Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1441

Chapter 1441

Chapter 1441


I fell exhausted on top of Izumis body.

Ive been having s.e.x continuously for a while now, Im tired.

I bury my face in Izumis soft sweating b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Izumis flushed skin feels nice on my cheeks.

Kou-kun, did you let out a lot?

Marika whispers.

Yeah, I did

My d.i.c.k is still inside Izumi.

Marikas right, s.e.x with Izumi is great.

Its not so much about our body compatibility, but rather, Izumis body is very much suited for s.e.x.

She gets wet easily, and shes tight. Shes slender, but shes huge in the right places.

Above all that.

When I hold Maki, I feel like I had to be delicate in s.e.x, like handling something fragile, but

When doing it with Izumi, I feel like she can take it in even if I go rougher, Im sure of it.

Shes definitely going to love s.e.x.

Thats why I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed with all I got.


I sucked Izumis still stiff nipples.


Izumi, whos sensitive all over, makes a cute moan.

So cute, Izumi

Maki kisses Izumis cheeks.


Izumis crying.

Dont forget. Izumis at her cutest when Kou-kuns having s.e.x with you. And so, show us more of Izumi having s.e.x with Kou-kun, okay?

Uuuu, yes

Izumi looks up at her master and nodded.

Now, say thanks to Kou-kun. Say Thank you for taking Izumis virginity

Marika, Izumis other Master, orders her.

Thank you fortaking Izumis virginity

Izumi looked up at me with teary eyes and said.

Kou-kun can have his way with you wherever and whenever right?

Yes. I understand

Izumis transformation into a pet has been completed.

Im pulling out

I finally got up and pull my p.e.n.i.s out of Izumi.


As soon as my glans popped out, Izumis body wriggled a bit.

A little later and my s.e.m.e.n drips down from Izumis slit.

White fluid is mixed with virgin blood.

Okay, stay still

Ruriko and Michi record Izumis post-deflowering image.

Here, Nii-san

Lunas always so thoughtful, offering me a wet towel.

Well do it, its our pets blood

Marika said, took the wet towel, and wiped my p.e.n.i.s, which was coated with virgin blood, sweat, love nectar, and s.e.m.e.n.

Ill do it too

Maki said. I had deflowered Maki and Izumi was continuous.

Yes, wipe it too, Maki

I understand, Marika

The cold towel feels nice.

Come here you three, you should take a photo together. This is a good opportunity

Mariko said.

Well, lets take a picture

Marika nods, and four naked bodies line up on the bed.

Izumi, dont hide it. Were recording it all

Yes, Maki-sama

Theyre not hiding their b.r.e.a.s.t.s and crotch.

The photos capture their lewd consecutive s.e.x with me.


Im done, now take photos with three of you

Pets and two owners, leaving the three cla.s.smates in a new relations.h.i.+p.

I left the bed.

I feel heavy.

Yes, Nii-san, sit here. Do you want cold drinks?

Luna brings a chair to me.

Thanks, Ill pa.s.s on drinks.

I sat down on the chair naked.

The photo session continues in bed.

Maki, lets have the next one like this

Yes, Marika. Izumi, do it like this

Yes, Maki-sama

The three girls I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed with inside the v.a.g.i.n.a looks like they were having fun.

They have a tremendously close relations.h.i.+p because they have completely lost their mental barriers.

I think we can join in now, right?

Mariko told Marika.

Yes, you can, it cant be just us

Yes, Maki, from now on were sisters, so lets have our pictures taken together

Luna-chan, come here too, lets take photos in turns

Mariko called Michi too, but

Sorry, but its about time

A voice comes from the darkness.

From a s.p.a.ce that should be empty.

Dont be surprised, or should I say that you shouldnt be surprised

Luna uses her Miko power, so n.o.bodys surprised.

They accept it as such.

Its already twenty minutes over the schedule

Minaho-neesan, who was supposed to have gone back to the prost.i.tute cadets place in the bas.e.m.e.nt, shows up.

We can postpone the photo session later

Kyouko-san, still dressed as Chemin Koda, is also here.

Both of them pretended to leave.

In fact, they were there the whole time, out of sight.

We just didnt notice them.

No, Luna did that.

I think that Minaho-neesan gave the order beforehand.

First of all, here

Minaho-neesan offers Maki a pill and water.

Its a drug to prevent pregnancy. Marika and everyone drink it

Maki, who just lost her virginity and received a creampie, is at risk of pregnancy

Drink it, Maki,


Maki receives a pill and cup and drinks it.

Then, she looked at Izumi.

Izumi also looked at Minaho-neesan with a disheartened gaze.

Theres none for you. Isnt that obvious? You werent expected to have s.e.x with Kou

She laughs.


Izumi trembles.

Youre Marika and Maki-sans pet, right? Then it shouldnt matter if you get pregnant now. Either way, its already decided that youll give birth to his child

N-No way


Just kidding. How could I not have antic.i.p.ated that? I prepared one not just for you, Miki-san, Anju-san, and even Kinos.h.i.+ta-san

Minaho-neesan laughed and shows us a gla.s.s container with pills in it.

But you know, youre a pet, arent you, Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi-san?


Matsumoto Maki-sans accepted in the family. So, she gets the contraceptive without questions, but since youre a pet, you need to do something before receiving anything, right?

Minaho-neesan said. Maki reacts faster than Izumi.

Izumi, bow your head. Then, ask to let you have the contraceptive

Izumi realized.

Then, she prostrates herself to Minaho-neesan.

Her forehead rubs on the bed sheet.

Please give me the contraceptive!


Well done, Maki-san, Marika dont forget to train your pet. Poorly trained pets are kicked out

Im sorry, Minaho-san

Ill be careful

Marika and Maki bows their head.

You need a clear distinction between family and pets, otherwise, girls like Izumi-san get carried away quickly

I forgot that Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis a cute girl, but shes kind of dumb.

If you dont watch her all the time, she could go and do something beyond the realm of a pet, causing trouble to the other family members.

Heres your pill, once you drink it, you swear that youll have s.e.x with Kou, anytime, anywhere, as long as Kou asks for it

Minaho-neesan hands the pill to Izumi.

Make the pledge, Izumi, youre our pet

Make the vow to Minaho-san

Its different from her pledge in s.e.x earlier.

Now shes making the pledge in front of Minaho-neesan and Kyouko-san, the adults.

I swear

Izumi replies.

Ill have s.e.x with Kou-kun-san wherever, whenever

Just Kou

Yes, Ill have s.e.x only with Kou-kun-san

Oh, Lunas tying Izumi to the words shes saying.

Good, heres your pill

Minaho-neesan handed Izumi her pill.

Izumi, water

Maki hands the water gla.s.s to Izumi.

T-Thank you, Maki-sama

Izumi drinks her contraceptive pill.

You can stay at the mansion tonight. I already told your school and dorm about it

Minaho-neesan tells Marika and the girls

Well send you to school tomorrow morning by car


Makis confused.

Marika spends Sat.u.r.days and Sundays at the mansion, and she rides a car to school on Monday morning so she doesnt have a problem with it.

But, Maki came from the school dorm today, with the a.s.sumption that Marikas connection will let them meet someone from the Kouzuki house, and she might get a scholars.h.i.+p.

Thats all her dorm friends know too.

They didnt expect to stay the night out of the dorm.

No, the news of Maki becoming a scholars.h.i.+p student of Kouzuki house has already reached her school and the dorm.

We can use whatever pretext we want so she could stay out of the dorm.

But, Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi, who forcibly followed Maki and Marika, cant give any reason why she stayed out with Maki.

The students at the school know that Izumis skills wont be enough to make her a scholar like Maki.

Dont mind it, shes your pet, right?

Minaho-neesan smiled at Maki.

The school already agreed to change your dorm rooms, so the three of you will be in the same dorm from now on

The three are in the same room.

Even your school has a connection to the Kouzuki house and its foundation. Since its an opportunity, we got a little unreasonable and they accepted it

Makis a student at their school, and shes become a scholars.h.i.+p student of the Kouzuki house.

Using that opportunity, there could be students who get selected as scholars.h.i.+p recipients in the future, providing the school with more support

There will be people who will say bad things about you, and so you should show off your power with all your might

Although all of the students recognize Makis skills in piano

That also means that there will be people getting jealous and talking behind her back for being a scholar.

If so, then doing something as absurd as changing the dorm rooms as Maki wants, could show that she has influence over the school.

On the other hand, if you say that youll return to your dorms, the teachers will have to wait for you to arrive. Theyd want to hear the details of Maki-sans scholars.h.i.+p, and itll turn into an interview that goes past midnight

Minaho-neesan said.

If youre going home tomorrow, the teachers can go home today, and everything will have to be postponed for tomorrow. Thatll make them happy

If we consider the burden on the teachers, then thats for the better.

And so, Izumi-san shouldnt go home today either

It would be weird if only Izumi went back to the dorm. Shes been with Maki in the girls for a long time so they also will question her.

That aside, Izumi-san, do you want to go back to the dorm by yourself?


Iwith Maki-samaI want to be with Maki-sama and Marika-sama


I mean, it would be bad to send her back home in that state.

Nows the time to strengthen the relations.h.i.+p between pets and owners.

About that, Izumi-san

Kyouko-san suddenly speaks up.

Could you not call them with -sama but -oneesama instead?


Uhm, but Izumis at the same age as us

Maki said.

Thats whats great about it, dont you think? Its silly. It looks like youre fooling around when you get called Onee-sama by someone of the same age. And other people would just think of it that way

Kyouko-san said.

If Maki-san and Izumi-san had a relations.h.i.+p, then itll look like two lesbian girls, and some of the students may feel disgusted. Even with Maki-san and Marika-sans relations.h.i.+p, there will be some disgusted by the relations.h.i.+p, but

Kyouko-san said.

If you add the power word saying Onee-sama between the three of you, then they cant tell if youre joking, serious, and its funny to watch from the outside perspective

Izumis accepted by the students as the cute and silly girl, and if they see her calling someone of the same age Onee-sama, then that would be funny to them Theyd smile at it.

Being a comedian is powerful after all

Maki looks at Izumi.

Okay Izumi, from now on call me Maki-oneesama, and Marika as Marika-oneesama

Yes, Maki-oneesama, uhm


I also like being called Maki-oneesama. Onee-sama

She blushed and replied.

Well then, Maki-san, Marika-san, and Izumi-san could you three take a shower for now?

Kyouko-san said.

We just have something important to discuss with him

She smiled and looked at me.