Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1997

Chapter 1997

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-seventh chapter is the truth

If you want to do a good job of wine, you need to invest a lot of money in the early stage.

Not to mention his lamb wine, which needs to be brewed with expensive lamb meat.

It is also because of this that Jadwang has not found anyone to invest in him for many years.

But Chen Jianghai was just joking. It was just one sentence that made him feel so emotional.

"What is there to prepare for? You have been brewing wine for decades, and there is a small winery in the yard, which is enough for people from our company to investigate.

In fact, building a winery is really not in such a hurry, and he is not relying on this to make money.

However, he has always been this kind of character who does what he says. Since everything has been decided, the sooner the better, there is no need to waste time.

Chen Jianghai directly called Yan Fei to come over and started the inspection procedure.

Yan Fei's job is also very simple, mainly asking Jadwang about winemaking.

For example, the materials consumed, the process of brewing, the time required and so on.

Talking about this, Jia Dewang immediately entered the state, a handy posture.

He has so much experience in winemaking.

For the control of every detail, for every link, he is well aware of it.

And often have unique insights.

This is the experience accumulated over the decades, which is quite valuable.

Although Yan Fei and the others are not professional in brewing, the people who come here work overtime all night and have some basic understanding of the industry, so they are not completely outsiders.

The more they listened, the more smiles on their faces.

This means that a lot of trouble can be saved.

As long as the winery can be built, it can be put into production immediately without going through the cumbersome experimental stage.

For winemaking, an old master with a legacy is worth an entire experimental department.

Jadwang also seemed to have found his own meaning in life, as if he had been beaten by chicken blood, he was enthusiastically pouring out the things he had accumulated over the past few decades.

For his own craft, he did not mean to cherish the broom at all.

As long as this craft can be passed down, it is the most important, and the rest doesn't matter.

"Come on, young man, don't just talk about it, you all taste the wine I brewed.

See how it tastes! No matter what I say, if the wine is not good and cannot be sold, it is all **** after all. "

After talking a lot, Jia Dewang invited Yan Fei and the others to taste the wine they brewed.

Naturally, Yan Fei and the others were also welcome. This was originally one of the purposes of coming here today.

The truth is that wine is good.

If you can't come up with wine, it's useless to talk about it.

As a result, after a few people drank it, they couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

After all, this is a good wine that even people like Lin Wanqiu who don't understand wine have said, and it has also been recognized by Chen Jianghai. Of course, it will not be too bad.

"Master Jia, your wine tastes really good."

"If this quality can still be guaranteed after the winery is built, it will definitely sell well after marketing through our channels."

Yan Fei couldn't help but praise.

At the same time, his confidence increased greatly.

As long as this kind of wine can be produced with high quality and quantity and brought to the market, it will definitely be loved and sought after by a group of wine lovers.

Not to mention, Qiuhai Group now has a strong publicity and marketing team.

At this point, he had to admire Chen Jianghai.

Throw a point at random, and it's all Wang fried.

This wine will never be buried.

Even if it is handled properly, it is an existence that can compete with those well-known liquors.

Hearing the compliments, Mr. Jia was naturally relieved.

What has he been drinking all his life for?

It's not that others say it's okay to drink it, and it can make the whole province and even the whole country drink this wine.

Of course, he did not flutter because of these few words, but said very seriously: "If you want to ensure the quality of the wine, the raw materials must keep up, you can't replace them with anything that cuts corners, and there must be enough fermentation time. ."

"Mine is brewed from pure grain, without any additives.

So I want to remind you that the cost of investment may be larger.

And no cost savings at all. "

Jadwang has never brought in investment before, and a large part of the reason is that the other party wants to reduce costs and clearly expresses the need to add some mediators.

He refused to let go of this request.

After all, although that kind of wine seems to taste good, people who really understand wine can drink it.

In this regard, Yan Fei gave a clear attitude: "Old man, don't worry, we will follow your instructions to make wine, and we will not engage in cheating and slippery things."

"Let's be honest with you, we either don't do it, but as long as we do it, it's definitely the best quality.

Our Qiuhai Group electrical appliances are like this, and the same is true for making wine. "

Next, Yan Fei and the others spent three days working out the budget for this winery.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Jia, after our calculations, the result is that the initial investment of the winery is about 6 million."

Yan Fei directly told the two of the results.

In this regard, Chen Jianghai naturally has no problem.

Such an investment is not even a drop in the bucket for him now.

Moreover, the return on investment is also guaranteed.

Chen Jianghai knows what the future liquor industry will look like.

You know, such as Maotai Wuliangye and the like, the final total value is in the trillions.

But Jadwang was taken aback when he heard the number.

He widened his eyes in surprise and asked incredulously, "Six million, how big is that winery?

Immediately, he looked at Chen Jianghai, who was on the side, and said anxiously: "Jiang Hai, you can't invest so much because of my relationship!"

In his concept, a few hundred thousand is already a large number.

In the past, he thought that if there was an investment of several hundred thousand, the wine field in his mind would be truly built, and it would be fine to develop slowly in the future.

Anyway, the quality of the lamb wine he brewed is enough.

Now it has increased tenfold directly. He is afraid that Chen Jianghai will do this because of his relationship.

Although he knew that Chen Jianghai was rich now, he couldn't spend it indiscriminately.

Just hearing Chen Jianghai said with a smile: "Master Jia, you underestimate the value of your wine.

Six million is not too much, and there will definitely be a lot of additional investment in the future. "

"For example, an advertisement on CCTV can directly exceed this number.

Moreover, this price was calculated by our company's professionals, not by me in advance. "

Yan Fei observed his words and hurriedly echoed: "Yes, old man, we think the value of this wine is very high. Six million is just an initial investment, and we will continue to add more in the later stage."

"In short, you will understand how much a real big winery needs to invest.

What you have to do is to control the quality of the wine. "