Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1356

Chapter 1356

Chapter 1356 With me here, no one can wrong you

They are now international students. If they really go to the bureau, it will not be a good thing for them.

Huang Yucheng was even more panicked.

I was thinking of going out and having a good time today, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

I really did not go out to see the yellow calendar!

Su Qian was also very flustered at first, but when she saw Chen Jianghai, she immediately felt relieved.

With Chen Jianghai here, I will definitely not let myself suffer.

Su Qian walked over to Chen Jianghai and asked in a low voice, "Brother Hai, if we really don't take her wallet, we won't be wronged, right?"

"Don't worry, with me, no one can wrong you."

Chen Jianghai smiled and comforted, with a calm expression on his face.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, and still looking so determined, Su Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

She read a lot of yesterday's newspapers, which were all about Chen Jianghai.

With Chen Jianghai's current status in the United States, it would not be a big problem to solve such a trivial matter.

Besides, it seems that the only person they can rely on is Chen Jianghai.

After a stalemate for a moment, the police finally came.

After asking about the situation, the two U.S. police officers also understood what was going on.

One of the bearded police officers said to Chen Jianghai, "Sir, let's search your companion. If he doesn't have this lady's wallet, he can go."

The American police officer's eyes are also poisonous. It can be seen from Chen Jianghai's momentum that the other party is definitely not an ordinary person.

But on Louise's side, it's not easy for them to offend them. After all, this is a citizen of the United States. Once there is trouble, they will be under a lot of pressure.

The best solution at the moment is to let them do a search, and this matter is resolved.

According to the US police officers who dealt with the case at the scene, this is the best way.

However, in Chen Jianghai's view, if Zhu Yinyin and the others were searched for no reason, it would be an insult to them.

Of course it can't be agreed.

"If you have evidence, you can arrest people at any time. If there is no evidence, why do you search?"

Chen Jianghai said lightly.

The American police officer did not expect that Chen Jianghai would be so strong, and his face suddenly became a little embarrassed, knowing that this matter might be a little difficult to handle.

Watching on the sidelines, Louise, who was waiting for a good show, obviously did not expect Chen Jianghai to have such an attitude, and couldn't help but scream immediately.

"Let me tell you, my husband knows the police chief. If you don't cooperate well, you will feel better."

Hearing what Louise said, Su Qian and the others panicked.

This is the United States after all, if Louise really has such a relationship, it will be a big disadvantage for them.

What Su Qian is worried about is that Chen Jianghai is really good at home, but it doesn't mean that he is just as good in the United States.

Besides, the Louise in front of her didn't seem like the kind of person to deal with.

Louise's words were all right to scare Su Qian and the others, but when they came to Chen Jianghai, they were of no use at all.

"If you must, then I don't mind meeting in court.

I believe the law is just! "

Chen Jianghai said calmly.

Seeing that the matter could not be resolved, the two American police officers whispered to the side, and then the bearded man said: "Okay everyone, since you all insist on your own words, let's go back to the police station and talk about it! Please cooperate. ."

The policeman has spoken as politely as possible.

After all, people on both sides don't seem to be so easy to mess with, they don't need to make trouble for themselves.

"Brother Hai, are we going to the police station?"

Su Qian looked worried.

Obviously, deep down in her heart, she still reluctantly go to the police station.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, wait for my friend's people to come over."

Coincidentally, Belus also set up an office here, and Smith arrived here by plane the next day after he dealt with the matter at hand yesterday.

Chen Jianghai also knew why Smith would follow him. The inspection of the office was naturally an excuse, obviously because there was something wrong, he could help solve it in time.

He still had lingering fears about what happened yesterday. Smith really didn't want any more accidents.

Chen Jianghai called just now, and Smith said he would arrive at the scene as quickly as possible.

Louise's thoughts are the same as Chen Jianghai.

"Don't go to the police station, wait until my husband comes!"

Louise said loudly.

In her opinion, as long as her husband has a little talk with the two police officers, they are not honest and obedient.

As long as the American police officer speaks up, these yellow people must cooperate obediently.

By that time, whether they have stolen anything or not, they will have to search them all.

If you can't find it, let Chen Jianghai and the others apologize!

As for why she apologized, it took her so much time. Isn't it normal to apologize?

She felt that only in this way could she vent her anger.

Why go to the police station for something that can be solved in front of so many people here?

She just wanted to let these yellow people know the fact that this is the land of the United States, and they are the masters here.

Caucasians are born to be superior to them!

It didn't take long for Smith to rush to the scene with a group of people.

After receiving the call from Chen Jianghai, Smith immediately acted and rushed over by helicopter at the fastest speed.

He was even secretly rejoicing, fortunately, he was careful enough to follow along, otherwise, although he could have the people in the office help deal with it, it would definitely not be as safe as coming to the scene in person.

At the gate of Disney, Smith almost trotted in all the way.

He really didn't want Chen Jianghai's trip to the United States to leave too many negative things.

"Chen, what happened?"

Smith asked breathlessly.

Seeing the two American police officers standing by the side, Smith was a little worried.

Chen Jianghai wouldn't be here, did he do something illegal?

However, Smith secretly decided to find the best team of lawyers. No matter what happened, Chen Jianghai must not be implicated.

Chen Jianghai didn't have any unnecessary nonsense, and told Smith about the disturbance.

After Smith heard this, his dangling heart was relieved.

Originally, he thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be just that.

You must know that with the development and growth of Belus, Smith's contacts have also widened.

It happened to be here in Orlando that he knew a local congressman.

There are also acquaintances in the police department. UU reading

That's why it was the first to set up an office here.

Solving such a thing is simply a piece of cake for him.

The only thing to pay attention to now is the woman named Louise opposite.

She has been clamoring that her husband is very powerful, but she doesn't know what the reason is.

However, Smith is confident to mediate through his own relationship and handle this matter as properly as possible so that both parties can be satisfied.