Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1425. Next Mission / Source of Fear

Chapter 1425. Next Mission / Source of Fear

Chapter 1425. Next Mission / Source of Fear

Inside a room in the hotel that Minaho-neesan owns.

Elder Matsumotos staring at us, sitting to cover his granddaughters from him.

I can roughly imagine the main gist of this

He spats out.

Im sure that you have a lot planned for my grandchildren, but

Elder Matsumoto, the grandfather of Maki-san and Miki-san, is against them continuing their music studies.

Thats why Maki-san consulted with her friend in high school, and then that friend went to Ruriko of the Kouzuki house.

One can guess that this place is set up to convince Elder Matsumoto to let them continue their music studies.

Even Shou-neechan and Kyouko-san as Chemin Koda show that information to Elder Matsumoto.

However, youve gone too far. I dont like this kind of scare the adults kind of approach

Elder Matsumoto speaks, choosing his words carefully, trying to take the upper hand from the room where its just women and children present.

Of course, Im well aware of the power of the Kouzuki house, one of the biggest families in j.a.pan, and I have no intention to bow to that power, but I do have some respect for the Kouzuki house. But, I dont like it when they let kids use the power of their house for these kinds of pranks. Its displeasing

Elder Matsumotos sweating on his forehead.

Marika holds Maki-sans hand and Luna holds Miki-sans shoulder, calming down their minds.

My granddaughters future is the concern of my family, it doesnt matter if its Kouzuki house or whatever, but its not something you can meddle in! What youre doing is utterly stupid! Trivial! Foolis.h.!.+

Elder Matsumoto tries to be rough, but it only works on his granddaughters.

Were already accustomed to this kind of tension.

A-Anyway, Im going back with my granddaughters! Theyre my grandchildren, so of course, you wont mind

Elder Matsumoto feels uncomfortable that were not agitated.

However, his common sense says that a grown man like himself cant let a group of children and women in front of his eyes defeat him.

Elder Matsumotos judgment has been derailed.

Maki, Miki! Were coming home! Come!

Elder Matsumoto calls his granddaughters with a stupid voice.



Maki-san and Miki-san trembles.


Pfft. Kukukuku, kukukuku

Minaho-neesan laughs maliciously.

Whats funny?!

Elder Matsumoto glares at Minaho-neesan.

Sorry, but I cant help it. The situation is just too funny

Minaho-neesan smiles.

If only Matsumoto-sama had a bit more sensible imagination. Thats unfortunate

I dont recall anything that a woman from the other side can use to make fun of me

Im not ridiculing you, but you should keep your mouth closed for a while

Minaho-neesan overwhelms elder Matsumotos anger with her dark atmosphere.

Kouzuki-sama isnt someone as naive as Matsumoto-sama thinks. Hes much more scary and relentless than you think


Elder Matsumoto fell silent.

He realized that the situation was indeed strange, n.o.body other than his granddaughter is reacting no matter how much he tries to be rough and yell.

Then, Ill give my report to Kouzuki Ruriko-sama

Shou-neechan, the representative of Kouzuki SS, speaks up.

Kouda-san, go ahead

Yes, Im Koda from Kouzuki world cultural exchange center, and I will begin my report

Chemin Koda, who looks like a refined old woman in her 60s, bows her head to Ruriko.

Shou-neechan and Chemin Koda ignores elder Matsumoto.

Theyre showing the att.i.tude that the reports are made for Ruriko.

Please, Koda-san

Ruriko also replied to Koda elegantly.

Yes, Weve investigated the matter Ruriko-sama requested at Kouzuki world cultural exchange center

Chemin Koda continues her report with a voice of a calm old woman, which you cant imagine from Kyouko-sans usual voice.

First of all, Ive checked Matsumoto Maki-samas videos of all the concerts and compet.i.tions she attended. We also heard from the teachers at the school shes currently attending. The screening committee has concluded that the applicant is an excellent candidate for a first-cla.s.s scholar, with a rating of A plus for our Kouzuki world cultural exchange center.

Matsumoto Maki-sans shocked

Elder Matsumotos also surprised.

Could you explain what it means to be a first-cla.s.s scholar?

Ruriko asks.

Yes, for first-cla.s.s scholars, all of your tuition and living expenses will be provided by Kouzuki world cultural exchange center. The term is until she graduates from the college of music, but they can extend it further if they want to study music abroad. Of course, Kouzuki world cultural exchange center will be responsible for all the arrangements for her studies abroad and introducing musicians from overseas who will give her private lessons. If Matsumoto Maki-san wants to continue as a professional musician after her primary schooling, then well support her to step up and give her management crew as well

In short, Kouzuki house is guaranteeing Matsumoto Maki-sans future.

Also, weve reviewed Matsumoto Miki-samas concerts and compet.i.tions as well, and were pleased with her work. We also interviewed Matsumoto Miki-samas teachers

Kyouko-san, or should I say Chemin Koda continues to report.

However, Matsumoto Miki-samas still young, and her performance in compet.i.tions doesnt meet the criteria for the special scholars.h.i.+p. Therefore, weve concluded that Matsumoto Miki-samas suited for the special recommendation scholars.h.i.+p, under the next-generation talent development program.

What does that mean?

That means that theyre granted tuition fees on the condition that they take the training program designated by the Kouzuki world cultural exchange center. In addition, special recommendation scholars.h.i.+p students go to boarding music schools, and their dormitory and meal expenses are covered

In other words, if Miki-san were to enter the same dorm school as her sister, Kouzuki house will pay for both her tuition and living expenses.

Until then, she wont have as much support as her sister, Maki-san, but Miki-san will have enough money to continue her studies.

Of course, depending on her performance, we can change the support from special recommendation scholar to special scholar

Chemin Koda says, Ruiko.

Koda-san, thank you

She thanked her, then speak to the Matsumoto siblings.

Thats what Kouzuki world cultural exchange center will do just that. Is that good with you?



The Matsumoto siblings are surprised, they cant speak.

I think its good, Maki-san, Miki-san. You should accept it

Mariko smiled at the sisters.

You dont have to worry anymore, Matsumoto-san

Marika also smiled and told Maki-san.


H-Hey, wait!

Elder Matsumoto cuts in from the other table.

Why did it turn into this!? You cant just go ahead with that kind of conversation without going through me, their grandfather


Besides, music isnt something you can continue with money from other people



The Matsumoto siblings tremble from the threatening att.i.tude of their Grandfather.

Im sure youre aware of the fact that theres no such convenient scholars.h.i.+p program! They have a fixed application period!

Yes, in scholars.h.i.+ps you think of, but Kouzuki world cultural exchange centers special scholars.h.i.+p is available at any time. If we dont give exceptions in place, then we cant give the right support to those who are truly talented.

Chemin Koda immediately retorts.

Im telling you that this isnt right! My granddaughters dont have the talent to get that special a.s.sistance

Why would you say that? Matsumoto-sama, when did you understand music so well that you can judge the musical talents of your grandchildren?

Chemin Koda corners him.

How could I possibly know much about music!


Ruriko looked at elder Matsumoto.

Im not familiar with the music to select scholars.h.i.+p students, so I asked the experts at Kouzuki world cultural exchange center to make that conclusion


The experts found that both Maki-san and Miki-san are worthy recipients of the scholars.h.i.+p

But, theyre my grandchildren. Theyre daughters of my son, they cant have talent in music

Elder Matsumotos logic is just absurd.

Besides, I despise the very act of scholars.h.i.+p, relying on other peoples money! Such things are ideas for people who never worked for themselves! Music is just a stupid game! A useless hobby!! Its useless to tell a young lady of n.o.bility this but

I see

Mariko looks at elder Matsumoto with cold eyes.

It seems that talking to you is just a waste of time

Then, well proceed with Matsumoto Maki-sama and Miki-samas scholars.h.i.+p?

Chemin Koda told Ruriko.

Hey, wait!! Dont ignore me, their grandfather, and make decisions for yourself!!

Elder Matsumoto shouts violently.

Oh, why?

Kyouko-san, disguised as Chemin Koda, smiles.

Why you ask? Im the grandfather of those girls!

Elder Matsumotos voice is rough, but

Very well, youre their grandfather, but

Chemin Koda;

However, youre not the one who has custody of Matsumoto Maki-sama and Miki-sama, are you?


Its their mother that has the parental authority, Matsumoto-sama doesnt have any say in them

Chemin Koda said.

Ive contacted Maki-sama and Miki-samas mother, telling her about the special scholars.h.i.+p

The father of the Matsumoto sisters had died from an illness.

But, their mother is still alive, although I heard that shes in poor health/

So, they called the mother of the two.

What did Mother say?


The Matsumoto siblings ask Koda.

Their mother seems to have already heard from the teachers that Kouzuki world cultural exchange centers scholars.h.i.+p had interviewed them before we made a call. And since we told the teachers that both of them could be eligible for the scholars.h.i.+p program during the screening, so she already knew about the scholars.h.i.+p

The mother already knew beforehand that the Matsumoto siblings are considered for a scholars.h.i.+p program.

And then, their mother told me;


If Matsumoto Maki-sama and Miki-sama show a strong desire to continue their music study, then we have to confirm their intentions, and if they do, she accepts the scholars.h.i.+p program by all means. She sends her regards

Chemin Koda said.

She says that as a mother, shed like to do her best to support the two daughters as they pursue their dreams


MotherThank you

The sisters are tearing up.

I dont accept this! They can never continue their music studies!

Elder Matsumoto speaks adamantly.

Unfortunately, Matsumoto-sama has no say in this

Chemin Koda speaks coldly.

I have the say in this!! Im their grandfather!!

Yes you are, but you cant decide for Maki-sama and Miki-samas lives

But I

Im already telling you that you cant!


She may look like an old woman, but thats still Kyouko-san. She sends a strong intent to overwhelm elder Matsumoto

Then, why did you even call me here? Is it just so you can laugh at me as you take away my granddaughters?

Elder Matsumotos anger is turned at us.

So this is how the n.o.bility works!! n.o.ble people look down on people this much!! Dont screw with me!


The reason why I came here today is

Ruriko speaks calmly.

Is because my grandfather told me to figure out what kind of a person Matsumoto Hiroki is on his behalf


Ruriko speaks to Elder Matsumoto.

That shes Jii-chans proxy.

And from how I see it, I can regretfully tell Grandfather that Matsumoto Hiroki was a narrow-minded man

Ruriko speaks calmly.

A-Are you trying to threaten me?

Elder Matsumotos shaken.

Thats exactly it

Mariko said.

Ruriko-samas saying that youre that small and narrow-minded, and you just showed us an example


Elder Matsumoto falters.

Still, Ive been listening for a while, and theres something I just dont understand. Kou, why is it that Matsumoto-samas so adamantly opposed to Maki-san and Miki-san continuing their music studies?

Mariko looks at me.

The experts at Kouzuki world cultural exchange center, have already recognized their talents that theyll give them a special scholars.h.i.+p, Maki-sans mother even says Thank you, please take care of them That just means that their talent is highly appreciated

Relatives would normally be happy to have their daughters highly evaluated.

And yet, hes just absolutely against it. Hes so against them studying music that I dont get it


Its because he doesnt understand

I look at Elder Matsumoto and replied.

Matsumoto-san doesnt understand music. He cant understand the musical talents of Maki-san and Miki-san. Therefore, he cant understand, he cant accept it either

Thats why hes stopping them from pursuing music.

Isnt that just too selfish? Just because he doesnt understand, hes not letting Maki-san and Miki-san decide their lives

Mariko speaks honestly, and she cant hide her anger at elder Matsumoto.


I dont think thats all

I think.

After his conversation with Kyouko-san (Chemin Koda)

Im able to observe elder Matsumoto objectively.

Hes scared of what he doesnt know.


Matsumoto-san actually wants to be on good terms with Maki-san and Miki-san. But, he doesnt understand music. He doesnt feel comfortable that his granddaughters are living a life on their own, and hes afraid that he cant have a common topic to talk about with his granddaughters. Thats why hes scared

Thats why.

But if he takes them away from music, he can have a conversation in the world he understands. Its that simple


If I recall, Matsumoto-san wants Maki-san to quit music high school, move to an ordinary school, become a pharmacist, or open a drugstore, because, he wants to talk to his granddaughter about topics he has a lot to tell. He wants to be the teacher, the one above. Wanting to talk to each other while having a common ground

Elder Matsumoto wants Maki-san and Miki-san to stop their studies in music.

Whats with that? Thats too narrow-minded!

Mariko faced elder Matsumoto with a disgusted look.