Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1442

Chapter 1442

Chapter 1442

The three went to the shower room.

Uhm, is it okay for us to stay here?

Mariko asks Kyouko-san.

Hmm, why not? Right, Minaho?

Yes, you can listen

Then, Minaho-neesan talked to me.

What were your thoughts?


When we left the mansion to meet elder Matsumoto at the hotel tonight, Kyouko-san said that shed accompany us to help since things are doing well with the girl a.s.sa.s.sins.

But, pretending to have left the room, Minaho-neesan and Kyouko-san were watching us nearby all the time.

Even so, as usual.

Tonight is just another trial for me.

No, it wasnt just tonight.

I feel that Minaho-neesans asking me about everything that happened so far, yesterday and even today, during the two days of our school festival.

It made me realize that it was all Minaho-neesans work, that I couldnt do anything on my own

I replied honestly.

Yesterday, Is.h.i.+gami Mizuki and her brother came up and I thought they were big trouble, and it actually ended up with cleaning a rebellion of disgruntled members of Kouzuki SS.

Today, we had the TV station come up in the morning, and then the case with the Matsumoto sisters.

From start to end, I think I just did what Minaho-neesan prepared for me in advance.

Are you angry?

Minaho-neesan asks with a blank look.

No, not really. I cant get angry

I replied.

But, Ive done a lot without explaining them to you beforehand. Does it not get you frustrated, asking why didnt I tell you in detail, and explain how its supposed to be handled


I mean, Minaho-neesan thought that it will go better if you didnt tell me, right? Minaho-neesan thinks that way after all

Minaho-neesans much smarter.

Also, I trust Minaho-neesan, so why should I get angry?

So he says, Minaho

Kyouko-san laughs.

Your answer is a little worrying, in fact, Minaho makes a lot of mistakes too


Minaho thought that it would be best for Ruriko-chan, the representative of the Kouzuki house, to speak with elder Matsumoto. Thats because elder Matsumoto knew about Ruriko-chan from the TV show, right?

Rurikos recently appeared on a national TV show, touring around the Kouzuki compound.

The daughter of the Kouzuki house is well received by the people in the business world because she introduces the treasures of the n.o.bility since the Meiji era.

Elder Matsumotos an owner of a drugstore chain so naturally, he knows Ruriko from his small talk with other businessmen, thats why we asked Ruriko to come tonight.

But, Elder Matsumoto didnt even know Ruriko-chan. Well, thinking about it, if someones not interested in music, he wont have interest in anything culture at all

Kyouko-san laughs.

If so, then Misuzu-chan, whos a high-schooler would be better than Ruriko-chan, right? It would be much more believable if Misuzu, a high-school student, is introduced as a friend of the Matsumoto sisters at school


We know that Jii-chan gave the Kouzuki houses history and cultural foundation to Ruriko, but

From elder Matsumotos point of view, it would be hard to convince him that Ruriko, a middle school girl, is in a position to make decisions about scholars.h.i.+ps.

Instead, it would be a much more acceptable story for elder Matsumoto, to see Misuzu, a high-school student, a friend of the Matsumoto sisters of the same age, ask her grandfather, the head of the Kouzuki house, to help the Matsumoto sisters and have it approved.

The reason our discussion went so well earlier was that Mariko-chan was here


Mariko was surprised as Kyouko-san mentioned her name.

Mariko-chan did all the work Misuzu-chan was supposed to do if she were here. I think that Mariko-chan was much more suited for it

The role of confronting the elder Matsumoto as the daughter of the Kouzuki house.

Mariko, the daughter of the president of Torii electronics, played the part.

No, elder Matsumoto wouldve felt more comfortable talking to Mariko, instead of the daughter of the n.o.bility.

In fact, Elder Matsumotos so engaged in the conversation with Mariko.

Thank you, Mariko-chan

Minaho-neesan said.

Yes, Mariko-chan wasnt even included in Minahos original plan

Kyouko-san said. I realized.

Mariko just happened to be at our school festival today.

She also happened to come early to give Kana-senpai and the tennis girls some cosmetics.

As it happens, Marika brought the Matsumoto sisters as she was there.

There she heard about the Matsumoto sisters and decided to join in with the confrontation.

Mariko chose to come with us.

Mariko-chans the one who earned the most points in Minahos plan

Kyouko-san said.

Of course, it was nice to see Ruriko, who felt less effective in appealing to the elder Matsumoto, remain her dignity and stand back. If she lost her presence, elder Matsumoto couldve snapped back

Yeah, committed to her role of being a quiet, dignified young lady of n.o.bility.

Well, to tell the truth, Minaho had several plans in advance to recover quickly if things went wrong. There are many ways to make the old man understand that Kouzuki house had his granddaughters back

Minaho-neesan used a person in the business world Elder Matsumoto to call him

Theres a way to get Ruriko to confirm that shes the daughter of the Kouzuki house through that route without a doubt.

Minaho-neesan has a lot of other contacts Im still unaware of

But, the teamwork on the field went well tonight, so thats good enough. I mean, no matter how we do it, were absolutely going to get the results we want to end up with

The case today

We were to make sure that the Matsumoto sisters could continue their music studies.

Im glad that we didnt use our last resort

The last resort was to use the Miko power to manipulate elder Matsumotos memory and will.

It didnt have to get to that point.

So, heres what I want you to understand

Kyouko-san looked at me.

Even if Minahos plan backfired and the whole thing became a total disaster

I consider the worst scenario.

Our dialog with Elder Matsumoto fails, and Luna is forced to use her Miko power to manipulate the elders mind, and that didnt go well either.

That could cripple the elder.

If that happens, then we have no choice but to manipulate the memories of the sisters.

If that operation also failed, that could also cripple the Matsumoto sisters.

If it all fails, then that would be your fault. Youre the one responsible for it

Kyouko-san shoots her gaze at me.

You didnt know the details of Minahos plan. You just let Minaho take care of everything, you didnt even give your approval in the first place


Youre responsible for that

My responsibility.

Thats what it means to be the owner of the Kouzuki SS

Im now the owner of the Kouzuki SS.

By the way, how was it with the elder Matsumoto?

Kyouko-san asks me.

I see. Meeting elder Matsumoto was part of my education.

I saw Matsumoto-sans grandfather as a man who did everything himself, and that he had to know about everything

So, even though hes the president of a large drugstore chain, he came by himself after seeing Minaho-neesans suspicious information.

Well, you could say that its manly, or courageous in a positive way, but do you want to be that kind of manager?


If I live like Matsumoto-sans grandfather, I wont be able to have time, I would find it difficult to make the company bigger than it is now

Miki-san, the younger of the siblings, is listening, but

I just speak out my thoughts.

Indeed, perhaps Matsumoto-sama can remember the personal data of all the managers in the drugstore chains he runs. Not just the manager, but their families, even the birthday of their spouse, and even how many children they have

Minaho-neesan said.

Thats probably great for running a company of that size, but if you want to run a larger and more complex organization, then you cant take that approach

Kouzuki Jii-san is absolutely not up to speed on the finer personnel details of the Kouzuki group. Kouzuki group isnt on the same level

Kyouko-sans right.

There are a ton of companies in the Kouzuki group.

When things are delegated, then delegate them to people you trust, if you dont break it down that way, theres nothing you cant do about it. If the top management gets involved every time something happens, then the people wont be able to handle it

We have to entrust what we can to people we can trust, of course, many things are happening in the field without the knowledge of the top. We have to leave it up to the people we trust with that kind of thing

But, if you give them your trust, then the responsibility lies on the most senior entrusted

Kyouko-san adds to what Minaho-neesan said.

If youre the owner of Kouzuki SS, then you must take responsibility for everything that Minaho or Seki-san does, using the Kouzuki SS without your knowledge


Officially, everything they do is done by your will

Minaho-neesans been doing a lot of things without my knowledge. I have to accept that.

There will be more things going on that I cant keep track of.

The situation is changing faster than I could understand it, Minaho-neesans responding in real-time, so she doesnt have time to explain every single thing to me.

And so, I have to be prepared for that.

Still, we must accept that the final responsibility lies on me.

Okay, Ill just take it all

I swore to Kyouko-san and Minaho-neesan.

Okay, thats all we want to talk about for now. Any questions?

Kyouko-san smiles.


Suddenly, I feel tired.

Too many things happened yesterday and today.

Those girls aside, does anyone else have questions?

Kyouko-san cheerfully calls out to the girls around her.



Matsumoto Miki-san, the younger of the sisters, raised her hand.

Hmm? What do you want to ask? Kyouko-can can tell you anything

Kyouko-san smiles.

Onee-chanhow did Onee-chan change so much

Miki-sans sister, Maki.

I had s.e.x and she became my woman.

Together with Marika, she took Izumi as her pet.

I dont think she changed so much, its more of that its her true nature I think

Kyouko-san replied.

Its like the cats out of the bag, or rather, the quiet and introverted look she had before, was because she had to be that way to survive


I think its partly because shes worried about her future after her fathers death, Makis performance was good, but the only negative thing I saw in her performance is that she lacked confidence and she had no aspiration. But, it seems good now

Minaho-neesan said.

If its Maki now, shell be able to play with much more energy now

Marikas her partner she swore to live together with.

She also gained Izumi, her pet.

Makis become stronger now.

People live better when theyre put in an easy-to-understand form

Minaho-neesan asks me.

She doesnt know whats happening, but the worst part is that she doesnt know how it happened, but shes chosen as a scholar of the Kouzuki house. Its a wonderful situation, but it makes her sick. She doesnt know whats her status

That was Maki before s.e.x.

But, after gaining a special relations.h.i.+p with Marika, and seeing that she had to have s.e.x with you as well, then it all fell into place. She accepted it. She realized that she had to be tied up for the rest of her life, but also that its not a bad thing for her

Becoming part of our family guarantees that she can continue playing her piano, and even allow her to have a partner relations.h.i.+p with Marika.

Then, Maki accepted the situation at hand.

But, that would make Maki someone who depends on Marika, and doesnt think for herself, right?

Minaho-neesans right, around the time before and after she had s.e.x with me, Maki just follows what Marika said. Makis thoughts are blinded.

Thats why, it was right to add Izumi-san, whos dependent on Maki, as her pet. Makis actions and speech have become more proactive as soon as she found someone below her, someone she has to protect, right?

Oh, so it was Minaho-neesan who suggested to Marika to take Izumi as their pet

I finally figured it out.

Yes. Its my job to break girls down to their understandable form

Thats Minaho-neesans past.

In the brothel s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke controlled, the kidnapped prost.i.tutes werent allowed to go mad or die from weakness.

Minaho-neesan made the prost.i.tute form a relations.h.i.+p of dependence on each other, so they could stay strong in their difficult lives.

Just like Marika and Makis lesbian partners.h.i.+p.

Izumi as a pet is also a relations.h.i.+p.

This is an idea from her past experience.

Oh, I see. I didnt understand that even if explained upfront

Even if Marika told me that shes going to get a pet with her partner this morning

My head would just panic.

I get it now because I experienced the process of Minaho-neesans plans carried out one-by-one.

By the way, I think that just like youre sister, youve come to see your true nature

Kyouko-san told Matsumoto Miki-san.

Just like your sister, you were also meek. But now


Youre exposing your unyielding selfish nature

Miki-san trembles.

I-Im not like that!

No, you are, everyone in here thinks that way

Kyouko-san laughs.

Well, youre about to have s.e.x tomorrow so youll figure it out, along with what happened to your sister


Once again, Miki-sans body turned stiff when the topic of s.e.x is brought up.

Wasnt it mentioned earlier? No matter the process, in the end, itll happen as we want it to. Its already decided that youll have his child. Whats left is the process, whether its scary and painful rape or gentle s.e.x, thats all

Kyouko-sans words are heavy.

Miki-san fell silent.

Dont worry. Kous good at s.e.x, even when its Maki-chan and Izumi-chans first time, they didnt seem to be that hurt, right?

Mariko said brightly, but

Well, thats because of their const.i.tution. I need to spread open their v.a.g.i.n.a with my fingers and see inside to know

I replied.

Oh, forgot about that. I guess thats also necessary to turn it into an understandable form

Minaho-neesan said and took something from behind.

This is necessary for pets, right?

Saying that Minaho-neesan brings in a black collar.

The owner needs to put this on her.

Its to understand whos the owner, and whos the pet.

Yeah, do you have another one, Minaho-neesan?

I had an idea, a way to make it easier to understand.

Give me a moment, I have two more

Minaho-neesan goes to the other room again.

Then, take those two

I said.

Huh, are you putting one on our necks too?

Mariko looked at me in surprise.

No, not you girls, but those who are in the mansion

I replied.

Yes, thats it. You figured it out. Thats what we wanted you to understand

Kyouko-san said happily.

Our conversation with Minaho-neesan and Kyouko-san ended.

Then, we went to the shower room too.

We have to wash quickly and return to the mansion.

Ruriko, Mariko, Luna, and Michi went with me to the bathroom naked.

Kinos.h.i.+ta-san and Kurose Anju left to clean up the camera.



Maki and Izumi raised their voice as we suddenly came in.

Marika, Maki, and Izumi are filled with bubbles.

The three of them seem to be having fun.

Hey, uhm


Unlike Marika who just looked at us like it was normal.

Maki and Izumi are hiding from my gaze with their hands.

Theyre not accustomed to exposing their naked body to me yet.

The bathroom has brighter lights than the bedroom.

Maki and Izumi, dont hide it. We all had s.e.x with Kou-kun already

Marika said with a smile.

Oh rightwe got stared a lot earlier in the bed after all

We were seen, licked, fondled, and even had his p.e.n.i.s go inside of us

Mariko laughed and told Maki.

Ahaha, right

Maki also laughed.

She stopped hiding her body.

Izumi hides behind Maki, not showing me her body.

Its no time to have fun in the shower, just wash off the sweat for now. Once we got back to the mansion, we have a bigger bath there

Mariko told Marika and the girls.

Sorry, I just had fun was.h.i.+ng Izumi

Uhm, Marika-oneesama..

Izumi, didnt you also wash Maki?

Yeah, the three of them are closer now.

The relations.h.i.+p between MarikaMaki

Oh, right. Kou-kun

Marika spoke to me.

Kou-kun, which do you prefer, cat or dog?


Look, Izumis become Marika and my pet, but

Maki asks me bashfully.

Were still debating whether Izumi should be our dog or cat


Is bird or hamster not in the choices?

Mariko asks.

Hmmm, I dont think Izumi fits with the small animal category

I knew it, it has to be cat or dog

Marika says while was.h.i.+ng Izumis head with the shower.

Kou-kun, which one?


Since its Izumi, I think that shes much more like a faithful dog to Maki, but

Izumis true nature is of a dumb girl

I think that has more of a cat feel

I think, cat?

I replied.

So he says, Izumi

Then, do it as agreed earlier

Marika ordered Izumi and then

I-I understand, nyan

She became a girl who ends her sentence with Nyan

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