Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1482

Chapter 1482

Chapter 1482 I voted for this project

"Mr. Chen, this time I'm here to seek your help."

After hearing this, Chen Jianghai asked with a smile, "I don't know what kind of help Professor Zhong said?"

Zhong Denghua blushed slightly, and said a little embarrassedly, "Mr. Chen, in fact, he is short of money."

Chen Jianghai nodded, not surprised.

When a scholar comes to ask him, it cannot be for professional questions.

The only possibility is money.

After all, now that he, Chen Jianghai, is already the richest man in China in the eyes of others, he is naturally not short of money.

"Then I don't know if the money is intended to be used for scientific research, or for other purposes?"

Chen Jianghai naturally did not mean to be around the corner, and asked directly.

Zhong Denghua said almost without hesitation: "I am now in charge of building a bridge, and the preliminary work is almost ready, but suddenly there is a problem with funding!"

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai also understood.

However, he did not rush to agree.

He doesn't know the specific information about this bridge yet.

There are many aspects involved in this kind of thing, and you must understand it clearly before making a decision.

Of course, having said that, the other party actually took the initiative to come to find him, and he must have thought about it carefully.

If you don't have a spectrum, you can't try to find him here.

"Professor Zhong, please tell me about this project in detail, okay?"

Chen Jianghai said calmly.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Zhong Denghua naturally had no opinion at all.

On the contrary, he was very happy.

Chen Jianghai being able to ask this question shows that he is interested in this project.

Not rejecting him on the spot means he still has a chance.

Whenever there is a chance, he is willing to strive for it.

Moreover, before coming to Chen Jianghai, he had done enough preparations.

This question raised by Chen Jianghai is of course not a problem.

Regarding this bridge, it is necessary to talk about the basic geographical structure of Hirayama.

The entire Pingshan is divided into two by Longjiang.

The bridge over the Longjiang River has naturally become the most important link between the two regions.

On the Longjiang River, there are indeed many bridges.

The only problem is that the bridges are too small.

Pedestrians pass by, naturally there are not many problems.

However, with the development of the economy, the number of cars has increased, and the traffic pressure has also increased day by day.

Under such circumstances, Zhong Denghua would think about building such a bridge.

Now Huaxia is short of money everywhere, and such a huge project cannot be paid for at once.

Zhong Denghua took this matter and spent a lot of time before, but he finally got the early investment, which can be put into practice.

However, just when the project was about to start, there was a problem with funding.

At this time, Zhong Denghua was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

Because the funds are not available, it means that all the previous preparations will be in vain, which is undoubtedly a huge loss.

This time Xijiang University celebrated, he originally did not want to come.

I really don't have that mood.

Even if it is reluctant to come, I am afraid that it will affect the emotions of other people.

After Pan Wenbin knew about his difficulty, he gave him an idea.

If you are short of money, you can go to Chen Jianghai to try.

With this thought in mind, Zhong Denghua went directly to Xijiang University.

Because Zhong Denghua still has some understanding of Chen Jianghai.

This is definitely a socially responsible and very patriotic entrepreneur.

In fact, when he heard this, Chen Jianghai had already made a decision in his heart.

That is to promise Zhong Denghua that Qiuhai borrow money to start the project as soon as possible.

The reason is also very simple. As a Xijiang person, I naturally hope that Xijiang will become better and better.

It just so happens that he also has this ability.

At this time, Zhong Denghua did not know that Chen Jianghai had already made a decision.

He continued to introduce information about the Longjiang Bridge to Chen Jianghai.

According to Zhong Denghua's plan, once the bridge is completed, it will be the first bridge on the Xijiang River.

The Longjiang Bridge is 3,800 meters long and 27.5 meters wide. It is a two-way four-lane bridge.

Such a large-scale bridge project can definitely rank first in the entire Xijiang.

If the bridge is successfully completed, the travel speed on the east and west sides of Pingshan will be greatly improved.

It has also laid a solid foundation for the development of the entire Pingshan urban transportation, which is of great significance.

After saying these basic information, Zhong Denghua looked at Chen Jianghai nervously.

Whether this project can start as soon as possible depends on whether Chen Jianghai is willing to help.

Chen Jianghai did not hesitate too much, and said directly: "Professor Zhong's project, how much does it cost in the early stage?"

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Zhong Denghua was very excited.

When Chen Jianghai asked this question, did he express his agreement to borrow money?

"Mr. Chen, according to the amount of work, this project is all invested in about 100 million."

Zhong Denghua said quickly.

This number is calculated by precise calculation.

Every aspect is meticulous and careful, and I dare not waste the slightest bit.

"One hundred million is not a lot."

At this time, Chen Jianghai's tone was very dull, as if he was talking about a trivial affair.

On the other hand, Zhong Denghua looked excited, opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

Pan Wenbin stretched out his hand and patted Zhong Denghua, who was stunned on the spot, and said with a smile: "If you borrow this money, you will have to pay it back. If you don't talk to President Chen, how will you pay it back?"

Only then did Zhong Denghua react, and he immediately followed: "Mr. Chen, after the completion of the Longjiang Bridge, there will be a toll method. This is the main method for us to pay back the money."

"Of course, the government will also advance part of the payment in advance, and in principle, it will be paid off in ten years.

However, this is a minimum requirement and may also be advanced. "

"As for the interest rate, it will be relatively low, and the annual interest rate will probably be less than one percent."

After saying this condition, Zhong Denghua was a little nervous and looked at Chen Jianghai eagerly.

I wonder if Chen Jianghai would agree to such a condition.

The interest rate is really too low.

And the repayment period is definitely not short.

After all, it is possible to advance, but in fact, everyone knows that it is often done according to the ten-year repayment period.

Before he found a lot of entrepreneurs, every time he hit a wall, in addition to the huge amount of funds, interest and repayment methods are also extremely important reasons.

There is so much money, why invest in these It is estimated that you can make a lot of money by throwing it anywhere.

Even the stupidest way to put the money in the bank will yield a lot higher returns.

Chen Jianghai didn't think too much, waved his hand, and said very readily: "Okay, I have invested in this project, and it will be repaid within 20 years. If possible, go to our company to sign a contract."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's words, Zhong Denghua didn't react.

Pan Wenbin on the side was also surprised.

Chen Jianghai is too generous!