Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1357

Chapter 1357

Chapter 1357 This is absolutely impossible!

Seeing Smith's appearance, Louise's brows also furrowed.

She did not expect that the other party would call for help so soon.

The most important thing is that this friend of his is still American, and it doesn't look simple either.

After all, when Smith came here, he brought a large entourage with him.

It is not easy to see this formation.

Not to mention that Smith is high-spirited today, and he looks extraordinary in himself.

And she also felt that the person in front of her seemed to be familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it for a while.

At this moment, Louise was also secretly worried.

It seemed that this had exceeded her expectations.

Thinking of this, Louise quickly picked up the phone and urged her husband to come over quickly.

Seeing that the other party was on the phone, Smith asked in a low voice: .

"Chen, what do you need to do about this?"

Chen Jianghai glanced at Louise and said lightly, "Let her apologize."

This matter is not too big, there is no need to make too much trouble.

As long as Louise can realize her mistake, it's enough to apologize to Athena Chu and the others.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Smith was not surprised at all.

It's just such a request, which shows that he is still very generous, and he doesn't care about everything.

But Su Qian and the others were a little worried.

People like Louise are not easy to mess with.

It's good to be able to leave today. As for asking her to bow her head and apologize, Su Qian and the others really didn't dare to think about it, and they didn't think it was necessary.

"Su Qian, why don't you tell your friend, let's go and apologize."

Huang Yucheng tugged at Su Qian's clothes and whispered.

Su Qian thought about it and thought that Huang Yucheng was right.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm the snake.

This is the United States, even if they are a reasonable party, it is better to keep a low profile and not cause more trouble.

Thinking of this, Su Qian came to Chen Jianghai and said, "Brother Hai, there's no need to apologize, she just needs to stop holding on to it."


Chen Jianghai said firmly, "She is responsible for what she said, and she must give us a satisfactory explanation."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's answer, Su Qian smiled bitterly in her heart, knowing that there was nothing to discuss.

Countless facts have proved that once Chen Jianghai decides, other people really can't change it.

After knowing what Chen Jianghai meant, Smith also understood what he was going to do.

When Louise finished the call, Smith didn't care who the other's husband was, and went directly to her.

"Ma'am, you don't want to make this a big deal, do you?"

When facing Su Qian and the others, Louise was still very aura, thinking that she had completely settled for each other.

But now facing Smith in front of her, Louise doesn't have the strength she had just now.

"Okay, how do you want to solve it?"

Louise gritted her teeth and asked.

Smith's appearance made Louise know that it was impossible for this matter to develop according to her wishes.

In this case, it is better to push the boat along the river and give each other a step down.

Now, Louise is not quite sure whether her husband can handle each other.

It is true that from the beginning to the end, Chen Jianghai, who was standing opposite, was too calm.

It looks like a winning ticket is in hand.

She didn't even know where the other party came from.

But it also made Louise cautious.

Moreover, she could also see that although the man named Smith was full of aura, he was very respectful when facing Chen Jianghai.

That's right, respectful.

It's like a subordinate facing a boss.

She was really unsure of Chen Jianghai's identity.

Smith also saw something in Louise's eyes, and knew that the other party was a little cowardly.

What he has to do now is to repeat what Chen Jianghai just said.

In Smith's view, this should be a misunderstanding, and there is really no need to make it like this.

So it only needs the woman in front of me to take the initiative to apologize and it can come to an end, there is no need to continue wasting time here.


After Louise heard Chen Jianghai's request, she screamed without thinking.

Just kidding, let her apologize in front of so many people?

This is absolutely impossible!

It was worse than killing her.

Smith's face also became solemn, and he said coldly: "Then you have to think about it yourself."

"We just accept the result of this matter, and there is no room for negotiation.

Otherwise, we'll see you in court! "

Louise's pupils shrank slightly.

Of course she could feel it, Smith's attitude was firm.

Saying that you will meet in court is definitely not a simple matter of saying it.

As a result, Louise was rather embarrassed.

She really did not expect that it would develop to this point.

There are many things that are not so easy to control in court.

The key is that the confidence shown by the other party made him feel a little scared.

There is only one thing Louise thinks about now, and that is that her husband will be here soon.

As long as her husband comes, she will have the backbone.

All in all, it is impossible for her to apologize to a few yellow people in front of so many people.

That would be so embarrassing.

At this time, Smith had returned to Chen Jianghai and reported the results to him.

Chen Jianghai was not surprised by this result.

A person like Louise would definitely not compromise so easily.

"Since that's the case, I'll leave this matter to you, and I'll take them away first."

Chen Jianghai said lightly.

Huang Yucheng and the others next to him were dumbfounded.

They never thought that Su Qian's friend would be so powerful.

First, she confronted Louise and the policeman without being humble, and now she has an American friend who is full of aura.

More importantly, Chen Jianghai's American friend was very polite to him.

It can't even be called polite, it should be called respect.

It is unimaginable that a Chinese person can get such treatment in the United States.

Huang Yucheng and the others are now very curious about the identity of this young man in front of him.

Another point, how did Su Qian and Zhu Yinyin know such amazing friends.

Huang Yucheng and the others now have a bunch of questions, but none of them have answers.

Now is not the time to ask these questions.

Smith hurriedly said: "It's okay, Chen, if you have something to do, go first, and leave it to me to solve it here."

If he can't solve even this he is a scumbag.

At this moment, he is also very fortunate that he pushed the work at hand early this morning and rushed directly to Orlando.

Otherwise, it's really troublesome.

Even if the person in charge of Bellus here can come forward to solve it, it is certainly not as safe as his presence.

Chen Jianghai nodded, turned around and left with someone.

When Louise saw this scene, she couldn't hold back and stopped directly in front of Chen Jianghai.