Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2113

Chapter 2113

For example, the current dialogue with Zhou Jun is enough to see how big the pattern of Chen Jianghai is.

Such a person, he believes, will not only dominate the domestic business map in the future, but will definitely become a giant dragon even in the international arena, destined to make the world's giants fear and fear.

Zhou Jun, who was sitting in the car, was still a little nervous, but it was much better than before.

At least there was a hint of confidence and equanimity in his eyes.

This little girl, Zhou Xiaolu, naturally doesn't have so many taboos.

Since she knew that Chen Jianghai was a good uncle, the little girl's lively nature was naturally revealed, and she kept asking questions after getting in the car.

A small hand is touching here and there, as if full of curiosity about every detail.

"Brother, this car is so big inside. This seat is really comfortable to sit on."

"The uncle in front is really good at driving. This car doesn't walk upside down at all, it's different from those buses and agricultural vehicles."

"That car's **** is about to bloom. It would be nice if the uncle drivers of those cars had such good skills."

Zhou Jun looked at Zhou Xiaolu with some embarrassment, not knowing what to say for a while.

Will think the deer are cute.

But Zhou Xiaolu had only known Chen Jianghai and the others for only two hours. Zhou Jun was afraid that Chen Jianghai, Li Yuanchun and others would be bothered by Zhou Xiaolu, who was chatting and babbling, and it would affect their mood.

So he quickly grabbed Zhou Xiaolu's little hand, hesitated for a moment, and then whispered in her ear: "Xiaolu, be quiet and don't disturb everyone."

Chen Jianghai smiled and said: "It's okay, child, there's no need to be so strict with her, besides, it's more lively with deer along the way."

This is not to comfort Zhou Jun, it is actually Chen Jianghai's sincere words.

After all, he is also the father of two children. He is not disgusted by these behaviors of children, but feels that it is the nature of children.

Li Yuanchun always had a smile on his face, and should not dislike children.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Zhou Xiaolu became more and more happier and more energetic.

She turned her head to face her brother Zhou Jun, and said proudly, "Brother, you are so long-winded, see if you don't, my uncle doesn't dislike me."

Zhou Jun could only smile bitterly.

Then, she suddenly seemed to have discovered a new continent, and said in surprise: "Wow, Uncle Chen, why is there a small TV in front of this car?!"

As soon as the little girl said this, she immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone invariably looked at the central control position of the car.

There, there is indeed a phone-sized screen.

When turned off, it does look like a small TV.

This thing is not popular in cars at present. Even in the luxury brands of Hutouben, this thing is only installed in the most equipped cars.

As for the Santana, Jetta and other ordinary cars, don't even think about it, it's impossible to have them.

Therefore, even Li Yuanchun, who is more knowledgeable, is now full of curiosity about this thing.

It was the first time he saw that there was actually a small TV in the car, and he couldn't help but say, "Mr. Chen, this thing is really advanced!"

Chen Jianghai shook his head and explained: "There is no such technology right now. With the development of technology in the future, you can indeed watch movies in the car, and even have more functions."

"But it's not possible at the moment, what you're seeing is actually just a simple monochrome display."

With that said, Chen Jianghai opened the central control.

The blue screen with black characters is similar to the display effect of the mobile phone screen.

Then, Chen Jianghai continued: "It shows some broadcast channels, as well as simple functions on the vehicle, the size of the air conditioner, etc., so it's nothing special."

"When you can actually watch TV here or turn it into a color screen in the future, that will be considered progress."

Chen Jianghai's words did not make the people in the car feel how backward the screen was.

In their cognition, this is already very powerful.

After all, most of the cars today are very simple, and there is nothing to talk about.

For most people, it is a good car to be able to drive and walk, not easy to break down, and to lie down at every turn.

A high-end car like Domineering, coupled with a fancy screen, they think it is already a very high-tech thing.

As for the functions that Chen Jianghai said that the screen can be turned into color and can watch TV and so on, in their opinion, it is simply a fantasy.

Anyway, so far, they don't think such technology can be realized in a short period of time.

This reminds Chen Jianghai that since he wants to make a car, he can make an advance in auto parts and in-vehicle systems in the future.

With the take-off of the Huaxia auto market in the future, this is also a huge market, which is absolutely profitable.

At this moment, the outline of the village faintly appeared in front of the road.

Wu Gang frowned slightly, and then reminded everyone: "Mr. Chen, there is no road ahead."

Only at this time did Zhou Jun realize that unknowingly, the car was approaching outside their village.

So he hurriedly said to Wu Gang: "The car can't go any further. The road into our village is very difficult to walk, especially since it has rained recently and there are potholes, it is very difficult to walk."

"The key is that there are still several big pits, and if you are not careful, you have to sink in. Even those agricultural vehicles are afraid to enter easily."

Chen Jianghai understood what Zhou Jun was worried about. Many rural areas today have not yet built a decent road.

They are all dirt roads in the past. At most, they are cushioned with stones or rotten bricks. The road conditions are really indescribable.

It's usually fine, just be careful when passing a car or something.

But when it rains, there are potholes and muddy places everywhere, and there is no way to go.

If it doesn't work, you'll have to sink in and you won't be able to walk.

Fortunately, Chen Jianghai had this mental preparation when he came this time, and started to be domineering.

Such road conditions can still be overcome.

He reached out and patted Zhou Jun's arm, smiled and comforted: "It's alright, don't worry, this car was built for this kind of road. Just sit down."

After Chen Jianghai finished speaking, he motioned Wu Gang to drive into the village.

As for Li Yuanchun's Santana, of course there was nothing he could do in the face of such road conditions.

He simply stuck his head out and asked the driver to stop outside and wait for them.

As for Yan Fei, as Chen Jianghai's assistant, he directly squeezed in.

After all, there are still many things that Yan Fei needs to connect with, Chen Jianghai is just setting a general direction.

Wu Gang's skills are of course nothing to say, otherwise he would not have been selected as Chen Jianghai's driver.

I saw him holding the steering wheel steadily, driving the car little by little towards the village.