Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2114

Chapter 2114

At this time, the benefits of off-road vehicles are fully displayed.

The general muddy road conditions can't stop it at all, and it can pass easily.

Even if you encounter big potholes, with the help of the differential lock, you can easily get out of trouble.

A few people easily entered Zhoujia Village.

When the car appeared in Zhoujia Village, it attracted the attention of the villagers.

Everyone stopped their work and gathered around to watch the fun.

Everyone wanted to see who was sitting in the car and who came to the village to look for.

Of course, they are also curious about what kind of car this is, how big it is, and how it can reach their village through such a bad road.

As a result, when Zhou Jun and Zhou Xiaolu got out of the car, the whole village exploded.

This is really surprising.

Just now, they were thinking about whether a well-developed relative in the village was here, and they talked a lot in private, and at the same time showed envious expressions.

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But they never imagined that it was a poor fate, Zhou Jun's siblings, whose parents were orphaned, returned in such a luxury car.

In their impression, the Zhou family was poor and miserable, and had no rich relatives.

Otherwise, the brothers and sisters wouldn't have been so miserable for so many years.

This suddenly aroused their curiosity.

So many familiar villagers gathered around to ask questions.

"Xiaojun, who brought you back here?"

"Yeah, Xiaojun, driving such a good car must be a big boss, right?"

Seeing everyone looking at him and hearing what they asked, Zhou Jun was somewhat happy.

This kind of joy appeared on his expression, and he couldn't hide it at all.

For so many years in the village, their family has always belonged to a very ordinary type, very inconspicuous.

Especially after their parents left because of an accident, the two brothers and sisters were taken care of by the whole village, so they barely survived.

From that time on, he thought that one day he would come back with a beautiful and beautiful place after he made his mark, and then use his own strength to benefit Zhoujia Village.

One is to allow the parents to rest in peace under Jiuquan, and the other is to repay the kindness of the villagers.

Because of this, when he heard that Chen Jianghai was going to buy sheep in the village, he was also very excited.

Although this goal that belongs to him has not yet been achieved, Zhou Jun is still very eager to help the villagers with the help of Chen Jianghai's power.

After all, he always remembered the kindness of the villagers to their brother and sister.

Seeing that the original dream seems a little difficult to realize, so now that there is such an opportunity, it is naturally not to be missed.

What Zhou Jun didn't expect was that it was with the help of Chen Jianghai's power that he also experienced the feeling of scenery ahead of time.

He couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Chen Jianghai, and then quickly said to everyone, "Uncles and uncles, this is a noble person who has come to help us Zhou Jiacong get rich. Where is the village chief, Lord Zhou? Everyone, hurry up and call him over."

Everyone still believes in Zhou Jun's words.

Although Zhou Jun is young, that is, a half-year-old child, he has a good character in the village and never tells lies.

Hearing what he said, the ingenious villagers immediately ran to find the village chief.

Chen Jianghai looked at the village in front of him, and had a sense of trance as if he had traveled through time and space and returned to this era.

This village is really a bit too shabby.

It completely subverted Chen Jianghai's impression of the countryside of this era.

How should I put it, in Chen Jianghai's impression, he has never seen such a dilapidated and backward village.

Chen Jianghai himself was born in a rural area, and Chenjia Village is also located in a remote and remote place.

In the past, Chenjia Village was also poor and backward, but compared with Zhoujia Village in front of him, it was like two worlds.

It can be said that the poverty and dilapidation of Zhoujia Village are far below the level of this era.

Rather, it looks like in those black and white movies, the rural areas of China were extremely backward in the 1920s and 1930s.

Looking around, in the entire village, it is difficult to see the red brick buildings, basically all of them are the kind of low adobe walls and blue brick walls.

And many of them are in disrepair, always worrying that they will collapse.

In addition, from the clothes of these villagers in front of them, you can also see the hardships of their lives.

Most of them are wearing khaki and blue clothes, and everyone's face also gives a sense of dish.

The village was littered with dung from livestock, and there was a slightly sickening smell in the air.

Looking from Chen Jianghai's point of view, you can see two large scooters in the corner of a house.

The only modern machinery was probably the walk-behind tractor parked in the shade, too old to be worn out, and I don't know if it could still move.

Seeing this scene, Li Yuanchun also frowned and his face was gloomy.

Of course he knew that Nanshan Township was very poor.

This does not need to come to investigate in person, and it can be clearly shown directly from the economic data.

But is cold data written on white paper after all.

Intuitive is intuitive, but not three-dimensional enough.

Now that he has seen it at the scene, his cognition is clearer.

It turned out that this place has always been regarded as his heart disease, and there are still villages that are so poor!

At this moment, he felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavier, and he was more determined to grasp Chen Jianghai's decision.

First, Chen Jianghai does have this ability.

As long as he is willing, he can invest a lot of money to establish poverty alleviation projects in a short period of time, changing the shocking current situation here.

Secondly, it is also because Chen Jianghai now has the will and intention to invest. As a parent official, he must find ways to make this happen.

Even if he didn't want to save face, he was determined to let Chen Jianghai stay.

The people here really urgently need to change their current state of existence, otherwise it will be the dereliction of duty by those in power!

Just when the villagers pointed at Chen Jianghai and others, the village chief Zhou Ye finally came out under the leadership of a young man.

This is a man of about sixty years old, with gray hair on the temples, holding a long copper pipe of dry smoke in his hand, looking vigorous and fast.

This age cannot be called an old man in the countryside.

Because at his age, many are still the main labor force.

And they are experienced and often leaders in many areas.

In fact, many villages are also in this age group who will be elected to be the village chief.

Because he is calm enough and has feelings for the village, his experience and prestige are sufficient.

He has even been re-elected for several terms and has been recognized by everyone.

All in all, the old village chief that people said is almost like this.