Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1996

Chapter 1996

Chapter 1996 The Importance of Prestige

The next day, early in the morning, several cars came to the village.

This attracted all the villagers.

The old Chen family also rushed over.

"Second brother, how many people did you find to build the ancestral hall?

Why are there so many cars? "

Seeing this scene, Chen Jiangong couldn't help pulling Chen Congjun's arm and asked in a low voice.

Chen Congjun was also full of doubts, and shook his head slightly: "I didn't find a few, five or six craftsmen, plus the delivery of materials, three cars are enough."

"Besides, because they are transporting materials, they should all be tractors or trucks."

"There are two cars in there that are the same as the bus. It looks very high-end at first glance. It must not be the person who came to repair the ancestral hall."

"Oh, by the way, looking at my memory, those two cars should be from Jianghai Company.

Last night he said he was going to build a winery here, and these people are probably the people he called in charge of this. "

Chen Congjun's words were not deliberately avoided, and all the surrounding villagers were attracted at once.

"Village Chief, you just said that Jiang Hai wants to invest in a winery?

Is it in our village? "

"You idiot, you must be in our village! Didn't the village chief just say that Jianghai was originally from our village, and if there is something good, he will definitely think of our village!"

"That's nothing to say! Jiang Hai is always careful when he does things. Whenever he thinks about the development of our village, is it okay to open a winery in our village?

I've never heard that we have a particularly famous wine here! "

"There really isn't a particularly famous wine, but the wine made by Old Man Jia is delicious.

In the past, I was thinking that if it was developed, it might catch fire. "

"Don't say it, the wine made by Master Jia tastes really good! It's a pity that there has never been such a chance.

Now that Jianghai is willing to invest, there is definitely no problem! "

Hearing the chatter of the villagers, Chen Congjun couldn't help laughing.

They really got to the point.

Chen Congjun didn't intend to hide it, and said directly to the crowd: "Yes, it is the wine brewed by Mr. Jia Dewang, and Jiang Hai is going to develop that."

"These people should be responsible for inspecting the specific location of the winery, which is of great benefit to the development of our village, so everyone should cooperate as much as possible when the time comes."

"Help Jiang Hai to build the factory as soon as possible, if someone's land is occupied, don't care too much.

Rest assured, the compensation will be compensated to everyone, and everyone will not suffer. "

Hearing what Chen Congjun said, the villagers all expressed their support.

"Village chief, don't worry, we will definitely support it, Jiang Haike has never treated us badly."

"That's it.

If another winery is to be built in the village, it will definitely recruit workers. At that time, I will ask my boy to learn some techniques from Master Jia. "

Chen Congjun was naturally very happy to hear that the villagers were so supportive.

At the same time, he also realized the importance of prestige.

Because of Chen Jianghai, not only him, but also the prestige of the entire old Chen family is very high in the village.

No matter what it is to do, everyone basically supports it, and there is no resistance.

The person sent by Qiuhai Group this time was Yan Fei, and he quickly walked towards Chen Jianghai when he got out of the car.

"Mr. Chen, what wine are you going to invest in this time?"

Chen Jianghai did not directly tell him the name of the lamb wine, after all, this is still in the confidential stage.

There are many people here, so you still need to be vigilant.

So Chen Jianghai just opened his mouth and said, "This time it's a winemaking craftsmanship composed of an old senior in our village. The specific situation will wait for you to meet him and chat with him slowly."

Chen Jianghai pays attention to a quick decision when opening a winery this time, because Jia Ye's lamb wine is a decades-old craft, and does not require too much blending.

As long as the winery is built and fully equipped, it can be produced.

In the early stage, the purest puree wine was used to open the market, and it was not too late to study the preparation of other flavors of wine after it became famous.

So it's best to get all the details down today, run the paperwork, and start building the winery within a day or two.

Yan Fei obviously understood what Chen Jianghai meant, so he nodded quickly and said, "Mr. Yue attaches great importance to the construction of the winery. Yesterday, he arranged all the people and horses, so we were able to come here early in the morning."

After hearing Yan Fei's report, Chen Jianghai also showed satisfaction on his face, and said, "The speed is very fast, let's go, I will take you to meet the master brewer, and at the same time taste the wine he made. "

Before leaving, when passing by Chen Congjun, Chen Jianghai deliberately stopped to let him and Yan Fei get to know each other.

"Second uncle, let me introduce you, this is my secretary Yan Fei. He will be fully responsible for the construction of the winery in the future. If you have any questions in the future, you can directly contact him."

After finishing speaking, Chen Jianghai turned around and said to Yan Fei, "Yan Fei, this is my second uncle and the village chief of Chenjia Village. If you encounter any problems, you two should communicate more."

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Yan Fei quickly reached out and shook hands with Chen Congjun, and said respectfully, "Cun Chief Chen, please take care of me in the future."

Chen Congjun didn't take it, so he gave him enough face and said: "Don't be polite, it's all from my own family. If you have anything in the future, just come to me directly."

After the two exchanged a few words, Chen Jianghai took Yan Fei and the others to Jia Ye's residence.

When Jia Dewang saw that Chen Jianghai brought people, he was still a little confused.

He couldn't help but pulled Chen Jianghai over, frowned slightly and asked in a low voice, "What is your kid doing?"

Chen Jianghai replied: "Didn't you agree yesterday?

I am going to invest in a winery to produce your lamb wine.

These are people from my company. They came to investigate to see how much investment is appropriate, where to build factories and so on. "

After listening to Chen Jianghai's words, Jia Dewang suddenly remembered what happened yesterday. He was excited but also shocked by Chen Jianghai's speed.

In fact, until just now, he didn't realize or could not believe that Chen Jianghai would really invest in a winery for his lamb wine.

It's not that he doesn't believe what Chen Jianghai said, it's just that in his cognition, this matter should not be so easy to achieve.

This is the obsession that he has pursued all his life, and he paid a lot for it when he was young. Unfortunately, in the end, when he sees his generation, this technology will be absolutely useless.

He has long been disheartened about this, UU reading www. uukanshu. com dare not have any extravagance.

But now, Chen Jianghai really wants to help him realize his dream, and it is completely understandable that it is difficult to accept for a while.

"Jiang Hai, your speed is too fast. You just said yesterday that you will bring people over today, and I am not prepared."

Jadwang took a deep breath and couldn't help saying.

In his view, building a winery is a big deal.

And looking at Chen Jianghai's posture, the investment is definitely not small, not as simple as a small winery.