Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1483

Chapter 1483

Chapter 1483 is a very difficult thing

"What are you still doing?

Thank you Mr. Chen! "

Pan Wenbin was the first to react, and quickly pushed Zhong Denghua as a reminder.

As Chen Jianghai just said, an enterprise must have a sense of social responsibility.

He truly fulfilled his promise, and after earning money, he spared no effort to give back to the society.

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Chen! Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Zhong Denghua didn't react until this moment, and said excitedly.

Chen Jianghai smiled indifferently: "As a Xijiang native, I can do my bit."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Pan Wenbin and Zhong Denghua looked at each other with admiration in their hearts.

Such a responsible entrepreneur deserves such great success.

Chen Jianghai added with a smile: "I just said that an enterprise must have a spirit of responsibility and a sense of social responsibility. You can't break your promises by boasting about it, right?"

For Chen Jianghai's joke, Pan Wenbin and Zhong Denghua looked at each other, and then laughed.

After Zhong Denghua got Chen Jianghai's reply, he left happily.

He came here today, so to speak, with the idea of giving it a try.

Although he had done all kinds of preparations before he came, he was really not sure whether Chen Jianghai would agree.

After all, this amount of money is a lot. Even if other entrepreneurs have this kind of strength, they dare not answer when they hear it.

You must know that a bridge project can easily cost hundreds of millions of dollars, which is not something that ordinary companies can come up with.

Therefore, although Zhong Denghua is disappointed, it is completely understandable.

After all kinds of obstacles, Zhong Denghua could only be a living horse doctor in the end.

For him, coming to Chen Jianghai to try is probably the only way now.

What he never expected was that Chen Jianghai didn't say much, and he readily agreed without even listening to the remarks he had prepared in advance.

What made Zhong Denghua even more unexpected was that Chen Jianghai voluntarily gave up the interest and extended the repayment period.

For Zhong Denghua, this is simply a great thing.

This made Zhong Denghua ecstatic.

If he could have known Chen Jianghai earlier, maybe he wouldn't have to worry so much.

Moreover, this project has probably been launched for some time.

Chen Jianghai's performance is so forthright and generous, a project of hundreds of millions is like a few thousand dollars.

What makes Zhong Denghua admire more is Chen Jianghai's attitude just now.

As long as the bridge was built in Xijiang Province, he would help.

Xijiang Province is really fortunate to be able to produce such a well-structured and capable person.

After sending Zhong Denghua away, Chen Jianghai and Pan Wenbin sat down again.

Pan Wenbin sighed: "Mr. Chen, your speech just now touched me a lot!"

"What's the point of Principal Pan? Let's hear it."

Chen Jianghai asked with a smile, a little joking.

However, Pan Wenbin nodded very solemnly: "We attach too much importance to students' knowledge education, but seldom teach them how to behave in the world. This is our fault."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said: "President Pan is really serious. I am afraid this is not only the case with Xijiang University, but also in the entire Huaxia school."

Pan Wenbin sighed: "Speaking of which, the gap between our education and foreign countries is still too large. It is difficult for exam-oriented education to cultivate top talents."

Chen Jianghai does not fully agree with Pan Wenbin's view.

"Principal Pan, I think your view is incorrect, at least not all correct."

Pan Wenbin raised his brows involuntarily.

Does Chen Jianghai have any different views on this?

The drawbacks of exam-oriented education are unanimously recognized by these principals.

"Mr. Chen, regarding the drawbacks of exam-oriented education, this is recognized by the education community."

Pan Wenbin directly moved out of big data.

He repeated his point of view again, just to let Chen Jianghai know his position.

Chen Jianghai smiled and shook his head: "Principal Pan, I know that exam-oriented education does have many drawbacks, but have you ever thought that this is caused by different national conditions."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's point of view, Pan Wenbin was taken aback for a moment, and then put on a look of listening intently: "Professor Chen, I would like to hear your high opinion."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand slightly, and then said: "Huaxia wants to compare with foreign countries, the land is vast and the population base is too large, don't you deny this?"

In this regard, Pan Wenbin naturally has no opinion.

Chen Jianghai continued: "With such a large population base, if you want to select outstanding talents, you should know the difficulty."

Pan Wenbin sighed: "Yes, it is really difficult to find pricing talents from billions of people."

Chen Jianghai followed up: "So according to the foreign model, it will not work in China at all.

Only test-oriented education can select talents from hundreds of millions of people. "

Pan Wenbin was about to speak, but was directly interrupted by Chen Jianghai.

"I know you want to say that the talents selected under this model cannot be compared with those from abroad, right?"

Seeing Chen Jianghai saying what he wanted to say, Pan Wenbin nodded quickly.

Chen Jianghai said unhurriedly: "How many talents have emerged from the development of the country today, is it true that none of these talents came from examination-oriented education?"

Pan Wenbin didn't know how to refute this fact.

"Exam-oriented education does have many drawbacks, but that's not to say there aren't any benefits.

Moreover, if a person is really talented, what kind of talent is he who cannot stand out even in exam-oriented education? "

Chen Jianghai's remarks made Pan Wenbin not know how to answer.

Pan Wenbin looked surprised at this time, he did not expect Chen Jianghai to put forward such a point of view.

Before that, teachers in all schools in China believed that China's exam-oriented education was too rigid.

Compared with foreign education, there are too many places for China to catch up.

Today, Chen Jianghai said that this kind of exam-oriented education in Huaxia is somewhat in line with the national conditions.

This made Pan Wenbin not knowing how to accept this point of view for a while.

After thinking about it, Pan Wenbin immediately thought of a place to refute.

"Mr. You should know that some people are biased?

If he can develop in this industry, there will definitely be achievements, but the test-oriented education may prevent him from getting into college. "

The situation Pan Wenbin said naturally exists.

But in later generations, this situation has been greatly improved.

For those who are more serious, there are various interest classes.

At the same time, there are various bonus points policy when college admissions.

With the development of the country and society, the education system is also slowly progressing.