Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 189

Chapter 189

"Brother, you are a bull!"

Li Detian stretched out his thumb, his face full of admiration.

Jin Changan's face was full of sighs and he said, "How can we have a monster like you in Linghai?"

In addition to sighing in their hearts, the two are also very happy now.

You know, they each own 3% of the shares!

If the factory can continue to develop according to the current situation, how much can their net worth increase by then?

Thinking of this, both of them blushed and their hearts were surging.

It was a wise move to choose to cooperate with Chen Jianghai!

Following, Chen Jianghai took out two thick stacks of money from the drawer, put it on the table and pushed it over.

"Two brothers, this is your dividend, accept it!"

"Jiang Hai, this money is a bit hot for me to hold!" Jin Changan sighed slightly.

Li Detian also nodded in agreement: "How about you give less? I can still feel better."

If this were to allow others to hear the conversation of these three people, they would definitely suspect that their ears had misheard.

Is there anyone who thinks too much money? Is it stupid?

Chen Jianghai's face was straight, and he said with a serious expression: "Two brothers, we signed a contract, don't you want to go back on it?"

"Jiang Hai, this..."

Jin Changan wanted to say a few more words, but was directly interrupted by Chen Jianghai.

He frowned and said, "Two brothers, are you too young?"

Well, the words have come to this point, and the two of them naturally accepted it with joy.

"Jiang Hai, this time the old man really took advantage of you." Li Detian followed.

Jin Changan also nodded quickly.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand: "Brother, what are you talking about? If you didn't believe me at the beginning, the money wouldn't be in your hands."

"Hehe, that is!"

Li Detian answered cheerfully.

After chatting for a while, the office phone rang.

After Chen Jianghai answered the phone, there was another knock on the door.

Jin Changan and Li Detian looked at each other, knowing that it would be inappropriate to stay any longer.

"Jiang Hai, you have something to do, let's go first." Li Detian stood up and said.

Jin Changan also got up quickly.

Chen Jianghai did not hold back, and now is not the time to chat.

The new electric kettle is now in production, and there are a lot of things waiting for him, the general manager, to decide.

"Let's get together again when we have time." Chen Jianghai said to the two with a smile.

"Okay, waiting for your message."

After speaking, the two left immediately.

Outside the factory gate, Jin Changan and Li Detian stopped and looked at the dilapidated but revitalized factory in front of them, both with admiration and admiration.

"Brother Jiang Hai, it's really amazing!" Jin Changan said sincerely.

"Who said no?"

Li Detian nodded and said, "Speaking of which, regardless of wealth or status, he seems to have surpassed us now."

Jin Changan smiled and said, "So people like Jiang Hai are worthy of our sincere friendship. Didn't you hear that he was still an old brother?"

Li Detian was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that his old friend obviously misunderstood what he meant.

He smiled and shook his head: "You misunderstood, I mean, in front of others, we'd better not call them by their first names."

Hearing Li Detian's words, Jin Changan immediately reacted.

He nodded heavily: "You are right, I am confused! I should be called President Chen in the future!"

Li Detian smiled and said: "Yes, we can call Jiang Hai in private, but in front of others, we have to hold it."

Jin Changan said understandingly: "I understand, I understand!"

As time passed, everything in the factory was on the right track.

As Chen Jianghai expected, the sales of old electric kettles have been slowly falling.

In addition, Ren Hongtu and some small workshops swarmed up, which lowered the price, and the business in the factory seemed to be less than ideal.

But no one knew that this was actually what Chen Jianghai did on purpose, and he didn't let the factory take new orders at all.

Moreover, Chen Jianghai has already sent Fang Aiguo and Liu Jianming out.

With the latest electric kettle, they went to provincial capitals and other provinces to find orders.

Liang Haoyang and Yin Chaoyang stared at the production, and Qianda stared at the R&D. Chen Jianghai, the helmsman, was idle for a while.

Chen Jianghai, who finally had some spare time, wanted to see his parents even more urgently.

That night, after dinner, Chen Jianghai mentioned this to Lin Wanqiu.

"You want to go to Big Brother's house?" Lin Wanqiu asked in surprise.

Chen Jianghai nodded: "I haven't done my filial piety to my parents for so many years. I have a little time now. I have to go there anyway."

Lin Wanqiu nodded without hesitation, "Okay, when will you leave?"

As for Chen Jianghai's filial piety, Lin Wanqiu naturally had no opinion at all.

"I want to leave tomorrow!" Chen Jianghai followed.

"Well, then I'll pack my things now."

After so many days of hard work, it stands to reason that Chen Jianghai needs a good rest.

But when he thought of seeing his parents tomorrow, Chen Jianghai tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep at all.

Seeing Chen Jianghai tossing and turning, Lin Wanqiu stretched out her hand and hugged him gently from behind.

"Jiang Hai, don't think too much. Seeing that you are so capable now, your parents will definitely be happy and won't blame you!"

She put her lips against Chen Jianghai's ear and said softly.

"But I'll blame myself."

In the darkness, Chen Jianghai sighed faintly.

"Jiang Hai, don't mention the past, okay?" Lin Wanqiu said, pressing her firm back tightly.

Chen Jianghai turned around and hugged Lin Wanqiu with his backhand.

Lin Wanqiu let out a soft cry, and immediately found that her mouth was blocked.

Then, she felt Chen Jianghai's strength and power.

A night of endless spring.

The next day, the two went to the store early in the morning to explain things, and then set foot on the road to the West City, a high-ranking official.

Although separated by a province, in fact, the real distance is not too far.

With an uneasy mood, after a long day of bumps, we finally reached our destination.

After leaving the long-distance bus station, Chen Jianghai took Lin Wanqiu to a phone booth and called the unit left by Chen Jiangshan.

It was Chen Jianghai's temporary decision to come here, so he didn't have time to inform his elder brother.

"Hello. Who is this?"

After waiting for five or six minutes, Chen Jiangshan's voice finally came from the other end of the phone.

"Brother, it's me, Jiang Hai."

Chen Jianghai said quickly.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's voice, Chen Jiangshan said immediately, "Jianghai, my parents know that you are promising, and they are happy for you. Come over when you are free!"

Chen Jianghai took a deep breath: "Brother, I'm here, I'm in Changxi now, where do you live?"

"What? Have you arrived in Changxi?" Chen Jiangshan said in surprise.


"Where are you now, I'll pick you up!" Chen Jiangshan asked quickly.

"Brother, don't be so troublesome, give me your address and I'll call a car over there."

"Alright, then come here by yourself, and I'll go shopping quickly. If I know you're here, my parents will be very happy!" Excited Chen Jiangshan quickly reported an address.

After Chen Jianghai took the note, he hung up the phone.


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