Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1826

Chapter 1826

Chapter 1826 This is today's theme

Ye Yun smiled, and then said a little embarrassedly: "I see that President Chen's face was not good just now, so I want to ask you."

Wang Tiansheng thought about it carefully, and guessed with some uncertainty: "President Chen seems to be in a good mood, but he seems a little dissatisfied with this pixel."

Ye Yun finally nodded in relief after hearing this.

At the same time, he secretly thought about it, and it seemed that he thought too much.

For the lens R&D department, Chen Jianghai does not seem to have any other intentions.

If Chen Jianghai really wanted to withdraw this department, he would not have had that attitude just now.

Seeing that Ye Yun didn't speak, Wang Tiansheng didn't know what the other party was thinking, so he simply said: "Director Ye, if there is nothing else, I will go to work first."

"Okay okay."

Only then did Ye Yun react, and he quickly nodded to Wang Tiansheng and said, "I'll send it over myself when the camera arrives."

Wang Tiansheng smiled and said: "Director Ye, you are too polite, just let someone send it over at that time, there is no need to be so troublesome."

Hearing Wang Tiansheng say this, Ye Yun quickly waved his hand and said with a serious face: "This matter was ordered by President Chen, and it must not be careless. I am more at ease when I come in person."

Seeing that Ye Yun insisted, Wang Tiansheng didn't say anything.

However, he still recognized Ye Yun's approach.

After all, this is something that Chen Jianghai personally ordered, and he still attaches great importance to it just now, so it is always right to be cautious.

After a few chats, the two went to work on their own.

The next day, the second uncle Chen Congjun and the third uncle Chen Jiangong rushed over from Linghai with their children and wife.

Last night, Chen Congjun made a special call to tell Chen Liye the news.

After Chen Liye and his wife Wang Shufen found out, they went to the nearby farmers' market early in the morning to buy a bunch of vegetables and prepared to make a hearty lunch for the family to have a good meal at noon. catch the wind.

Since Qiuhai moved to Pingshan, this family can only get together for a meal during the Chinese New Year.

Taking this opportunity today, it is natural to have a good gathering.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, Chen Congjun and Chen Jiangong led their families to Chen Jianghai's mansion.

Those cousins of Chen Jianghai have lived in the countryside since they were young. When have they seen such a luxurious villa?

When I came here, there were stars in each one's eyes.

In fact, not only their children, but also Chen Congjun, Chen Jiangong and others, who are parents, also widened their eyes.

However, they had already heard about Chen Jianghai's big villa from Chen Xiaolong and Chen Xiaohu, and they already had some preparations in their hearts. In addition, they always had to set an example in front of their children, so they quickly adapted themselves.

As parents, seeing their children like this, they became more certain in their hearts that they must send their children to Pingshan to study.

Even if you don't read the book well, your eyes must be wide-open.

At least if I see such a big villa in the future, I won't be able to walk, just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, and I have never seen the world.

At this time, Wang Shufen and the others had already asked the nanny to prepare the meals.

Several of the dishes were cooked by Wang Shufen herself.

In her opinion, the nanny may not be able to take into account all the tastes of the family.

At half past eleven, the food came to the table one after another.

With so many children at once, the family suddenly became lively.

Although at the beginning, the children of the second and third uncles were still at a loss.

But a child is a child. He quickly got used to it and became much more relaxed. Not only did he have a smile on his face, but he would also say a few words from time to time.

When Chen Liye saw this scene, his face was full of smiles.

He agreed that the children of his two younger brothers would come to Hirayama to study, which was also an important reason.

There are many children at home, which is a good thing in Chen Liye's view.

This shows that a family member Ding Xingwang has successors.

If nothing else, at least listening to these laughter every day is a happy thing.

There were a lot of people today, and there were two tables in total, one for adults and one for children.

Chen Liye took out the Taibai Immortal Wine that Chen Jianghai had brought back before, and drank it with his two younger brothers.

Chen Congjun and the others knew that Chen Jianghai didn't drink, so naturally they wouldn't force it.

As soon as the three brothers drank too much wine, they became more talkative, and they started talking about the past while chatting.

About these things, the three brothers would say it again at the wine table during the festivals.

In this regard, Chen Jianghai is not impatient.

This is a way for the three brothers to express their feelings, and Chen Jianghai will silently accompany them and listen to these sad stories.

Life was so hard back then, it was really not easy for the three brothers to get to where they are today.

Now that life is getting better and better, we must also remember the bitter and sweet, and not forget the fundamentals.

In fact, when Chen Liye and the others said these words, they also meant to tell the younger generation.

Life is good now, but never forget how bad life was before.

Only by knowing this can we always remember how hard-won the good life is now.

After three rounds of drinking, Chen Liye and the others talked about the children coming to Pingshan to study.

In fact, that's the topic of today.

In this regard, Chen Jianghai also directly expressed his attitude.

Chen Jianghai's meaning is very simple, let the two aunts and a few children live here directly.

Regarding Chen Jianghai's proposal, Chen Congjun and the others directly rejected it without even thinking about it.

Obviously, the uncles and aunts of the two families had a tacit understanding on this matter, or had already discussed it.

Chen Congjun and the others said they wanted to rent two houses next door, where the second and third aunts lived.

Hearing Chen Congjun's decision, Chen Jianghai was a little surprised.

"Second uncle, if you come to Pingshan to study, you must live at home."

Chen Jianghai persuaded again.

Chen Congjun immediately waved his hand and said sternly, "Jiang Hai, we are already very grateful that you can arrange for them to come to Pingshan to study, how can you let them live at home and disturb you?"

When Chen Liye heard this, he immediately became unhappy.

"It's all a family, what are you talking about not to disturb?"

Chen Liye stared and said Wang Shufen also agreed: "That's right! Second uncle, your brother is right, it's fun when the family lives together."

"Brother and sister-in-law, I have discussed this matter with my third brother, and let them rent a house outside."

Chen Congjun was very stubborn and his attitude was very determined.

Chen Liye and the others persuaded them for a long time, but Chen Congjun was still unwilling to let go.

In this case, Chen Liye could only focus on Chen Jianghai.

Chen Liye knew that no matter what they said, Chen Congjun would not agree.