Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats! - Chapter 316

Chapter 316

After reading the whole story line, Gu Shengyin asked the system what the timeline was and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was when the heroine, Liang Chenyu, had not yet married. It was not the fourth year of Xiande1. Apart from Liang Chenyu having just reaching the marriageable age, she still had one year left before marrying into Zhenbei w.a.n.gfu.

After reading the original story line, Gu Shengyin had already thought of how to properly deal with that pair of a slag man and lowly woman. (顧盛因在看完原劇情之後,腦子裡就已經想好了要怎麼對付那一對渣男賤女)

Qin Yuanzheng? Don't you like your baomei2? I can help fulfill your wish. When I am helping you fulfill your wish, I don't know if you would still be so happy. (我會成全你的,就是不知道,當我願意成全你的時候,你還會不會那麼高興)

Zhang Mingshu? Aren't you whole-heartedly devoted to your baoge3? If he doesn't love you, I'd like to see what you, an orphan, could rely on to stand in a filthy place like Zhenbei w.a.n.gfu. (我倒要看看,如果他不愛你了,你一個無父無母的孤女,又憑什麼,在鎮北王府那樣一個骯髒的地方站住腳)

She slowly got up. The maid keeping watch outside the canopy veil heard the movement and promptly helped her pull aside the veil.

“Is the Young Lady awake?”

“En.” Gu Shengyin responded lazily.

The cotton curtain embroidered with a light-colored coiled orchid was carefully rolled and fastened at the sides. The maid, Jianjia, looked at Gu Shengyin's face that was gradually blooming4 and held her breath.

Even if she grew up with the Young Lady, she couldn't help but blush every time she saw the Young Lady' lazy  appearance in the morning.

Not overlooking the envy in the maid's eyes, Gu Shengyin thought to herself that this Liang Chenyu was estimated to have an elegant appearance. (沒有忽略侍女驚.豔的眼神,顧盛因心想着估計這樑宸玉,也長了一副不俗的容貌)

Sure enough, although she was still young in age, the delicate and beautiful face of the girl who appeared in the mirror had just begun to bloom enough to see how beautiful her appearance in the future would be. (果然,出現在鏡子裡的女孩子,雖然年紀尚幼,然而那張精緻華美的面容已經開始長開,足以看出日後絕色之姿)

Was Qin Yuanzheng blind? How could he leave such a beauty like this alone?

After the maid had finished tidying up her appearance, Gu Shengyin went to pay respects to her elders just like how she did every day in the past.

Taifu fu‘s Lao tai, also known as Liang Chenyu's paternal grandmother and Eldest Princess Ronghua, was considered to be a senior in the clan. She was the current Emperor's closely blood-related paternal grandaunt and was also close friends with Lao Zhenbei w.a.n.gfei back in the past. (太傅府的老太君,也就是樑宸玉的祖母,榮華大長公主,論輩分,是今上嫡親的姑祖母,和老鎮北王妃,當年也是極好的手帕交)

“Grandma's Yu'er, you have finally come.” Eldest Princess Ronghua was nearly 60 years old and had taken excellent care of her health. Her fine black hair, with not one bit of white hair, was carefully rolled up into a bun and decorated with dove egg-shaped ruby head ornaments in different sizes, manifesting a respectable appearance. (祖母的玉兒,你可算來了。"榮華大長公主年近六十,保養得極好,一頭看不到半點白髮的青絲一絲不苟的挽成髮髻,一套鴿子蛋大小的紅寶石頭面,足足彰顯尊貴)

Eldest Princess Ronghua had numerous grandchildren but only had three granddaughters. Out of the three, only Liang Chenyu, was the most favored. (榮華大長公主孫輩衆多,單單嫡孫女,就有三個,唯有樑宸玉,最得她的歡心)

Gu Shengyin blinked and took advantage of cuddling into her grandmother's embrace like a spoiled child: “Today, isn't Yu'er the first one to pay respects to grandma?”

Eldest Princess Ronghua laughed: “Yes, yes. Grandma's Yu'er is the most filial.”

This was heard by the Second Young Lady, Liang Jinyu, who just came in. She covered her mouth and smiled: “Grandmother, you have so many Yu'ers, which Yu'er is the most filial?”

Eldest Princess Ronghua was truly amused this time: “Your mouth is so poor. My Yu'ers are all the most filial.”

In fact, everyone all knew that the Yu'er in Eldest Princess' mouth was only Liang Chenyu.

Liang Chenyu was the eldest granddaughter of Taifu fu. When she was born, she was named Chenyu and everyone in the family called her Yu'er as her nickname. It wasn't until the Second Young Lady, Jinyu, was born that everyone remembered that this generation's granddaughters all had the character ‘yu5‘. Could it be that all would be called Yu'er? (樑宸玉在太傅府孫女輩中是最大的一個,出生的時候取名宸玉,家裡人都習慣的喊她小名玉兒. 直到府裡的二小姐瑾玉出生,大家纔想起來,這一輩的孫女乃是玉字輩,難道各個都叫玉兒?)

After some discussion, it was ultimately decided that Yu'er was Liang Chenyu's exclusive name. The rest of the granddaughters would be called by the second character in their name. Second Young Lady Liang Jinyu was called Jin'er and Fourth Young Lady Liang Linyu was changed to Lin'er.

As for the concubine-born daughters, they were not ranked in the family. (至於其他的庶女們,卻是不按這個輩分排的)

From this, the extent the family favored Liang Chenyu could be seen. (由此也可以看出樑宸玉在家中的受.寵.程度)

JMin's Corner:

Had less work this week = more time to translate o/

Ari's Corner:

1. I'm guessing it refers to the year of a dynasty/era↩

2. younger female cousin↩

3. older male cousin↩

4. raws used opening up, but i used blooming, as in a blooming flower. basically describing how her appearance is slowly becoming a mature woman's appearance↩

5. character for jade; 玉↩

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