can't say anything.

Chen Jianghai smiled and asked his parents to pick electrical appliances. It was really hard for them.

No, after shopping in the mall all morning, Chen Liye and Wang Shufen didn't want to buy anything at all.

In the final analysis, this generation of people's concept of saving has been engraved into their bones, and even if they have money, they are not willing to spend it indiscriminately.

Just as he was about to go out to find a restaurant to eat, Chen Jianghai's bp machine suddenly rang.

Chen Jianghai glanced at it, and it was sent by Jin Changan.

"Wanqiu, stay with your parents, I'll call back." Chen Jianghai said to Lin Wanqiu.

"Well, you go."

Lin Wanqiu nodded quickly.

Looking for a phone booth, Chen Jianghai dialed the number in the Jin Changan store.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Chen Jianghai asked directly.

"I said Jiang Hai, you are too unscrupulous!"

As soon as he came up, Jin Changan complained, making Chen Jianghai full of doubts.

"Brother, what do you say?"

"Your parents are here for such an important matter, and don't tell me and Lao Li? Don't treat us as their own!"

Jin Changan followed suit.

Chen Jianghai couldn't help but smile, hey, it was for this, and he thought the other party was in a hurry to find him.

"Brother, my parents are only here for a few days, you are too polite." Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

Jin Changan hurriedly said, "Why is it not important? Tonight, I will be the host with Lao Li, and the Fuchun Hotel will invite my uncles and aunts to dinner!"


"Okay, that's it, see you soon, hang up."

Without giving Chen Jianghai a chance to speak, Jin Changan hung up the phone directly.

Chen Jianghai couldn't help laughing and laughing, this is a guest, it's not enough if he doesn't go.

Seeing Chen Jianghai coming back, Lin Wanqiu stepped forward and asked, "Jianghai, what's the matter?"

"Where are my parents?" Chen Jianghai didn't answer, but looked around.

"They said to go there and have a look, so I don't have to follow." Lin Wanqiu quickly replied.

Chen Jianghai said: "Someone invited me to dinner tonight."

"Who is it?" Lin Wanqiu asked curiously.

"Who else could it be, Lao Jin and the others!" Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

Lin Wanqiu frowned: "We can't keep asking people to ask, you should ask back."

Chen Jianghai nodded and said with deep conviction: "You are right, when parents go back, find a time."

Chen Jianghai originally wanted to go to Fuchun for lunch, but Chen Liye and Wang Shufen disagreed.

In their opinion, Fuchun's dishes are really good, but they are too expensive.

Instead of wasting money somewhere, it's better to go home and eat.

According to them, Chen Jianghai's cooking is no worse than there, and they like to eat his dishes.

Parents have said so, what else can Chen Jianghai say, obediently go to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables, and go home to make lunch.

While eating, Chen Jianghai mentioned something about the evening incidentally.

"Jiang Hai, who do you think is going to invite us to dinner?" Chen Liye asked curiously.

"My friend, they also invested in the factory." Chen Jianghai explained.

Chen Liye was stunned for a moment, and Wang Shufen also looked at Chen Jianghai nervously and asked, "Have you invested too much?"

"Not much, only 10,000 yuan per person."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Chen Liye and Wang Shufen looked at each other.

When will 10,000 yuan be less than that?

However, when they thought of the benefits in Chen Jianghai's, the husband and wife were relieved.

"Will this not be good?" Wang Shufen asked.

"What's wrong?" Chen Jianghai asked back with a smile.

"I really want to eat, people thought we were going to eat this meal on purpose!" Wang Shufen frowned.

Chen Liye also nodded: "Not bad, let's forget it."

Hearing that both his father and mother thought so, Chen Jianghai couldn't help laughing.


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