Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1098

Chapter 1098

The first thousand ninety-eighth chapter poor family rich road, take it

"Brother Hai, what are you looking for from me?"

Su Qian shook off the messy thoughts in her heart and asked nervously.

It must be very important for Chen Jianghai to find himself in this way.

And she guessed that nine times out of ten it was related to Zhu Yinyin.

I have to say that Su Qian's sixth sense is really accurate.

Soon she knew that Chen Jianghai came to find her purpose.

It turned out that she hoped that she could accompany Zhu Yinyin to study abroad together.

Hearing this news, Su Qian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that she really thought too much just now.

"Brother Hai, I don't have a quota to go abroad at public expense, the conditions at home..."

Halfway through the words, Su Qian stopped and stared at Chen Jianghai with shocked eyes.

If Chen Jianghai really asked her for help, she wouldn't have to think about these things at all.

With Chen Jianghai's identity and wealth, it is easy to get these things done.

After a brief excitement, Su Qian became silent again.

For a college student like her, studying abroad is really a good thing, but she has no such mental preparation at all.

For a while, he became hesitant.

Seeing her silence, Chen Jianghai said, "If you agree, I will arrange the matter of going abroad, and I can still give you a salary."

"Brother Hai, are you serious?"

Su Qian couldn't help widening her eyes.

Paying her to study abroad and paying her a salary sounds a bit incredible.

If others said this, Su Qian would definitely think he was a liar.

The person who said this right now is Chen Jianghai, the boss of Qiuhai and the richest man in China. Naturally, there is no need to make her a little girl happy.

Thinking of this, Su Qian couldn't help but be moved.

But after hesitating for a moment, she still resisted the temptation and said cautiously, "Brother Hai, I have to discuss this matter with my family before I can answer."

Seeing Su Qian like this, Chen Jianghai nodded with satisfaction.

Zhu Yinyin's friend is really good.

Because in Chen Jianghai's eyes, the girls in the Gu family will never be too bad.

Chen Jianghai nodded: "Then I'll wait for your news."

Chen Jianghai must not be relieved that Zhu Yinyin goes abroad alone.

Su Qian has always had a very good relationship with Zhu Yinyin. If they can go with them, they will take care of each other.

More importantly, if there is someone by Zhu Yinyin's side, then she will have someone to talk to.

In this case, Chen Jianghai wouldn't worry that she would still be unable to figure it out and run to do stupid things.

Zhu Yinyin became like this, and Chen Jianghai couldn't bear it.

Emotionally, he can't give each other anything.

All that can be done is to create a better environment for Zhu Yinyin and have a bright future.

On the other hand, after Zhu Yinyin made a decision, she did not hesitate to go home and told her family about it.

Hearing this decision, the family suddenly didn't know what to say.

Studying abroad means not seeing this person for years.

The key point is that Zhu Yinyin is a girl. As a parent, she must be worried.

Zhu Yinyin's father, sitting at the door, was smoking a dry cigarette and said nothing.

Mother Ding Mei'e wiped away tears while helping Zhu Yinyin pack up.

It's always right to bring more clothes after going abroad for such a long time.

"Mom and dad, I'm just going to study for a few years, you don't have to worry too much."

Zhu Yinyin squeezed out a smile and comforted her.

She had never thought of making such a decision.

But now she has to leave.

In addition to being reluctant to Chen Jianghai, she is also reluctant to her family.

"How can I rest assured! My daughter, this is going abroad. It's been several years since I went! I can't see you again."

Ding Mei'e said with a cry.

Seeing her mother like this, Zhu Yinyin felt very uncomfortable.

Now she really doesn't want to stay in Xijiang, she just wants to leave this place that makes her sad and desperate as soon as possible.

Only a few years later, when her feelings for Chen Jianghai are not so strong, may she be able to summon the courage to come back.

"Mom, don't do this.

People who want to study abroad have no chance, we should be happy. "

Zhu Yinyin quickly comforted her.

Ding Mei'e wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, nodded and said, "Knowing that the opportunity is not easy, neither your father nor I dare to stop you."

Hearing this, Zhu Yinyin couldn't hold back her tears: "Mom and dad, thank you!"

"Yin Yin, when you get there, you must take care of yourself and not be tired."

Ding Mei'e instructed.

This time, when I went to study abroad, the tuition fee was fully covered by the school, but the living expenses had to be paid by myself.

If Zhu Yinyin wants to go, work-study program is the only option.

In this case, Ding Mei'e was naturally worried about whether her daughter would be too tired by then.

At this moment, his father Zhu Daqun stood up and went back into the house silently.

When he came out again, he was holding a cloth bag in his hand.

"Take it."

Zhu Daqun directly put the cloth bag in Zhu Yinyin's hand.

Zhu Yinyin asked with some doubts: "Dad, what is this?"

When I opened the bag, it was full of money.

Ding Mei'e said quickly: "There is some money left in the hospital last time, plus the money saved at home, you can use it there!"

"Mom, I can't ask for this money."

Zhu Yinyin said quickly.

This is the only savings in the family. If something happens to the family, what should I do?

Ding Mei'e insisted: "Son, this money is yours. The poor are rich. Take it. It's always good to bring more money when you go out."

This is the salary that Chen Jianghai gave at the beginning. After paying Ding Mei'e's medical expenses, there are still 10,000 children and 8,000 left.

Knowing that Zhu Yinyin was going abroad, the family took the money out.

This amount of money may not last long abroad.

But for this family, it is already the biggest support for Zhu Yinyin.

Zhu Yinyin wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Zhu Daqun.

"Yinyin, take it, you're a stranger, you need money."

Athena Chu knew her father's character, simple but stubborn.

Once the decision is made, the nine cows will not be able to pull it back.

She had no choice but to nodded her head with tears in her eyes, and then collected the money.

Zhu Yinyin whispered in her heart: I must work harder after I go out, so that I can repay the kindness of my parents in the future.

Perhaps, there is another way to let Chen Jianghai take the initiative to pay attention to himself!

At the same time, Su Qian told her family about Chen Jianghai's proposal, and the family agreed without saying a word.

In other words, they have no reason to refuse at all.

If you can study abroad and get paid, where can you find such a good thing?

She just felt like a pie fell from the sky, and it just hit her.

The same is true of her family, who are very supportive of her studying abroad, so that she must not miss this once-in-lifetime opportunity.

After passing this there is really no such shop.

When she told Chen Jianghai the answer, the latter nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, hurry up and get ready, go out with Yin Yin, and take care of each other."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

"Okay Mr. Chen, thank you!"

Su Qian said gratefully.