Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1827

Chapter 1827

Chapter 1827 This requirement is a bit too harsh

Chen Jianghai pondered for a while, then asked the two uncles, "Second Uncle, Third Uncle, can you tell me why you don't want to live here?"

"Jiang Hai, their luck is not as good as yours, so naturally they can't live here."

When Chen Congjun heard Chen Jianghai speak, he hesitated to say such a reason.

Chen Jianghai was suddenly dumbfounded.

Chen Liye on the side stared at him and said angrily, "Second brother, what are you talking about?

It's all a family, what can you do? "

Chen Congjun ignored his eldest brother, just looked at Chen Jianghai gratefully, and said his thoughts:

"Jiang Hai, I know you have good intentions.

We are just afraid that they think too much. If they fail to study in the future, they will not want to go back to the countryside. "

At this time, Chen Jiangong, who had not spoken all the time, quickly echoed: "Jiang Hai, your second uncle is right.

The third uncle also means the same, can't let these little brats live too well, maybe they will hurt them at that time. "

Having said that, Chen Jianghai has understood something.

Poor parents in the world.

Chen Congjun and Chen Jiangong did this with good intentions.

It is nothing more than fear that these children will lose themselves in this environment.

Chen Jianghai originally wanted to persuade him again, but after thinking about it, he finally gave up.

As parents, Chen Congjun and Chen Jiangong thought this way, naturally for the good of their children.

Since the two uncles have decided on this matter, Chen Jianghai, as a junior, can't force it.

But there is one thing that Chen Jianghai said very clearly.

That is the meal at night, the family must eat together.

Regarding this condition, Chen Congjun and Chen Jiangong looked at each other and agreed happily.

As for the second and third aunts, of course they all listen to them, and naturally they have no opinion.

Let the children come here to study, one is to let them have a good learning environment.

Second, I want these children to have more contact with Chen Jianghai.

As the old saying goes, learn from good people.

As parents, Chen Congjun hopes that their children can learn something from Chen Jianghai.

Now Chen Jianghai has actively asked the children to come here for dinner at night, and they naturally can't ask for it.

They also vaguely knew that although Chen Jianghai was very busy every day, he insisted on going home for dinner as much as possible.

When the children come to eat at night, they always run into Chen Jianghai.

As for how much he can learn from Chen Jianghai, it depends on the good fortune of these children.

For Chen Congjun and the others, they didn't dare to ask for too many things. They just needed to be able to make one or two of their children stand out because of Chen Jianghai.

After all, it is only an imagination that everything has become excellent, and it is not realistic at all.

After talking about this, the atmosphere was relaxed.

A stone in the hearts of brothers Chen Congjun and Chen Jiangong finally fell to the ground.

The two aunts also had happy smiles on their faces, and they looked at Chen Jianghai with gratitude.

Children can study in Pingshan, which is definitely a happy thing for them as parents.

At this moment, their hearts are full of expectations and hopes for their children's future.

Now, they have given everything they can, and it is up to them to see where these little guys will go in the future.

Chen Congjun and Chen Jiangong, who put down the stone in their hearts, took Chen Liye and drank a lot.

In the end, all three got drunk.

Chen Jianghai quickly Zhang Luoren helped them to the room to rest.

In the afternoon, Chen Jianghai took time to go to the company.

Yan Fei came over to report that the latest camera of the drone was ready.

In terms of lenses, Ye Yun actually has a lot of inventory here.

Now just take one out for experimentation, and the speed is naturally fast.

Coupled with the pressure in his heart, Ye Yun deliberately worked extra shifts and made new shots overnight.

When Chen Jianghai confirms that such a lens can be used, it can be mass-produced after improvement.

The time was very tight, and Chen Jianghai didn't dare to delay, so he went directly to the company.

The things captured by the camera this time are indeed much clearer than before.

Unfortunately, for Chen Jianghai, it still did not meet the requirements.

Seeing Chen Jianghai's slightly frowning face, everyone felt nervous for no reason, knowing that they were still dissatisfied.

Ye Yun asked cautiously: "Mr. Chen, is it still not clear enough?"


Chen Jianghai nodded and said, "Can you be more clear?"

This drone was developed for rescue missions, where clarity was a top priority.

In the sky more than 30 meters high, if it is not clear, it is impossible to see what is below.

Especially in places like disaster areas, it is even more difficult to see clearly.

Ye Yun frowned and asked, "Mr. Chen, can you tell me your specific requirements?"

Chen Jianghai thought for a moment, and then said: "The drone is at a height of ten meters and can clearly see the expressions on our faces."

For Chen Jianghai's request, Ye Yun took a deep breath.

In his opinion, such a request was a bit too harsh.

"Mr. Chen, isn't this drone used to take pictures?

This pixel is enough. "

Ye Yun couldn't help but say.

Chen Jianghai shook his head and said, "I have other uses for this drone.

You have to meet the requirements I just mentioned. "

Seeing Chen Jianghai say this, Ye Yun didn't dare to ask again.

What Chen Jianghai didn't want to say clearly, he naturally didn't dare to ask again.

Because it is likely to involve commercial secrets.

He just needs to follow Chen Jianghai's request.

Ye Yun had to nodded and said, "Mr. Chen, if this is the case, the cost will increase exponentially."

Chen Jianghai frowned slightly and said with a serious expression: "Again, cost is not a problem, I need satisfactory results."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Ye Yun also fully understood what Chen Jianghai meant, and quickly assured: "Mr. Chen, I will use the best lens, there will be no problem."

Chen Jianghai didn't take Ye Yun's guarantee to heart.

Not seeing the result, Ye Yun didn't believe what Chen Jianghai said.

After finishing this matter, Chen Jianghai went straight home.

The next day, Chen Congjun and the others did not rush to leave.

They also have to find a house for the second and third aunts, and they will leave after they settle down.

After staying in Pingshan for three days, after finding a place to live, Chen Congjun returned to Linghai.

Chen Jiangong is not bad. He works in It is not a problem to ask for a few days off.

As for Chen Liye, he has a farmhouse in his hand, and he has to take care of a lot of things in the village. It can be said that he is very busy, and it seems that he cannot be separated from him anywhere.

This time, he finally took three days to come out, which was already his limit.

After his wife and children were settled, he naturally needed to go back to Chenjia Village immediately, lest the people under him would be too busy these days when he was away.

Once something goes wrong, he can't forgive himself no matter what.

After all, life in the village is now prosperous, and once something happens, he will really be ashamed to see Jiang Dong's elders.