Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1097

Chapter 1097

Chapter 197 Don't joke with me

Thinking of this, Zhu Yinyin began to follow in Chen Jianghai's footsteps, moving forward step by step.

At this time, Athena Chu secretly made a decision in her heart: she wanted to study abroad.

The reason is very simple, she wants to forget everything here and start over.

Continue to stay here, waiting for her only the pain of suffering.

Perhaps it is also a torment for Chen Jianghai.

So she decided to leave, which was a relief for herself and Chen Jianghai.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yinyin seemed to be relieved a lot.

Glancing at Chen Jianghai in front of him, Zhu Yinyin had a strong attachment in her eyes.

After this goodbye, I don't know when it will be goodbye.

The two of them did not speak along the way, and the atmosphere was a bit dull.

When approaching the villa, Zhu Yinyin finally spoke up.

"Brother Hai, I have made up my mind. I want to study abroad."

she said firmly

Chen Jianghai immediately stepped down when he heard the words, turned around and nodded with a smile: "Just figure it out."

"I don't want to come back in the future."

Athena Chu added another sentence.

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai paused for a moment, then sighed softly, looking straight at Zhu Yinyin, a little unbearable in his eyes.

This girl, after all, was hurt by him.

It can only be said that feelings are something that really cannot be forced.

In this matter, Chen Jianghai originally wanted to say something to persuade Zhu Yinyin.

After thinking about it, he finally dismissed the idea.

As Zhu Yinyin said, what kind of identity is he going to use to persuade her?

In the face of such important life events, the words of friends are too light.

He couldn't persuade her to change the decision concerning her life and destiny. He could do it, but he just gave her blessings silently.

Soon, the two returned to the villa.

Lin Wanqiu was sitting in the living room anxiously.

After seeing Chen Jianghai coming in, he quickly greeted him.

Chen Liye and Wang Shufen also hurried over and asked, "Where's the Yinyin?"

As soon as the voice fell, she saw Zhu Yinyin walking out from behind Chen Jianghai.

Seeing that Zhu Yinyin was fine, the three of Lin Wanqiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Shufen stepped forward and took Zhu Yinyin's hand, and asked with concern, "Daughter, are you alright?"

"Auntie, I'm fine."

Zhu Yinyin reluctantly squeezed out a smile and replied.

Chen Jianghai said, "Mom, let her rest here today!"

Wang Shufen nodded quickly: "Okay, I'll take her to the room now."

After that, she took Zhu Yinyin upstairs.

Chen Liye sighed: "It'll be fine when I come back, I'll go back to my room first."

This kind of thing, Chen Liye knew that he was involved, but it was of no use at all.

Instead of staying to add to the blockage, it is better to go back to the room to rest honestly.

These days, Chen Liye can be said to be busy for the small supermarket.

Get some rest early, and you will have the energy to continue working tomorrow.

As for the matter of his son, Chen Liye believes that he can solve it.

On the contrary, it is their parents' involvement, which might cause trouble.

After all, he was also afraid that Lin Wanqiu would misunderstand.

"Dad, then you rest early."

Chen Jianghai said quickly.

Chen Liye nodded and instructed, "You two should rest early."

After Chen Liye left, Lin Wanqiu said with concern, "Jiang Hai, is Yin Yin okay?"

"It's okay, she figured it out and decided to study abroad."

Chen Jianghai said lightly.

Hearing this news, Lin Wanqiu was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say for a while.

Chen Jianghai followed: "Wan Qiu, this is a good thing for her, we should be happy for her."

"Will it be unsafe for Yin Yin to go abroad alone?"

Lin Wanqiu couldn't help but worry.

After all, the kind-hearted she has always regarded each other as her sister.

Chen Jianghai naturally knew what Lin Wanqiu was worried about.

It's nothing more than fear that she can't think of it, does something stupid, or gives up on herself.

Lin Wanqiu knew about the matter between the two.

But for Chen Jianghai, Lin Wanqiu has always been very at ease.

The man in front of her had done a lot for her, and Lin Wanqiu felt that she was basically unable to help her. The only thing she could do was to support him silently and not to cause him trouble.

Naturally, he will not doubt that his love for him will change his mind.

The two have been together through thick and thin for so long, and this trust has long been deeply buried in their hearts.

Chen Jianghai cares about Zhu Yinyin and can't explain anything.

But now Chen Jianghai rejected Zhu Yinyin, which made her think about it completely. Will the latter be a bullshit?

Chen Jianghai nodded and said, "You're right, this is exactly what I'm worried about."

Athena Chu decided to go abroad now, of course, to escape.

If she went to study abroad for this purpose, Chen Jianghai would rather she not go.

After all, for those who are not familiar with the place of life, Zhu Yinyin's state is prone to problems.

"Then what shall we do?"

Lin Wanqiu frowned.

Chen Jianghai narrowed his eyes slightly and thought for a moment, and then suddenly said, "It seems that I will find someone to go with her."


Lin Wanqiu asked quickly.

Chen Jianghai raised his eyebrows: "Don't worry, I already have a candidate, and I will go to her tomorrow."

Chen Jianghai asked his father and mother to find a way to hold Zhu Yinyin back and let her not go back to school.

He came to Xijiang University and found Su Qian directly.

Su Qian never thought that Chen Jianghai would come to her in person, and was really flattered for a while.

"Brother Hai, why are you here?"

Su Qian asked excitedly.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said straight to the point: "I came to you today because I want to ask you for help."

Hearing this, Su Qian was stunned.

Chen Jianghai came to her for help?

Su Qian pointed her finger at herself and confirmed again, "Brother Hai, you said you asked me for help?"

At this time, Su Qian was a little suspicious of whether her ears had auditory hallucinations.

Chen Jianghai, a billionaire and the boss of dignified Qiuhai Electric, would actually ask her for help from a little college student?

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible.

Chen Jianghai nodded with a smile, and confirmed again: "That's right! I really need to ask you a favor for something."

"Brother Hai, don't make fun of me."

Su Qian shook her head and said.

Chen Jianghai didn't speak, just looked at Su Qian seriously.

Su Qian couldn't laugh anymore, and she asked cautiously, "Brother Hai, don't you really have anything to help me with?"

"There is something very important about"

Chen Jianghai nodded heavily.

Su Qian immediately became nervous.

Chen Jianghai didn't want her to do anything out of the ordinary, right?

In an instant, Su Qian thought of the usual plot in TV dramas, the rich take care of the mistress!

But soon, she put this unrealistic idea aside.

Zhu Yinyin is so good-looking and excellent, and Chen Jianghai didn't do anything to her for this person who has always been in love. Could it be that he likes himself?