Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 188

Chapter 188

A box full of money was finally distributed.

Everyone was very excited. It didn't feel like the previous meeting, and they felt that it was difficult. I wish this meeting was as long as possible.

The friends who were sitting in front of Chen Jianghai had no other ideas except for some envy.

But the few intern reporters who followed Editor Hong suddenly became a little uneasy.

To know their salary, it is more than 100 yuan a month.

Although I can occasionally get some extra money or something, it only adds up to two hundred.

Look at people again, the bonus alone is already twice their salary!

"Mr. Chen, do you still need someone here?"

At this time, an intern reporter couldn't help but ran to the front and asked.

Chen Jianghai glanced at the man, and then looked at Editor Hong, who had yet to react.

"Who are you?" Chen Jianghai asked deliberately.

"I'm an intern reporter at a newspaper, and I want to come to your factory to work." The young man said without shyness.

These days, the difference between workers and reporters is really not that big.

Chen Jianghai laughed and pouted at Yin Chaoyang next to him: "The job of recruiting people in the factory is in charge of Director Yin, you can go to him later."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Chen!"

Hearing Chen Jianghai's answer, Editor Hong's face brightened a little.

If Chen Jianghai really recruited this person into the factory on the spot, where would he put his face?

But editor Hong also blamed the intern reporter.

After all, water flows to low places, and people go to high places!

With this salary, even he is jealous, not to mention these young people who have just entered the society.

It is a pity that he is not young, and he is relatively stable in the newspaper.

Besides, his identity as a reporter is respected wherever he goes, even on the surface, he is used to this kind of life and doesn't want to bother anymore.

If he were twenty years younger, he might have made the same choice as the intern reporter.

At the same time, looking at the reopened store, Ren Hongtu finally had a smile on his face.

A few days ago, his shop was closed down and he lost a lot.

Ren Hongtu is not the kind of master who is willing to suffer losses. At that time, he wanted to find a few people to take revenge on Chen Jianghai.

But what Ren Hongtu did not expect was that a horse brother suddenly appeared in the middle of the road!

Ma Ge and Ren Hongtu started out in a similar way, and the two of them are old rivals in Linghai.

Ren Hongtu never imagined that Ma Ge became Chen Jianghai's helper.

And seeing that the posture is determined, he wants to wrestle with himself.

When Brother Ma came forward to take revenge on Chen Jianghai in private, Ren Hongtu had to give up.

As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is often your enemy.

The two have been fighting for so long, and Ren Hongtu knows Ma Ge very well.

Now that the other party is showing such a tough attitude, he doesn't want to confront the other party head-on. If he doesn't do it, it will really hurt his muscles and bones, and both sides will suffer.

The aggrieved Ren Hongtu spent a lot of money and found a lot of connections to unblock the factory and store today.

"Notify the workers, give me production! I want to take all the market in Linghai!" Ren Hongtu roared fiercely.

"Okay, boss!" The subordinates responded immediately, and then went to arrange with high fighting spirit.

After the staff meeting was over, all the workers in the factory were like chicken blood.

At this time, the new production task in the factory has come down, that is, the new electric kettle.

Regarding this product, Chen Jianghai gave a death order to the core participants.

No one can leak it until there is no sale.

Once a mistake is made, the punishment is quite severe.

To this end, a special confidentiality agreement was also signed with everyone.

Although Chen Jianghai also knew that there was only one agreement, it actually didn't have much effect.

At least to a certain extent, it can play a warning role, and it will not be revealed unconsciously.

The production method this time is the same as the previous one, and the accessories are still produced first.

Assembly does not begin until the pre-sale period is reached.

In this way, it can also play the role of confidentiality to the greatest extent, so that the opponent cannot touch his routine.

At the request of Chen Jianghai, Qian Da disassembled the new electric kettle into three parts.

The things produced now are not much different from the previous products except for the size.

Even if the average worker sees something different, they won't know that the product has been upgraded.

They only know that if they work hard, they will be rewarded handsomely, improve their living conditions, and allow their families to live a comfortable life.

After Xu Dong, a special guest, came out of the venue, his head was always dazed.

The box of money on the stage deeply stimulated him.

This time, a full salary of 200,000 yuan was paid, so how much money did Chen Jianghai earn? !

Even if Chen Jianghai did it for publicity, that's amazing.

To be able to have such courage shows that the prospect is promising.

At this time, Xu Dong's remorse had simply reached a new level.

Why didn't you choose to believe in Chen Jianghai?

It's really clever but being mistaken by cleverness.

If you didn't think about it so much at the beginning and just followed suit, even if you can't share the money now, you will be able to follow Chen Jianghai to make a fortune in the near future.

You must know that Xu Dong has worked in the component factory for more than ten years, and he has saved more than 10,000!

But if you follow Chen Jianghai, will this mere 10,000 be called money? !

Thinking of this, Xu Dong couldn't help but let out another sigh, and his face fell silent.

Seeing the excited smiles on other people's faces, Xu Dong felt that there was no point in staying here, and every second was suffering.

Next time, wait for Chen Jianghai to have another project next time, he really wants to sell iron!

Secretly made up his mind, Xu Dong quietly left first.

If he stayed any longer, his heart would be broken!

Chen Jianghai brought Jin Changan and Li Detian to the office.

Lin Wanqiu knew that Chen Jianghai had business to do, so he greeted him and went back to the store first.

"Jiang Hai, tell me, how much money did you make?"

As soon as he entered the door, Li Detian was a little excited and couldn't wait to ask.

According to his idea, Chen Jianghai must have made a lot of money if he can spend so much money at once.

And he also has some bold guesses in his heart, hoping to get confirmation from Chen Jianghai.

After all, they are partners.

Although the proportion of shares is not, since Chen Jianghai has earned it, it means that they have earned it.

"Brother, you seem to be in a hurry!" Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

Jin Changan also said from the side: "Don't say it's him, I'm also very curious, brother Chen, let's talk about it."

"After the wages are paid, there are still about 200,000 yuan in the factory." Chen Jianghai raised **** and said calmly.

Hearing this number, the two of them took a deep breath.

Good guy, it has only been half a month, and Chen Jianghai's net worth is already on par with them.


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