Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1426. Next Mission / Music Release

Chapter 1426. Next Mission / Music Release

Chapter 1426. Next Mission / Music Release

W-What about you? Do you enjoy tormenting me like this?

Elder Matsumoto glares at us.

Youre just a kid who knows nothing about hard work, I started a small pharmacy alone, and now I have expanded it to 1500 stores all over the country

He talks about this in this place, but

Thats all he can talk about.

Ive gone through such hards.h.i.+ps that many of you could never imagine! Ive been betrayed, deceived, and gone through crisis, and almost gone bankrupt so many times. But I overcame all those hards.h.i.+ps!

Elder Matsumoto speaks desperately, but we only look at him with cold eyes.

What Im doing is real work! I fight against reality, and established my standing through blood and sweat! Music is different from risky business!

I dont understand what youre trying to say

Kyouko-san, disguised as Chemin Koda, mocks him.

Of course people like you who cling go the power of the n.o.bility will never understand. Im Matsumoto Hiroki! I live standing on this earth with my own power, Im not like you

Elder Matsumoto rants.

Youll never understand my life thats filled with hards.h.i.+ps!


I dont understand, and its not like I want to understand either

I said.

n.o.body can understand everything about a single persons life, just as Matsumoto-san doesnt understand mine or Rurikos life

Obviously! Lives of rich peoples sons or daughters are none of my business!

But at least we do make an effort to understand the people we interact with. No matter who it is

I looked at Shou-neechan.

Do we have the papers on Matsumoto from Kouzuki SS?

Of course, we did our investigation

Shou-neechan smiles.

First, tell me how Matsumoto-san started his pharmacy business


Shou-neechan pulls her tablet and reads her report.

She had it all memorized, but when in front of people like Matsumoto-san, then its the style of Kouzuki SS to read out the report formally.

Matusmoto Hiroki-sama, full name, Matusmoto Hirokichi. Born in Oita prefecture. After graduating from middle school, he moved to Tokyo in a group employment, graduating from night high school while working at a pharmaceutical factory. He gained scholars.h.i.+p from the pharmaceutical company and went to Asano university in their college of pharmacy

Oh look, you also got scholars.h.i.+p

Mariko points out.

After graduating, he joined the pharmaceutical company who gave him the scholars.h.i.+p, but left after four years due to poor interpersonal relations.h.i.+ps within the family. With the help of relatives from his hometown, he opened his first store named Kusuri no Matsush*ta Hiroki in 1975

Shou-neechan reads elder Matsumotos past.

I want to hear whats next

Yes. After his arrannged marriage in 1977, with the help of his wifes family, he opened his second pharmacy in 1981. The chain grew to an urban drugstore expanding to 300 stores in j.a.pan by 1988 as they ride the boom of the bubble economy. By 1998, they reached 500 stores, and listed in the first section of the Tokyo stock exchange. Currently, they have expanded their business to 1500 branches. Thats all


Receiving help from scholars.h.i.+ps, from relatives, from his wifes family, and even when you were expanding your store, you received help from a lot of people, havent you?

It wasnt as elder Matsumoto said, he didnt grow the drugstore chain by himself.

He always had help from someone.


Elder Matsumoto falters.

Thats also included in the report. All of Matsumoto-samas circles, and the people who supported him, all of it

Shou-neechan said.

Elder Matsumotos company is so big that its usually included in the Kouzuki SS surveys.

I also know Matsumoto-samas backers from the other side

Minaho-neesan said and laughed.

Elder Matsumoto came here because Minaho-neesan invited him.

Minaho-neesan holds information to be a middleman.

Matsumoto-san also received help from others, so why do you say that its wrong for Matsumoto Maki-san, and Miki-san to receive help from the Kouzuki world cultural exchange center as scholars.h.i.+p recipients? How can being a scholar and receiving help be a bad thing?

I asked.

No, I received scholars.h.i.+p when I was younger, and the Kouzuki houses scholars.h.i.+p is

Whats the difference? Both of them are aid to those who are young and have dreams and talents. Matsumoto-sans grades in night high school was good, and they see that you desire to study more, thus, they gave you scholars.h.i.+p, didnt they? When you opened up your store, your relatives mustve lent you money because they wanted to help Matsumoto-sans dream, didnt they?

One cant survive by themselves.

Someones always helping you no matter when.

Maki-san and Miki-san are the same. They can become scholars.h.i.+p students because their musical talent is recognized. Theyre just like you, Matsumoto-san

No, theyre not!

Elder Matsumoto.

You can study music all your life and still not make it! You could spend your whole life in music and still not make a living out of it! Theres plenty of those artists in the industry! I dont want to send my granddaughters to a half-baked world where they might fail

The grandfather said, the siblings tremble.

Is that why youre telling them to stop studying music and work at your drugstore?

Marikos speaking angrily.

Yes, in pharmacy, they can be sure with their living expenses!

So, is running a pharmacy that easy?

Mariko stirs him up.

Easy?! Do you think businesses are easy?! Do you think working with sweat on your forehead is easy?

Elder Matsumoto is angry, but

Even pharmacies are a tough business to run, right? Theres no such thing as a job that succeeds easily. If thats the case, then its no different than Matsumoto-san and others who want to pursue music career

Mariko said.

Theres plenty of management slobs out there who failed at running a company

You brat, dont say it like youve heard of it!!

Even your drugstore chain could fail and go bankrupt, right? I know

How could I possibly fail! Ive been in this business for forty years!

Who knows what the future holds! At the very least, Im not investing in your company

Kaan Momoko-neechan has influenced Mariko in buying and selling stocks.

My company doesnt need investments from a small girl like you!

Elder Matsumoto shouts at Mariko out of anger, but.,

You have your company listed in public, dont you? Dont be stupid

Mariko strikes back.

Maybe if the company was still small, being the founder of the company with your vitality and self-righteousness could grow to some extent, but if the head of the company is such a narrow minded man, then you wont develop in the future

Are you saying that Im wrong?! Im already past my 70s! Im a business owner who grew an entire company in my lifetime! What could you possibly know?!

Your past is just history! What Im talking about is the future!

Whats ahead.

Grandfather told me once that its jeopardizing to have the founder who grew the company in one generation to continue leading the company when theyre old. Especially on companies where the charismatic founder is making a top-down, one-man decision on everything. Once the aging leader makes a wrong decision, the whole company can collapse in a heartbeat. The most dangerous part is when the founder is over 70 years old, just like you, who doesnt realize that his senses no longer step up with the times

Dont make fun of me la.s.s!

I mean, you have no interest in other peoples opinion! You just shout like youre the boss, and you dont even understand the position youre in right now! Someone as rude as you isnt qualified to be a leader!

Youre rude! Who do you think I am?


Im the who should be asking you that! Im Torii Mariko. I gave my greetings earlier. In short, youre picking a fight with Torii electronics right now, do you get it?!

Youre also being hostile to the Kouzuki group

Mariko said. Shou-neechan added.

Youre exposing your disgraceful behavior in front of Kouzuki Ruriko-sama

Elder Matsumoto realized.

Marikos the daughter of the president of Torii electronics, a global manufacturer of electrical equipment, and Rurikos the granddaughter of the head of the Kouzuki house, the family that unites the n.o.bility.

Rurikos silently and coldly staring at elder Matsumoto.

Ruriko-sama will tell Kouzuki Kakka your behavior just now, and I will tell my Father too. Ill also tell the various businessmen Im in contact with

Mariko said.

A-Are you trying to threaten me?

Elder Matsumoto tries to act brave, but

Were merely just stating facts. Its the truth that your att.i.tude and speech had made Ruriko-sama and me feel uncomfortable

The room fell silent.

Elder Matsumotos shaking, hes reaching his limit.

Mariko, time out

I stopped Mariko.

Thanks to you, I finally figured Matsumoto-san out

That is to say;

Matsumotoo-sans the type of person who doesnt listen to other peoples opinions, and just do whatever he wants. Thats why his son had no choice but to leave home and start his own business

I look at the Matsumoto siblings.

I heard from Maki-san and Miki-san that their father had started a small trading company separated from their grandfather.

Then, he got sick and pa.s.sed away recently.

You never had a proper discussion with your son for years, even decades, have you?

The son didnt want to take over the drugstore chain under his father.

Its because he refused to let elder Matsumoto take control of his life.

So what?

Elder Matsumoto glares at me.

Then that means that you never had a proper conversation with Maki-san and Miki-san, have you? You never asked them directly what their dreams for the future are, far from that

I think

I bet you never heard them play music at all, have you?

The Matsumoto siblings look at me.

Never, so what about it? I didnt ask because it wasnt necessary. If I had time to go to my granddaughters concert, then Id spend that time doing business. Thats how I built my status

I knew it.

Then, lets have him hear it, Minaho-neesan

I looked at Minaho-neesan.

Yes, we have it prepared in the hotel

She smiled.

If were in a hotel, then theyd have a piano.

Then, lets go to the next room

Shou-neechan said.


Elder Matsumoto refuses, but

Oh, are you saying that you lost the fight already?

Mariko provokes him.

If you dont listen to their performance, then you lose. You lose as a person, and as a manager

How is this related to management!

I dont think that someone in management business, should make Ruriko-sama or me feel any more uncomfortable than we already are

Mariko said. Ruriko;

Would you like to join us and listen to your granddaughters play?

She speaks calmly.

Itll only take a short time

Elder Matsumoto;

If youll end it right away, then Ill bear with it

Then, Shou-neechan lead us.

We went to the next room.

The room next door was also a hotel banquet room, but its a large party room, much larger than the room we were at earlier

Then, in the room is

Two grand pianos.

Marika, play together with Matsumoto-san

Minaho-neesan told Marika.

But Im

Marikas surprised, she looked at Maki-san.

If its just Maki-san, she might get too nervous that she cant play, so help her out, Marika

I appointed her.

Maki-san and Miki-san are afraid of elder Matsumoto.

Hes someone who oppresses them, someone they dont understand.

But, since hes their grandfather, they want to understand him from the bottom of their hearts.

They cant ruin this chance to perform in front of their grandfather because theyre too nervous.

This might be their first and last time to perform in front of your grandfather, so I hope you wont have regrets

Minaho-neesan said. The Matsumoto sisters still look lost.

Their faces show their worry.

Hold my hand, Maki-san, Miki-san

Luna holds their hands.

Look into my eyes, now take a deep breath, suu, haa, suu, haa

Luna uses her Miko power to cleanse Maki-san and Miki-san with every breath, relaxing them.

Okay, youre good. Play like its usual

Luna said.

Marika also made her resolve.

Shall we go with Panchelbels Canon?

She suggested to the Matsumoto sisters.


I understand

The Matsumoto sisters have also strengthened their resolve.

Miki-san opens her violin case.

Matsumoto-sama, sit here

Kyouko-san, disguised as an elderly woman, asked elder Matsumto to take a seat.

Elder Matsumoto, whos about to listen to the sisters, should also relax.


Elder Matsumoto took a seat.

Then, well begin

Matsumoto Maki-san told her grandfather

Then, she looked at Marika, and her sister.

Then, the two gave Maki-san the signal with their eyes.

They started their musical performance.


I felt this in the music room earlier this morning, but

Those who have talent in music makes it sound different.

The sound from the piano and violin is transparent, pure

Its beautiful.

You wont consider this coming from a middle school, and high-school students.

The sound is thick, clean, and vivid.

This performance is worthy of receiving scholars.h.i.+p from Kouzuki world cultural exchange center. I think that everyone can agree to that.

Maki-san and Miki-sans performance was perfect, but

Marika and Maki-sans music completely blends together.

Its even better than the performance earlier today.

The trust and love between the two of them is something you feel in this performance.

Before long

Their five minute performance ended.

n.o.body spoke for a while.

Were immersed in the reverberation of the music.


What do you think, Matsumoto-sama?

Kyouko-san speaks to elder Matsumoto as Chemin Koda.

Kouzuki world cultural exchange center accepts Matsumoto Maki-sama and Miki-sama as recipients of scholars.h.i.+ps. Well do our best to support them in the future. Its already set in stone. Whatever Matsumoto-samas opinions may be, well make sure that both of them become world cla.s.s performers

Elder Matsumoto

Tears are flowing out of his eyes.


He speaks in a small voice.

Is there anything I can do for my granddaughters?


I didnt expect such a great performance. I cant believe that my granddaughters can play music like this

Hearing their actual performance changed elder Matsumotos mind.

I was wrong. They should continue their music studies. You are right

Elder Matsumoto speaks honestly to Chemin Koda, who looks like an old lady.

Butis thereis there nothing I could do for them?